Wish List

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
[quote author="CalGal" date=1208596486]When we link to a website within a post, is there a way to have it link to another tab so we don't have to leave IHB? Sorry if this has already been addressed, I haven't read through all the Wish List items.</blockquote>
Not that I am aware of, sorry. These forums use SafeHTML to prevent links/tables/pictures from distorting the webpages beyond recognition or use. Remember how pages on the old forums would sometimes be broken after a post that had a wierd link in it? Well, that can't happen here. There might be a setting on the control panel, but I have yet to find anything on the software forums about it. You *might* be able to adjust a setting in your particular brand of web browser.
You could probably hand code it. I don't recall the code, but will look it up. Alternately, when I see a link, I right click and select open in new window.
<blockquote>Alternately, when I see a link, I right click and select open in new window. </blockquote>
This works perfectly - thanks! :-)
Question. Sometimes I see a sentence that I want to respond to...but not the whole post. I usually cut and past the sentence, then italicize it. I see this box now with the word "QUOTE" at the bottom of a post. I've hit that, then highlighted the sentence I want to respond to...but it then copies the entire post, not just the sentence. How is it that you all are quoting just one sentence ?
<blockquote>How is it that you all are quoting just one sentence ? </blockquote>
Troop, I just copy the sentence that I want to use and then paste it in the message box. Then I highlight the sentence and hit the "quote" button. :-)
ok, that's a start...but look at how Nude quoted you up about 3 posts. It says your name, time posted...etc. That's what I want to do.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1208675850]ok, that's a start...but look at how the incredibly brilliant and uniquely gifted Nude quoted you up about 3 posts. It says your name, time posted...etc. That's what I want to do.</blockquote>
[quote author="CalGal" date=1208565768]<blockquote>Oh well, while we?re on subject of what we want, would it be possible to add ?mark all as read? to the page showing the list of unread topics? </blockquote>
I was thinking that as well. I was going to post that suggestion, but I didn't want to read all the suggestions to see if it was already posted. For some psychological reason, I don't like to have any green dots on my screen. :coolsmile: </blockquote>
This is taken from a comment on the function within the source code:

<blockquote>We're basically cheating here. All we're doing is updating the 'last_visit' date for the given user. Since we determine which posts have been read based on the date of the last visit, if we make the last_visit equal to now we will inadvertenly make all posts read. I suspect we will need to do this a different way in the future but for now it works.</blockquote>
As it stands now, the "Mark All Posts As Read" function cannot differentiate based on category or topic, it is a universal setting. Sorry.