Why US Housing ?Stabilization? Is the Mother of All Head Fakes

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Jun 3rd, 2009 | By Contrarian Profits | Category: Top Story

Recent signs of stabilization in the US housing market are ?likely to be the mother of all head fakes,? say Whitney Tilson and Glenn Tongue of value hedge fund T2 Partners. They say the signs of ?stabilization? are due to two short-term factors:

1) Home prices and sales are seasonally strong in April, May and June due to tax refunds and the spring selling season.

2) A temporary reduction in the inventory of foreclosed homes. Team Obama?s Homeowner Affordability and Stabilization Plan has stemmed the tide of foreclosures. But even if it is hugely successful, Tilson and Tongue estimate that it might only save 20% of homeowners who would otherwise lose their homes.

Not only is the US housing still unstable, it is also setting up for three more waves of mortgages meltdown. According to Tongue and Tilson, the first wave of the mortgage crisis happened in late 2006, when speculators began to default on mortgages and borrowers began to commit (or became the victim of) fraud. The second wave happened in early 2007 when borrowers began to default due to mortgage resets.

Despite the severity of these two waves of default, Tongue and Tilson reckon losses are ?mostly ahead of us.? This is how they describe the next three waves of mortgage defaults:

Wave #3: Prime loans (most of which are owned or guaranteed by the GSEs) defaulting due to job loss and home price declines (i.e., underwater homeowners). Timing: started to surge in early 2008 to the present.

Wave #4: Jumbo prime, second lien and HELOCs (most of which are on banks? books) defaulting due to job loss and home price declines/ underwater homeowners. Timing: started to surge in early 2008 to the present.

Wave #5: Losses among loans outside of the housing sector, the largest of which will be in the $3.5 trillion area of commercial real estate. Timing: started to surge in early 2008 to the present.

Tilson and Tongue are hedge fund managers with ?skin in the game,? and they have no interest in promoting Washington?s green shoots agenda ? two reasons why we listen when they speak.

They also correctly predicted in early 2008 that the housing crisis would get so bad that it would require large-scale federal government intervention ? a call precious few in Washington or the mainstream press got right.

In summary, Tilson and Tongue say we are only ?in the middle innings of an enormous wave of defaults, foreclosures and auctions.?

If they?re right, it means more pain ahead for banks and the muting of green shoots optimism as waves three, four and five of the housing crash impact the wider economy.
<a href="http://moremortgagemeltdown.com/download/pdf/T2_Partners_presentation_on_the_mortgage_crisis.pdf">Linky to all 69 pages of a PDF file for the T2 presentation with lots of chartpr0n</a>.
Mr. Mortgage on the subject:

<a href="http://www.fieldcheckgroup.com/2009/06/04/6-5-beware-real-estate-false-bottoms/">6-5 Beware Real Estate False Bottoms</a>
[quote author="graphrix" date=1244212919]<a href="http://moremortgagemeltdown.com/download/pdf/T2_Partners_presentation_on_the_mortgage_crisis.pdf">Linky to all 69 pages of a PDF file for the T2 presentation with lots of chartpr0n</a>.</blockquote>

Favorite comments from Mr. Mortgage in the T2 report

<blockquote>Because the majority of buyers are in ultra low and low-mid prices ranges, the supply- demand imbalance from foreclosures and organic supply <strong>will crush the mid-to-upper priced properties in 2009</strong>. We already have early seasonal <strong>hard data proving this</strong>. As the mid-to-upper end go through their respective implosions this year and the volume of sales in these bands increase as prices tumble, the mix shift will <strong>raise median </strong>and average house prices creating <strong>the ultimate in false bottoms</strong>. <strong>We also have data proving this phenomenon</strong>.</blockquote>
[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1244248775]Mr. Mortgage on the subject:

<a href="http://www.fieldcheckgroup.com/2009/06/04/6-5-beware-real-estate-false-bottoms/">6-5 Beware Real Estate False Bottoms</a></blockquote>

IR beat me to it. Looks like you and I both got giddy at page 63. :)
My fav chart from the MR. Mortgage report Irvine Renter provided

<img src="http://www.fieldcheckgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/sd-3rd-party-pres-val.png" alt="" />
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1244248978][quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1244248775]Mr. Mortgage on the subject:

<a href="http://www.fieldcheckgroup.com/2009/06/04/6-5-beware-real-estate-false-bottoms/">6-5 Beware Real Estate False Bottoms</a></blockquote>

IR beat me to it. Looks like you and I both got giddy at page 63. :)</blockquote>
I got the warm and fuzzies going through the whole thing...I OD'ed on the chart porn. haha
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1244249581]My fav chart from the MR. Mortgage report Irvine Renter provided

<img src="http://www.fieldcheckgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/sd-3rd-party-pres-val.png" alt="" /></blockquote>

What are those numbers? 300,000 houses can't be sold in San Deigo County on the courthouse steps every month.
[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1244259809]I believe that is dollar value.</blockquote>

So one house a month? That can't be it either, unless the number is in thousands or something.
do you know if the type/caliber of home changed over the last few months as it could be the price got steady or even picks a bit as the quality of homes auctioned at courts increases. i just went to an auction in OC in which they were auctioning a home from the pennisula in hb as an example. current mkt value was about 1.5mil ish so i think it could be a change in home caliber if i had to guess or people feeling like the end is near , time will tell.
[quote author="Geotpf" date=1244266201][quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1244259809]I believe that is dollar value.</blockquote>

So one house a month? That can't be it either, unless the number is in thousands or something.</blockquote>

The number represents the average price that investors purchased homes for at auction. Auction prices have been hovering around $300,000 for months. His point is that despite cheap prices in San Diego investors are NOT bidding up prices.
From Dr. Housing Bubble

<a href="http://www.doctorhousingbubble.com/foreclosure-reality-check-16-million-foreclosure-filings-with-5-months-of-data-california-notice-of-defaults-and-foreclosures-skyrocketing/">With two months of data for Q2 we are approaching a new record number of NODs for California </a>


First the argument was, ?housing will go down but not in California.? Next it was, ?housing will go down but not in mid to upper range areas.? Now the argument is, ?housing will not go down in prime areas.? The bottom line which people fail over and over to examine is local area incomes do not support prices even today. Period. It wasn?t incomes that supported these home valuations but Chucky Cheese mortgages that allowed fantasies to play out in a debt playground.</blockquote>
<a href="http://www.fieldcheckgroup.com/2009/06/14/6-14-the-next-foreclosure-wave/">Ding dong, over priced housing is soon to be gone, the foreclosure wave is here</a>

From Mark Hason aka Mr. Mortgage

<blockquote>In May, aggregate foreclosure activity was not down 4.6%, rather up 13.5%. On a more granular level, the takeaways are that <strong>Notice-of-Trustee Sales are up 100% from Feb to May and subsequent foreclosures are up 75% from March to May </strong>- these are significant events. Especially when considering that the housing market at the low end has been benefiting in part by the lack of inventory caused by the Q4 2008 - Q1 2009 moratoria.</blockquote>
<img src="http://www.fieldcheckgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/new-bar-2-stages.png" alt="" />