What the "Dow" is happening?

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Importers have been scrambling to change factories from China to anywhere else for the past half year since 10% went into affect around SEP of 2018.  This action will now accelerate.  The tariff weakens China and strengthens the surrounding countries as Vietnam and the Philippines and other low cost mfg countries enjoy the windfall trump has given them.  Also Mexico.
Yeah...China is not backing out of this one

One editorial published by the Xinhua News Agency and the People?s Daily accused the U.S. of ?greed and arrogance,? explaining this is a ?people?s war? ? a phrase introduced by Mao Zedong to describe China?s fight the Japanese.

The piece didn?t call out Trump by name but did say ?the trade war in the United States is strongly advocated by one person and one team.?

The rhetoric has also been amplified across state TV, where CCTV anchor Kang Hui, according to CNN, said China would ?fight for a new world,? and that ?there?s nothing we haven?t seen before.?
Compressed-Village said:
irvinehomeowner said:
It would be awesome if Mexico became a major manufacturing country... but then Trump will wall them off. :)

Wall not tall enough, they just throw, jump and pump over. Problem solved.

Professional wall climbers?

It?s a joke I tell you! In the mean time schools are not safe. (look at the news)
A really big drug problem across America. (Opioids, prescription drugs)

Fix America!! Don?t get me started.

God Bless Merica!
qwerty said:
This another chance to buy. The world was coming to end in q418, markets were down about 20%, four/five months later back at all time highs. Just keep buying S&P etfs and you will make easy money. 

Fed will never raise rates again. Mortgage rates will stay in current range for a long time, may even go down. If things start to get bleak with economic numbers fed may actually cut rates and markets will just go up.

The market is the only game in town if you want to make more than 2-3%.

I kept averaging down on my levered etf purchases as the Dow hit 25,300. It was a very nice gamble :-)

I think we will hit all time highs again this year so still time to get in on this dip. About half way back from where we were at a couple weeks ago.
It's even better than you think...

The Booming Jobs Market Mystifies the Press, When They Notice It At All

These are prosperous times in America.?

If that sounds like pro-Trump propaganda, that?s because it?s rarely uttered by anyone who isn?t already a supporter of the current president.

But that?s how National Public Radio, to its credit, began a story about the incredible jobs boom underway right now in a segment called ?America Is In Full Employment, So Why Aren?t We Celebrating??

?Why doesn?t today?s full employment come with effervescence?? reporters Pallavi Gogoi and Scott Horsley ask.

But while the reporters do a good job of describing the widespread benefits of the current economy, they also manage, in asking that question, to expose the extreme bias at work among the overwhelming majority of their colleagues in the press.

?Unemployment has reached a nearly 50-year low. The jobless rate for Hispanics has never been lower; the past two years have been the best job market ever for African Americans. Wages are starting to rise ? and, more significantly, for the lowest-paid workers. That may not endure, but it?s a reversal of the long-term trend where the most highly paid workers were also the best rewarded. The job market today is so hot that groups that were sort of on the margins also are finding opportunities ? including people with disabilities or a prison record.?

Did you get all that? Wages are rising for the lowest-paid workers. Minority groups have never had it so good. People at the margins are getting pulled back into the labor market.

So why, they ask, is the country ?not quite exuding the self-possession or excitement that should accompany these exceptional times.?

Of course, Trump is often his own worst enemy when it comes to championing the growth on his watch. Then again, when he does boast about the economy, the press either ignore it entirely, or pick at nits.

If you want to fully understand incredible bias at work, try to imagine how today?s economy would be covered under a Democrat. It would be a constant media celebration. Proof that Democratic policies work to lift all boats. Etc.

The only reason there is no joy in the journalist equivalent of Mudville today is because Trump didn?t strike out.

The booming Uber and LYft drivers.
In the mean time, drug problem out of control and schools are not the best. I think it may have got worst. (You can thank Betsy the Sec of Education for that)

Let it ride!
See, I told you this line would get resurrected.

"The old arguments of previous cycles like "sure, the economy is doing well...but not for everyone, people are being left behind." are back."
You told us? Maybe you did maybe you didn?t. We just remember your target stock recommendation post. After that it has been downhill.

morekaos said:
See, I told you this line would get resurrected.

"The old arguments of previous cycles like "sure, the economy is doing well...but not for everyone, people are being left behind." are back."
Yah, that Target call worked out great.  Said that in the other Dow thread earlier this month...

morekaos said:
This is where tone and tenure makes a difference.  Presidents inherit the economy they inherit.  If there was some magical button in the back of the Oval office that creates growth then every president would be pushing it every day.  Where a President has influence is in Tax and regulatory policy.  He sets the tone.  No, denying it, Obama had job growth and expansion but by raising taxes and pushing massive regulation he muted the reaction from business.  He got expansion but it always seemed anemic and agonizingly slow (the new normal).  Obama was injected in to all areas of the economy. Energy, manufacturing, banking and services.  In essence he poured water on his expansion.  This guy is different in his style.  He is pouring Gas on the fire through lower taxes and slashing regulation.  The tone to business is different and they are not shy about it.  You can argue the micro numbers all you want but that little change makes a difference in strategic decision making.  Now, will there be a recession? Of course, but it will be more like ones we have had in the past. Sharp and fairly short.  You cannot argue we are not in more "normal" cycles now.  Look at what they are comparing these numbers to. Numbers not seen since the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's....not 2000's.  The old arguments of previous cycles like "sure, the economy is doing well...but not for everyone, people are being left behind." are back. This is more like the Reagan expansion, watch, I guarantee you that we will see the "Morning in America" commercial again.


So on CNBC they were talking about Homr Depot?s earnings. Guess what they talked about. The potential effect of the SALT deduction.  :D