Search results

  1. zubs_IHB

    Chino / Chino Hills

    So the 4.5% 30 yr fixed your friend use to have is Kaput?... Now it's probably 5.5% due to higher interest rates. They must be pissed....although as people have said here already, it may have been a good thing.
  2. zubs_IHB

    Foreclosure is the ?cure?

    the comments from that oc article are pretty good.
  3. zubs_IHB

    Trieu Chau - Santa Ana

    I remember going to this restaurant since I was in highschool. It's funny that I hadn't been there for 10 years, and when I went back recently, I still recognized the same servers. The owner still sits in his chair watching the customers and workers. If you ever go to Trieu Chau, order the...
  4. zubs_IHB

    Why US Housing ?Stabilization? Is the Mother of All Head Fakes

    atleast we are in the middle already. It would suck if we were only nearing the middle.
  5. zubs_IHB

    Historical nationwide median house prices?

    If I could still remember my college math courses and econometrics, I would do some mathfu on your data points to see if there is a corrolation between decreasing interest rates and rising home prices. A histogram could plot out the corrolation, and I would guess it would show a negative...
  6. zubs_IHB

    Am I right or my wife?

    Being house poor sucks. I prefer more money as opposed to more house.
  7. zubs_IHB

    Do you know people who are likely to lose their homes?

    When you're married and you apply for a loan by yourself, won't a smart bank check your significant others credit rating? This seems like the smart thing to do. I mean banks are really tightening their lending practices now arn't they?
  8. zubs_IHB

    Is now the good time for remodelling?

    IHB consensus is that housing will still fall 15 ~ 25%. If the house is just money to you, IHB will suggest you sell asap. But I'm sure your house is more than that to you. It's the house you raised your family in. For that it is priceless.
  9. zubs_IHB

    Cityplace in Santa Ana

    Although Kim_Eric seems kind of rude, it may just be a language barrier. Also, If Kim_Eric didn't post those questions, then I wouldn't have gotten all the info BK just gave out, so thank you Kim_Eric, and BKshopr.
  10. zubs_IHB

    Seeking Advice - Point Center Financial Investment

    I just read that article in the LA Times. At the end of it one of the investor's who is 78 had to take a reverse mortgage on his home to stay solvent, but still has trust in Point Center. He believes he'll get everything back when realestate turns around. The dudes 78. He's gonna have to...
  11. zubs_IHB

    Should she stay or should she go?

    tell your agent to read this forum so we can get some drama. Thanks.
  12. zubs_IHB

    Irvine Chinese Strategies

    that's annoying. posting once for every idea. couldn't you just have listed it...dam
  13. zubs_IHB

    Contamination under Irvine

    so living in Irvine causes cancer. thanks got it.
  14. zubs_IHB

    Marche Moderne

    Hi, I just went to Marche Moderene in South Coast Plaza, and here are some pictures of the food we ordered. The chicken was the best dish out of these 3. I would go there again. <fieldset class="gc-fieldset"> <legend> Attached files </legend> <a...
  15. zubs_IHB

    About to buy a place at Savannah in Columbus Grove - Any advice on the area and development?

    Lennar bought some cheap drywall back in 2006 and installed it in their home in Florida. There's a huge lawsuit going on over there. You may wanna check that out on google or something. It's also in the Architecture forum. When the weather got really humid, the drywall would smell like...
  16. zubs_IHB

    The Quiet Coup

    I think the IMF does great work as the lender of last resort I learned a lot about the IMF in grad school, and they were always portrayed in a positive light. When China stops buying US treasuries, the IMF will have to bailout the US. Funny that major funding of the IMF is from the US.
  17. zubs_IHB

    Economic Commentary

    From the post above, I think that the news is telling us that it's going to be a long road to hell. Could you write your interpretation of the news after each little snippet? In terms of wallstreet it means the dow 7700 we are at today will be back to 6700 by Summer. That's my guess.
  18. zubs_IHB

    Stadium Lofts

    These lofts are marketed to the young out of college crowd that still wishes to relive that life. When you see their ads, it's way more party oriented then family oriented. They play up the fact that they are by many hot spots like Gardenwalk and the block.
  19. zubs_IHB

    Stadium Lofts

    The saleslady told me they are only releasing 1 block of units for sale. There is a 2nd block of units slated for a Summer sale. The 2nd block is not part of the spring price list.
  20. zubs_IHB

    Buyer Beware..A tale of my own stupidity regarding Toll Bros.

    This is the internet, and people should be able to write what they want. If the site admin decides it's not appropriate, the admin will delete the post and suspend or ban the account. I don't like any type of censorship or control on someone's writing style. While I can appreciate...