Yikes! My TV broke...

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<p>Hey Almon! Guess what?</p>

<p>I'm getting out more... going over to CalGal's house to take in the surround sound and watch mindless TV. </p>

<p>Hey, I have a life after all!</p>

<p> </p>
i remember those were all good brands when we were window-shopping 2 years ago. we bought a toshiba, loves it. back then the good brands were samsung and sony, with toshiba, mitsubishi and one other (can't remember but not pioneer) not far behind.

there's a personal taste factor involved too -> some brands' default settings like to emphasize certain colors which may especially appeal/repeal you. we rejected phillips because of that.

i think tv's are one of those things where i trust my eyes more than the specs...
Does anyone here have 4 to 5 remotes? My brother in law has like 4 remotes. One for the speakers, one for the cable, one for the dvd player, and of course one for the tv. Can't everything be done on one remote? I swear whenever I am at his house, I can never figure out which is which.
reason - then wait until you get a hi def big screen. the one single remote has 9 different input sources, my parents never can figure out how to use it. let's see: (1) antenna 1 (2) antenna 2 (3) colorstream 1 (4) colorstream 2 (5) hdmi (6) analog 1 (7) analog 2 (8) analog 3 (9) pc. you need a PhD for the damned thing. whenever my parents come over and watch tv and hit a wrong button, they just turn off the tv because they can't figure out how to get it back!
You can get a remote to run everything if you pay a few hundred to a few THOUSAND in some cases... and you still can't figure the thing out! Just check out the episode of The Osbornes to see Ozzy trying to figure out his remote! Funny episode!
<p>Effen - I think that only you and I would get the money honey comment. Well maybe almon caught it.</p>

<p>CalGal - Do you have On-Demand? I am behind on Entourage and we could have an IHB Entourage marathon.</p>
<p>No, sorry - we don't have On-Demand. Or maybe we have it and I don't know we have it.</p>

<p>Entourage is awesome. I just wish it was longer than 30 minutes each week. And it's probably only 20-25 minutes with last week's review and next week's scenes. I think this Sunday is the last episode for the season.</p>

<p>Gotta love Mark Wahlberg (producer). </p>
Hahaha. It's so true. Bro in law installed the same system for his parents. Again, with multiple remotes. I swear when I come over, I have to ask can someone turn on the tv please. I feel like such a nit wit. By the way, there's one remote that I do know how to use. The freaking ceiling fan remote.
unfortunately, "money honey" evoked this book:

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Money-Honey-Candid-Sale-Singapore/dp/9813056703/">http://www.amazon.com/Money-Honey-Candid-Sale-Singapore/dp/9813056703/</a>

that i found at the singapore airport!