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<p><em>'"If I need someone to lift a 50 pound bag and I pick a man to do it instead of a woman does that make me sexist?" Yes.'</em></p>

<p>You must never have worked with women before</p>

<p><em>'"If I need to pick a running back and an offensive tackle and I pick the black kid as running back and the white kid for offensive line, does that make me a racist?" Yes.'</em></p>

<p>You must never have played/coached/watched any sports before.</p>

<p>Exactly the kind of response I expected, Marty. Your response about racism implies my hatred towards another race. You are using the word in the nazi-esque term. I specifically said the opposite. I do not dislike any particular race of people, in fact, I am in an interracial relationship, and have been for 3 years. The purpose of my post was to highlight the fact that every culture and ethnicity has its own nuiances that should be shared and respected. </p>

<p>I agree this is off topic, but many others had posted in regards to the matter.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.lagriffedulion.f2s.com/retard.htm">http://www.lagriffedulion.f2s.com/retard.htm</a></p>

<p>Interesting little article regarding the racial IQ studies and differences.</p>

<p>Here is the first part, hit the link to see it all..</p>


<p> The life of a diversicrat is disagreeable. He is surrounded by irritants. Of them, he finds none more unsettling than race, particularly racial differences. He confronts them daily, on the athletic field, in the classroom, in the workplace and on the street. Most prickly are IQ differences. Intelligence, after all, is the hallmark of our species. The diversicrat twists and strains to explain IQ gaps away, abandoning parsimony for convolution. But he does not stop with explication. He is an ideological crusader. And like most crusades, this one has victims. Sadly, they include the ill-starred and hapless mentally retarded. Their wretched malady is secondary to the fact that they are asymmetrically black. </p>

<p> Nature-nurture issues do not concern us here. We ask <em>how</em>, not <em>why</em>. We accept racial IQ incongruities as facts, noting only that efforts to erase them have failed. The average IQ of East Asians (Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) is about 1/3 standard deviation (SD) or about 5 IQ points higher than that of Europeans. Ashkenazic Jews score higher still. Their mean IQ is about 15 IQ points above that of non-Hispanic whites. In the US, the African American with a mean score of 85 is at the bottom of the cognitive deck. He thus finds himself disproportionately represented among the ranks of the retarded. All this is anathema to the diversicrat.</p>

<p> The black-white IQ gap has been studied and analyzed for more than 80 years. It has outlived sweeping attitude changes, from extreme anti-black discrimination to bias against whites, Asians and males. The billion-dollar Head Start budget has not dented it. Though IQ scores have been rising worldwide for decades (the Flynn effect) the cognitive distance between blacks and whites has remained remarkably constant. In fact, the 1 SD black-white IQ gap is as close to a fundamental sociological constant as we come.</p>

<p> When the IQ of non-Hispanic whites is normalized to a mean of 100 and SD of 15, the African American mean falls at about 85 with an SD of about 13.5. The black IQ distribution both lags behind and is narrower than the white. The small difference in width manifests itself significantly at the bell curve extremes, reducing both the numbers of retarded and exceptional blacks.</p>

<p> Figure 1 shows IQ distribution curves for African Americans and non-Hispanic whites. The areas under the curves are normalized to unity, so that the narrower black distribution appears taller. Two standard deviations from each side of the white mean mark IQ boundaries for retardation and giftedness. Outside these borders, in the shaded regions, are the cognitive extremes. There, the areas <em>under the curves</em> represent the fractions of each group who meet IQ criteria for retardation or giftedness. (Most striking is the tiny black representation in the gifted region.) The ratio of areas shows blacks to be 6.1 times more likely than whites to fall below the boundary for retardation, and 53 times less likely to be gifted. So profound are the group differences that they are apparent to the man in the street, who observes a profusion of African Americans at the bottom of the economic and educational ladders, and a scarcity at the top.

IQ is fundamentally flawed in my opinion. Fischer has an IQ over 180 and is a lunatic. And these "studies" that review the differences of races and try to attribute them to physical discrepancies (the accepted science around 1900 was that blacks' heads were too small so they couldn't be smart) are nonsense.

All it takes is one great mind to debunk it: how about George Washington Carver?

Instead of focusing on race, we should focus on culture, tradition, and equal opportunities. I'm no fan of traditions myself for any race/culture, my only tradition is "do the right thing." My girlfriend is Cambodian and they do some crazy stuff there in the name of "tradition." It's all bunk.