3-Car Garage Homes

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yea its obvious 6utah is near the 5 but we went to check it out anyway... and honestly, if we didn't know the 5 was right there we couldn't hear anything, this was around 5pm peak rush hour time.  however, you can def hear the noise on nebraska, which is a street ovr and against the sound wall.  ???
Regarding freeway noise, you will find that 5pm rush hour isn't when there is the most noise... the most noise is when there is no traffic so trucks and motorcycles are creating the most ambient sound they can. These times are usually:


If you're buying a house near a freeway and want to see how loud it is, visit the location during these times to get an idea of what you're in for. The first two are especially important because that's usually when your trying to go to sleep and stay asleep.
NoSoup4U said:
irvinehomeowner said:

Why the 2am-5am gap?
That's when traffic is lightest and your sleep is probably the deepest... but a lot of big rigs do travel at that time... motorcycles, not so much.
I've heard an agent tell me that freeway noise sounds just like the ocean.
They probably have never lived next to a freeway.
NoSoup4U said:
I've heard an agent tell me that freeway noise sounds just like the ocean.

I've heard an agent tell a person at an open house that there were multiple offers, and that they should put an offer immediately if they wanted the house.
IndieDev said:
NoSoup4U said:
I've heard an agent tell me that freeway noise sounds just like the ocean.

I've heard an agent tell a person at an open house that there were multiple offers, and that they should put an offer immediately if they wanted the house.
I've heard that more times than I can count...I get so tempted to tell those realtards to STFU but knowing they lied after seeing that the property is still active a week later is pleasure enough.
irvinehomeowner said:
hunter11 said:
we actually went to check out 6Utah but it's already in backup offer.
Utah is active again... I wonder what is going on with it.
Maybe the buyer had unclogged their ears and could actually hear the freeway and had a change of heart?
College Park, being located south of the 5, seems like a healthier location than Oak Creek (south of Alton) which is North East of the 405 as winds are blowing from the ocean and carry noise and pollution.
Well, although the map seems to say that College Park is upwind and Oak Creek is downwind under normal wind conditions but that would be interesting to hear from residents.
Honestly I have not spent enough time in Oak Creek to say that it is less healthy than the College Park area.
I know I can hear a very intense freeway noise in Culverdale and Oak Creek seems as close to the 405 as Culverdale.
Surprisingly the noise of the 5 does not feel that intense North of the 5 in the Old Northwood - Raquet club neighborhood.
USCTrojanCPA said:
iacrenter said:
Here is another for you IHO:


This seller must be on crack or their walls are made of gold--$522/sqft!!! At least it has a 3CWG on the inner loop of Woodbridge.
$1.2m and all we get is one damn picture of the outside?  I want to see all that "customization" that the seller did. 

These guys also seem to have the same "pricing strategy" as 2 Malibu. They finally dropped their price to $999K but still at $435/sqft!  The home looks to have many upgrades but I doubt they are going to get that price--way over the area comps.
iacrenter said:
USCTrojanCPA said:
iacrenter said:
Here is another for you IHO:


This seller must be on crack or their walls are made of gold--$522/sqft!!! At least it has a 3CWG on the inner loop of Woodbridge.
$1.2m and all we get is one damn picture of the outside?  I want to see all that "customization" that the seller did. 

These guys also seem to have the same "pricing strategy" as 2 Malibu. They finally dropped their price to $999K but still at $435/sqft!  The home looks to have many upgrades but I doubt they are going to get that price--way over the area comps.
Finally some pictures.  Not bad, but nothing spectacular....what's up with that cheap carpet?  My guestimate is the home is worth closer to $900k than $1m.
i've always wondered why people put built in appliances like expresso makers into their kitchens.  What happens when it breaks?    When it gets old?    My mother's house came with a bunch of stuff, intercoms and the like that now are archaic eyesores that make you want to rip them out of the wall...  I've also seen a few older homes that had "state of the art" built in vacuums in the wall.  Horrible. 
akim997 said:
i've always wondered why people put built in appliances like expresso makers into their kitchens.  What happens when it breaks?    When it gets old?    My mother's house came with a bunch of stuff, intercoms and the like that now are archaic eyesores that make you want to rip them out of the wall...  I've also seen a few older homes that had "state of the art" built in vacuums in the wall.  Horrible. 

Of all obsolete things, central vac is not one of them, imo. The alternative is still the same as it was decades ago... dragging an upright around from room to room, including up and down stairs. Nothing has changed. If anything - central vac renders the upright obsolete. You'll never see them installed in cheap quality tract homes that are slapped together but they are still desirable and used.

I just bought a new refrigerator. I was glad to see that a recent model which came with a screen and web browser on the door had been axed. I always wondered what would happen if you get a virus on your fridge!

SoCal78 said:
akim997 said:
i've always wondered why people put built in appliances like expresso makers into their kitchens.  What happens when it breaks?    When it gets old?    My mother's house came with a bunch of stuff, intercoms and the like that now are archaic eyesores that make you want to rip them out of the wall...  I've also seen a few older homes that had "state of the art" built in vacuums in the wall.  Horrible. 

Of all obsolete things, central vac is not one of them, imo. The alternative is still the same as it was decades ago... dragging an upright around from room to room, including up and down stairs. Nothing has changed. If anything - central vac renders the upright obsolete. You'll never see them installed in cheap quality tract homes that are slapped together but they are still desirable and used.

I just bought a new refrigerator. I was glad to see that a recent model which came with a screen and web browser on the door had been axed. I always wondered what would happen if you get a virus on your fridge!

Simple, you'd end up with the bubonz...