Buyer Beware..A tale of my own stupidity regarding Toll Bros.

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Oscar/Nude- I wasn't really making any accusations and as I said, I already believed that people who knew you were aware of this. And again, I really didn't care when Panda did it. But as far as signing up with another name like Panda, yes you did that, no judgments from me though, I guess I just don't like the word "accusation".
Toll Brothers is a builder that I have little respect for. This is a builder who can?t innovate just like Shapell by rebuilding 1980?s plans to cut down on research and development expenditure.

The post title just did not interest me at all but I figured with this many replies there got to be some drama. Wow, did I just miss a lot.

First, I welcome BBT. Consider yourself special to have a nickname this soon. ??? still does not have one yet. I did not get mine until the 600 posts.

First timers participating in this forum are not the financially savviest and that includes me. I learned quite a bit from the number experts and sometime I do regret my decision of purchasing a million $ home. The snarkiest posters are right about the financial equations.

However, there is a mental and emotional side that often been ignored in a financial equation and that is the pride of home ownership. I can freely pound that nail into that wall or paint that wall other than Swiss Coffee. It does bring a sense of closure of living in ?temporary? housing. The feeling of finally settled allowing the family to collect things and built shelving in the garage is a big part of family life and especially for those with kids.

I have been a homeowner for most part of my adult life and I would have a difficulty in adjusting to rental living. Yes, I am a member with senior standing but I do not live my life base on the theory of financial equations. I have lost equity in my home prior to joining IHB and continue to depreciate. I am still very satisfied knowing that my home continue to bring me happiness that I can?t be fulfilled by a rental. BBT is on the same boat as me.

Since I am not a $$ guru I learn from other experts here. I contribute my own strength and knowledge in different forums. BBT?s testimony is an aspect of consumerism related to housing industry. It is certainly valid in term of education.

The ultimate education is Oscar=Nude and Nude=Me learning to posting links, pictures and U-tube.
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1237500072]Oh... and did Oscar just pull a PANDA?</blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" />
When I post I try to make it my goal to communicate effectively. I think when a person addresses others with "snarky" comments the only thing that is communicated is that person thinks they are better than everyone else. If your goal is to communicate your superiority, then fine. But if you are trying to get the other person to consider your point of view, then you have a lot better chance if you don't color your sentences with words like stupid, idodic, etc.

I think if people displayed a little more tact on this forum we would all gain great deal more of information. Fear of judgement is often the number one reason for not sharing the truth and or a post. I come to this blog and forum in seek of knowledge not to hear people belittle others.
This is the internet, and people should be able to write what they want.

If the site admin decides it's not appropriate, the admin will delete the post and suspend or ban the account.

I don't like any type of censorship or control on someone's writing style.

While I can appreciate Zovall trying to grow this message board by asking people to be nice, I think there will be lost ideas and discussion if we are forced out of our internet personalities.

I also think drama will grow a message board much better than no drama.
We are not going to censor ideas. We are asking everyone to be civil and 'nice' to each other. IHB is a community where we should all treat each other with respect. FWIW, I am not interested in growing IHB via drama; I believe that the drama actually hurts IHB.

Closing this thread as it has derailed. I may reopen it when I can reorganize the posts better.