Xmas gift ideas

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winex said:
world chaos said:
for geeks usually anything from bigbadtoystore.com is always a godsend

if all else fails u can always just buy a uniform for the "after bedtime" christmas lol  :-[


Sorry, but if they don't sell caffeinated soap (http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/5a65/?srp=1), then they have absolutely no geek street cred.

I could spend hours browsing Think Geek. Fantastic gift ideas there!

To answer the previous question, I haven't given much thought to the budget. I know he doesn't have nearly as much free time as he'd like to spend on side projects. However, I suppose a nice gift would give him an excuse! That said, I can't find the price on the Sencha Touch!
winex said:
world chaos said:
for geeks usually anything from bigbadtoystore.com is always a godsend

if all else fails u can always just buy a uniform for the "after bedtime" christmas lol  :-[


Sorry, but if they don't sell caffeinated soap (http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/5a65/?srp=1), then they have absolutely no geek street cred.

LOL... i lose... all my base are belong to you
Oh, how cool! Think Geek has a Portal section!! Wow! My little boy eats, drinks, and sleeps Portal 2.  :-\
SoCal said:
winex said:
world chaos said:
for geeks usually anything from bigbadtoystore.com is always a godsend

if all else fails u can always just buy a uniform for the "after bedtime" christmas lol  :-[


Sorry, but if they don't sell caffeinated soap (http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/5a65/?srp=1), then they have absolutely no geek street cred.

I could spend hours browsing Think Geek. Fantastic gift ideas there!

To answer the previous question, I haven't given much thought to the budget. I know he doesn't have nearly as much free time as he'd like to spend on side projects. However, I suppose a nice gift would give him an excuse! That said, I can't find the price on the Sencha Touch!

Click on the Buy button for any of the products.  Sencha Complete is $995.  Sencha Touch is free, but support is $299 a year.
Recent article from CNNMoney on what men and women want vs what they're gifted.


Two-thirds of affluent American women want gift cards. But less than a fifth of men will give it to them, according to a report from American Express Publishing and the Harrison Group out Thursday.

Instead, 70% of women are gifted clothing or jewelry.

Men should also lower their expectations. They want food and alcohol -- a third hope to get gourmet foods and fine wine, and another third want gift cards. But women like to give none of those -- 30% are expected to give clothing, and another 15% books.

I would love fine wine. :)
irvinehomeowner said:
Well... considering Mr. SC is a Star Trek fan (Original, Next, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise or JJ Abrams reboot?)

Ooooh, great question! I wouldn't have thought about that. He's seen every episode of each of them except for DS9 which he has only seen some of. However, he's pretty much a fan of all.

One year, I got him tickets for the Star Trek attraction at the Hilton in Las Vegas.  :) We drove out there and went. He was really surprised it was all my idea since I don't like Star Wars. Good thing I already did that since it's closed now! Btw, I couldn't believe how seriously some people took it like one guy who was all dressed up.  :-\
Btw, I don't know the difference between those categories except for maybe the original series vs. modern episodes. No idea what the rest means.  :)
If you have the cash, bid on a few of the "meet and greets" listed on this site. Quite a few good ones that surprisingly sell in a price range you might reach.

You'll take care of a couple things all in one fell swoop - a unique gift and a karma increasing donation to worthy causes.

Anyone have other site links like this? Post'em if you got'em.
Well... Next is Next Generation with Picard, Riker and Data.

DS9 is Deep Space Nine with Sisko (basically a space station). Voyager is a lost USS spaceship in the Gamma quadrant with Janeway (a female captain) and 7 of 9 (Borg fanboi drool fodder). Enterprise was supposed to be kind of like a prequel, before Kirk/Spock with Scott Bakula as Captain Archer of the first Enterprise. And I think most of us are familiar with the JJ Abrams reboot of the Star Trek movie franchise with Christopher Pike as the new Kirk.

I went to the Hilton thing many years ago... but only the casino area where they had all the ST-themed stuff.
SoCal said:
I take it you're a Star Trek fan, Iho?  :)
Is it that obvious? :)

I probably like Next and Voyager the best... couldn't really get into DS9 or Enterprise and while Original is well... original... it's also old.

I liked the JJ reboot... can't wait to see the next movie.
Although this news, plus $4.50 in US Currency will get me a large Mocha at Starbucks, my cousin Wil used to co-pilot the Enterprise with Picard on occasion. He's a very level headed guy now and has moved past STNG into other ventures. Saw him last night on the Talking Dead after show for The Walking Dead. No, I cannot get him to sign your custom tailored Red Shirt PJ's so please don't ask.    ;)
Hehe... Mr. Wheaton has also done guest spots (as himself and an enemy of Sheldon) on Big Bang Theory and was a regular on the now cancelled Eureka.

I saw him at the airport one time on a flight back to OC and this guy was telling me how he was such a fan of him yet didn't know about his Eureka or BBT roles... poser.

$11 for 5, which the cashier told me is a good deal.  At the district Costco.

I wasn't going to post this... but after reading the link above - Winex made me do it. Why settle for plastic when you can have the real thing: "the smelly, gooey gift of poop, or, scat!"

Let the City of Irvine help you with a "scat" gift. They will teach you how to make a Christmas ornament out of it to give away as a present. Poop. It's fun "for all ages" according to the link. http://www.irlandmarks.org/activities/sign-up.aspx?id=10841

Ho. Ho. Ho.