I love listening to people?s stories; whoever they are. Whether they are my close friends, clients, wife or stranger. I love hearing about an experience someone have had about life. Even more than music, more than current news, more than talk radio I just love listening to real life stories.
I?ve been playing around with a few pod-catchers; but I still prefer checking out the individual websites and the old fashion manual downloads. I do love collecting the individual episodes...
You can find and download certain episodes yourself...
The Moth
The Story
Also... although, I have been reading more e-books lately;; but I still prefer the real deal... And Audible has been great...
currently listening & reading...
Heaven is for reals
To date, I have about 8.8gigs of stories... based upon that, one hour of This American Life is about 25 megabytes; I have about 352 hours of pure listening pleasure...
So... you guys might be asking... what does RC do when he?s listening to all of this... Well since I?m here in LA and not Irvine anymore... here are some of the things I?ve been busy with... oh, and since some of these activities might be a little foreign to some of you... I?ve included a few how to videos...
How to wash your own car
How to change your oil
How to mow your lawn
How to edge your yard
How to walk
How to use public transit
How to wash dishes
P.S. Thanks for giving me a facetious license lately... I?m so proud of the kid lately, he automatically goes and picks up the broom and dust pan when he sees leaves in the backyard; and he did great on his first bus ride yesterday... (we wanted to check out the Mighty Eagle at Barns); there are so many things I probably wouldn?t do or couldn?t do, living in Irvine; I?m so glad to be back, to raise my son to his full potential here... We love LA...!