Xmas gift ideas

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irvinehomeowner said:
Still only half finished... will hopefully get the rest done today. Most of our shopping is for kid relatives/friends so Target can usually accommodate that, plus ToysRUs is open 24-hours right now.

I'm worried about what to get for the adult relatives... but that's where I usually just get lazy and go the gift card route.

Did you finish your shopping? You still have until 6-7pm before the malls close.

My email account is getting bombarded by coupons from all the stores looking for last minute sales.
So, Mrs. IHO braved Target and Mission Viejo Mall yesterday and got most of her shopping done. We went to SCP (again) last night for one more gift and it was actually not that crowded around 8pm.

Just got back from a Target/Gamestop/Big 5 run this morning... and I think we are done.

Not so bad... have the rest of the day to wrap, cook and get ready for a party.

I think this is the first year we didn't go to ToysRUs... but that's okay because unless you get a sale item, they are usually more expensive than other stores.
All done via Amazon. Last one of the boxes comes today, via UPS. We went to Target once, mostly to buy more gift bags, and more gift cards. Other than that, I relied on online shopping, via Amazon and Costco. I have a few more boxes of chocolates for emergency, two more parties to attend, and all done with the frenzy :)

BTW, at what age did your children stop believing in Santa? I was a little amused to see tweens and teens leave milk and cookies for Santa, and write their wishlist. (Facebook pictures courtesy their moms). I would be a little worried if the 12 starts acting out all cute like that..Tell me it's not just me :P
This is probably the last Santa year... although it's a bit unfair for the younger one because once the older knows... oh well.

It will make shopping easier... I hope. I drove around looking at I don't know how many Japanese stores to find "mamegomas".
irvinehomeowner said:
It will make shopping easier... I hope. I drove around looking at I don't know how many Japanese stores to find "mamegomas".

It still takes time before they understand you can't search "Pink Unicorn with glitter for real" on Amazon and place an order. Younger ones do get exposed to real life faster than the older ones. Part of the younger sibling package :) But, thanks to younger ones, older ones also retain their innocence for a longer time.. no?
Last minute Tablet stuffers: Check out the 1.99 or below albums on Amazon special deals.. they have Red and Kiss for the tweens who can't get enough gifts.
This is what the Mrs. and I got each other for Chriskwanzukah:

I asked for Roberto Cavalli perfume. I've been wanting it for months but couldn't justify the expense buying it for myself.

He got it. He wrapped it all by his self with his own two hands -- no help. (Wow.) Under the tree it sat. I couldn't wait to tear into it, knowing exactly what it was. I could hear the liquid inside when I rattled the box.

Opened it.




I wanted:


YES. They have the same name. Yes. They are both Roberto Cavalli. One is 10 years old. One came out this year. No. I can't explain why they have the same name. The only differentiation is the bottle which I showed him. One has a python. One has a tiara. I wanted the tiara. He didn't remember. To a guy -- a perfume is a perfume by any other name.

I kept his and ordered the one I wanted.

Next time, I can justify the expense buying it myself because 1 bottle is cheaper than 2.  :-\