irvinehomeowner said:Mety said:@IHO:
I think, again, you and meccos are talking about the same thing in a bigger picture. You guys' ways of saying things and nitpicking matters are different, but overall you both are saying there was a slowdown and we should wait to see the full picture. You, however, think the slowdown was just the usual seasonal pattern and meccos might think a little different. What happened stays the same. 4.8 or 5 or whatever percentage drop happened and thanks for providing those numbers.
You seem to focus on the sales price (and drop % numbers) while meccos focus more on the volume and months inventories. Both are fine, but when the inventories and month supplies grow, the flow takes different route than usual. For example, last summer season was not so hot compare to previous years. If this softening started to happen after September last year, then yes, it sure would have been the usual seasonal drop. However, it started to happen a little earlier around June. That's what some people saw it strange and called the market top, slowdown, or whatever you wanna call it. So when you keep saying or asking on % numbers and sales prices, it sort of contradicts what they originally intended to point out.
Not really. That's why early in the discussion I wanted to know if we were talking volume or prices. Why? Because you don't advise someone to wait because volume is low, they don't save money on volume... they save money on pricing.
And as meccos keeps saying, pricing follows volume, but I'm not the only poster who has said that's not always the case. The correlation isn't always direct even with a lag.
I'll say this though. I don't think you are trolling. I don't think you are questioning things to troll some members out of TI or anything like that. I do believe you are genuinely asking things because you really want to know if this market flow is heading toward somewhere different. The style of your questioning might have come offensive to some people and that's where the topic lost its theme and started to get personal. I personally am a different style presenter or questioner than you so I would tend to think my way is more "correct," but I know that's not true and I do respect your style which though took me some time to figure, if you know what I mean. I give you credit that you stayed pretty civilized and calm even in midst of some conflicts, but sure came annoying time to time. That's when I figured just calling you sexy will do.
The only person I have issues with is eyephone from time to time because he is disrespectful to other members, calls them names, questions their character/finances/jobs and makes false accusations. I've tried to be civil with him but instead of commenting on the topic or my opinion, he makes statements against my character or who I am. If you notice, any mention of eyephone in my recent posts were just about his call on the slowdown, not "attacking" him as he would put it (look at his last post, again, talking about me rather than the topic so I am responding in kind). I don't think he understands that questioning him about his opinion isn't an attack, it's a discussion.
You seem to focus on the waiting discussion again. But your point of the correlation of volumes and prices is interesting. I guess there is no such thing as an absolutism besides God and His words.
If you really cared for eyephone, maybe approaching in a way he wouldn't feel offended could be better? But that's up to you.