This is a convo better suited for this thread and not the stock picking thread...
Kings said:
eyephone said:
It looks like the yield curve briefly inverts with the 2 year treasuries which topped the 10 year rate.
you seem to be following what's going on around the world, so you should know that the european economy is in the tank and asia is seeing a lot of unrest. which means the united states is still by far the safest place to put your money, thus with everyone taking their money to buy 10 year treasuries the price will go down. calls for recession in the us are just the latest outrage that the media can play to get more clicks and eyeballs.
,,,,and 25 countries have 0 or negative interest rates right now. That tells you the world about the health of our economy vs the rest of the world.
The zero or negative interest rate regime continues
25 countries have zero or negative interest rates including Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Japan, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.