New member
Trooper's <a href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewreply/46472/">idea of a Wish List</a> is a good one. Please post here for what you would like to see. There are some things that can be changed and others that can't.
Please only one post per person - use the Edit feature to add/remove to your post.
The img tags in the forums should work as of yesterday afternoon. Use the img button above the text area when you are composing a post. <img src="http://www.market-racket.com/images/bubble.jpg" alt="" />
Whispers are not possible with the new software.
We will not go back to the old software. We will continue to make improvements to the new software to make things more intuitive.
<strong>DONE - Thank You's are back courtesy of Cayci's ninja programming skillz!!</strong>
Giving 'Thanks' on a forum thread is not currently a feature. It is something that can be custom built and I will look into this. It may get implemented differently - green/red, reputation, etc.. <strike>If you received Thank Yous in the old software, they will not come over when this feature is built.</strike> Anything is possible
There are some threads where you need to scroll way to the right. It seems the reason for this is because of a large image or super long link elsewhere in the page. The author of the forum post or I will have to change the size of the image or edit the link. It will have to be done manually. You can PM me the URL of the threads and I'll try to fix them.
Forum - Viewing all new posts on a page - There isn't a way to make this the default view. There is a 'View New Posts' link near the top of the forums. It is not working as expected. I need to fully understand what it is displaying. If anyone has figured it out, let me know. I haven't had a chance to investigate it further. check <a href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewreply/46628/">this post from acpme</a> and let me know if it works for you. From what I can tell, it works but it is not sorted correctly.
Give acpme's suggestions a try: Hit Mark All Posts as Read, and then whenever you click View New Posts, you'll see all the latest topics. It is sorted by the date of the topic (not the last post) and that's why the order seems funny.
Forum - Automatically going to the last unread post - I've looked into it a little bit and have not found a solution yet. It is annoying that it does not do this.
DONE - <em>Forum - Notify email should be unchecked by default - Right now the box is checked by default. You can follow <a href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewreply/46542/">nude's sage advice</a> to turn it off. I will also change the default to unchecked for everyone when I figure out how to do it in bulk.</em>
DONE - Blog - Nested comments - This is my top priority right now.
<strike>We've got this kinda working right now. It is a little buggy and I'm still working on it.</strike>
It now works almost exactly like it did on the old site
DONE (Thanks Nude for the IHB theme!) - Go to the bottom of any forum page and select a theme from the dropdown. If there is a clear winner then I'll set that as the default. <em>Forum colors - I'll add a few more options to choose from and add those details when implemented. They might be just as unappealing. In the future, we'll get a custom theme built.</em>
Blog design - This will be changed in the future. We won't be going back to the old look.
Posting Raw HTML in Forums - Only "safe" HTML is allowed in the forums. These are the tags that can be used: <pre class="code"><b>, <i>, <u>, <em>, <strike>, <strong>, <pre>, <code>, <blockquote>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6></pre> You can also insert images and links using the buttons above the text area. This ensures that the threads display fine - the old software would have problems when items were copied from the internet and posted in the forums. All HTML tags are viewable in the default forum post editors - that's why there isn't a separate HTML view.
DONE - IHB Gear hasn't had any activity for quite some time. I'll create a sticky in the Off Topic forum for it.
Blog comments - There isn't a way to edit comments on the blog currently. The old software didn't allow this either. If the comment is posted by a user that hasn't logged in, there is no way to add the edit capability. If the comment is posted by a user that has logged in, the ability to edit the comment could be added. I'll have to see whether anyone has done this with the software.
DONE - Link to blog comments at the bottom of the blog post
DONE (Thanks Nude!) - Link to the forum nav at the bottom of each thread
DONE - RSS Feed for Blog Comments has been brought back
The main column on the Blog is actually 13% bigger than what it was on the old site.
Please only one post per person - use the Edit feature to add/remove to your post.
The img tags in the forums should work as of yesterday afternoon. Use the img button above the text area when you are composing a post. <img src="http://www.market-racket.com/images/bubble.jpg" alt="" />
Whispers are not possible with the new software.
We will not go back to the old software. We will continue to make improvements to the new software to make things more intuitive.
<strong>DONE - Thank You's are back courtesy of Cayci's ninja programming skillz!!</strong>
Giving 'Thanks' on a forum thread is not currently a feature. It is something that can be custom built and I will look into this. It may get implemented differently - green/red, reputation, etc.. <strike>If you received Thank Yous in the old software, they will not come over when this feature is built.</strike> Anything is possible
There are some threads where you need to scroll way to the right. It seems the reason for this is because of a large image or super long link elsewhere in the page. The author of the forum post or I will have to change the size of the image or edit the link. It will have to be done manually. You can PM me the URL of the threads and I'll try to fix them.
Forum - Viewing all new posts on a page - There isn't a way to make this the default view. There is a 'View New Posts' link near the top of the forums. It is not working as expected. I need to fully understand what it is displaying. If anyone has figured it out, let me know. I haven't had a chance to investigate it further. check <a href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewreply/46628/">this post from acpme</a> and let me know if it works for you. From what I can tell, it works but it is not sorted correctly.
Give acpme's suggestions a try: Hit Mark All Posts as Read, and then whenever you click View New Posts, you'll see all the latest topics. It is sorted by the date of the topic (not the last post) and that's why the order seems funny.
Forum - Automatically going to the last unread post - I've looked into it a little bit and have not found a solution yet. It is annoying that it does not do this.
DONE - <em>Forum - Notify email should be unchecked by default - Right now the box is checked by default. You can follow <a href="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/viewreply/46542/">nude's sage advice</a> to turn it off. I will also change the default to unchecked for everyone when I figure out how to do it in bulk.</em>
DONE - Blog - Nested comments - This is my top priority right now.
<strike>We've got this kinda working right now. It is a little buggy and I'm still working on it.</strike>
It now works almost exactly like it did on the old site
DONE (Thanks Nude for the IHB theme!) - Go to the bottom of any forum page and select a theme from the dropdown. If there is a clear winner then I'll set that as the default. <em>Forum colors - I'll add a few more options to choose from and add those details when implemented. They might be just as unappealing. In the future, we'll get a custom theme built.</em>
Blog design - This will be changed in the future. We won't be going back to the old look.
Posting Raw HTML in Forums - Only "safe" HTML is allowed in the forums. These are the tags that can be used: <pre class="code"><b>, <i>, <u>, <em>, <strike>, <strong>, <pre>, <code>, <blockquote>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6></pre> You can also insert images and links using the buttons above the text area. This ensures that the threads display fine - the old software would have problems when items were copied from the internet and posted in the forums. All HTML tags are viewable in the default forum post editors - that's why there isn't a separate HTML view.
DONE - IHB Gear hasn't had any activity for quite some time. I'll create a sticky in the Off Topic forum for it.
Blog comments - There isn't a way to edit comments on the blog currently. The old software didn't allow this either. If the comment is posted by a user that hasn't logged in, there is no way to add the edit capability. If the comment is posted by a user that has logged in, the ability to edit the comment could be added. I'll have to see whether anyone has done this with the software.
DONE - Link to blog comments at the bottom of the blog post
DONE (Thanks Nude!) - Link to the forum nav at the bottom of each thread
DONE - RSS Feed for Blog Comments has been brought back
The main column on the Blog is actually 13% bigger than what it was on the old site.