What do you use your garage for?

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T!m -

I respect your opinion. However, I prefer to let people form their own opinions so rather than take your word for it, I suggest that everyone watch for themselves and make up their own mind.
[quote author="AZDavidPhx" date=1232763384]irvine_home_owner -

Let's drop it already. It is getting old FAST. Let's let Yoda and the rest of the muppet race live in peace.</blockquote>
What happened to "honest debate"?

I pointed out how your own image was hypocritical and could also be construed as racist, you countered because you thought I was referring to slavery racism and I responded with how it is actually referencing asian stereotypes (which you accused BK of) and now it's getting old? One thing you need to realize is if you're going to make claims like you did... it actually helps be educated in/aware of/born from the group that you feel is being offended. You don't think an image of an old short fighting arts master who doesn't speak correct english could be slightly offensive to asians? Dude... man up and admit you got caught on this one. That's all I'm asking.

BTW... Yoda was never a muppet and you still never told us what you use your garage for.
irvine_home_owner -

Honest debate is great.

But you are obfuscating the discussion by creating a Red Herring out of Yoda. I have no interest in debating Yoda with you which is why I say we let it go.
[quote author="AZDavidPhx" date=1232765045]But you are obfuscating the discussion by creating a Red Herring out of Yoda. I have no interest in debating Yoda with you which is why I say we let it go.</blockquote>
Sigh. Now I'm getting why Graph and no_vas feel the way they do. Try to follow along and I hope I don't obfuscate anything for you:

1. You used an image and quoted bkshopr's comments to portray him as racist. Actually... I'm not even sure that was your intent initially... but after it broke out into the comments, you did describe his statements as such.

2. When presented with the reasoning that he is being humorous, similar to the images you use, you countered that the images are intended for humor and somehow that gives you a pass because the humor is implied (quote: "To me it is obvious that the images are clearly humorous in nature and intended to be received in jest. What makes them funny is that there is that slight element of truth.")

3. Therefore the argument lies in context. If you are familiar with bk's posts and personality, and you do live in the very asian-centric Irvine, you will find that the humor is easy to discern... and like I said before... also contains that "slight element of truth".

4. You continued to argue that his comments about asians would cause negative connotations for non-asians. It's a bit reaching... but that's seem more like a Red Herring than anything I've said. So if I say asians are smart... does that really mean to you that all non-asians are dumb?

5. So we've established that comments out of context with no historical knowledge could be construed differently (and incorrectly in bk's case). I pointed out that this also holds true for your images. You non-response demonstrates you don't agree.

I presented to you how a image of an old short fighting arts master with incorrect english can indeed be construed as offensive to asians... yet you are telling me that I am confusing the matter?

How ironic that an image and comments you posted accusing someone of being racist comes back to bite you to illustrate that even you can be mispercieved as racist. Do I think you are? No more than I think bk is... but yet you don't want to admit that the very mistakes you made in interpreting bk's comments... can also be made about your choice of images.

It is you who are trying to obfuscate the discussion by implying that I am using Yoda as a Red Herring. Your usage of Yoda is the crux of my argument and you prefer not to deal with it because you can't come up with a good response. I'm sure not being able defend oneself does get old FAST and I would probably want to drop it too. I do find it interesting that when you find yourself on the other side of racist accusations... how willing you are to let it go.

P.S. Garage usage?
let me see if i got this straight...

BK says something that is misinterpreted, you decide it's racist and need to not only point it out, but also create an image about it and join the forums for the first time to prove your point.

but get called out for something similar, oh no, red herring! straw man! ok lets pls just drop it.

hey thanks for debating.

Not that you are right about garages but also correct in your analysis of my posts regarding Asians. You and I share the same analytical methodology and certainly we both are not quick to judge. Your philosophy of garages is form follows functions while I believe in functions follow form. Both are practical and there is no right or wrong answer here. I like beauty while you prefer practicality. I appreciate your view points and also your professionalism in keeping the discussions cordial.

I may change my mind and would like living across the street from you as long you keep your garage doors closed and install this type of roll up door that is aesthetically pleasing and allows light into the garage in closed position. Please install light strips in your garage with warm light tone (not florescent) just in case you left your light on at night or playing a late poker game.

<img src="http://www.midgadoors.com/assets/CarriageHouseDoors03.jpg" alt="" />

PS. Please pave your concrete driveway with brick!

I will also pay for your driveway upgrade so I can live in peace across the street.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1232771156]PS. Please pave your concrete driveway with brick!

I will also pay for your driveway upgrade so I can live in peace across the street.</blockquote>
Hehe... man... you can read my mind.

I've always wanted to use pavers on my driveway.
bkshopr -

I do appreciate your response; I can see what you are talking about when you say that English is not your natural language making it possible for people to read into what you say the wrong way. It being the case that English is the first (and only) language for many of us, it can be a potential pitfall for people like me assume that everyone on the blog is a natural speaker and aware of how small subtleties in speech are interpreted on the other side. Since we can only communicate on here via written words and not audible speech, we lack many of the elements of communication that we take for granted when speaking face to face.

So if that is the case and I did read more into your words than was intended then I do offer an apology. Since I mostly participate on the main blog and have not seen your posts as I do not frequent the forums, I don't have that additional context which would have otherwise adjusted the lens through which I read your words.

As an olive branch, I deleted the Yoda image.

I am willing to chalk it up to a misunderstanding (on my part not yours) that got too out of hand and made worse by the participants in the argument that followed (myself included).

Hopefully, that works for you and we can move on to better topics.
[quote author="AZDavidPhx" date=1232773191]Hopefully, that works for you and we can move on to better topics.</blockquote>
I'll take it!!!

Now how about this thread's topic... what do you do with your garage over in the land of the sun?
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1232777643]

Now how about this thread's topic... what do you do with your garage over in the land of the sun?</blockquote>

<img src="http://www.itsyourtimes.com/files/indoorweed-dea.jpg" alt="" />
nah, desert garages look more like this:

<img src="http://cactus.dixie.edu/smblack/chem1010/images/Unit_2/2C_meth_lab.jpg" alt="" />
Just go mobile. Much more flexible.

<img src="http://www.idsnews.com/blogs/weekendwatchers/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/breaking-bad-20080118045840840.jpg" alt="" />

Can't wait for season 2. Hope they can keep it interesting after such a long hiatus.

We here at the forum are really nice people. Please post here at the forum. Phoenix is really a close sibling to OC in many ways offering innovative products. Both housing and retails have been designed and produced by the same firms. Pheonix builders come to Irvine for ideas and brought many innovative thinking back to Arizona.

Many projects in Arizona are beautiful like your new Montelucia in Paradise Valley.

<img src="http://www.designlens.com/projects/2009/01/1/3.jpg" alt="" />

Market Street at DC Ranch

<img src="http://www.designlens.com/projects/2005/02/7/8.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://www.designlens.com/projects/2005/02/7/17.jpg" alt="" />

Portland Place at Phoenix

<img src="http://www.designlens.com/projects/2008/12/2/2.jpg" alt="" />

The environment out there is actually quite nice and some new developments utilized better quality materials than Irvine.

Best of all, Gucci, Tiffany, LV, and all the brand name stores are in Scottsdale without the crazy asian drivers in your fancy mall parking lot.
<em>I am one of those people who will call the cop to issue parking tickets when I see the same cars park at no parking zone on my street, or park head on at the cul-de-sac</em>

123, hope it wasn't a MOTORCYCLE cop that showed up to issue the tickets you requested..... So typical. You love us when you need us, but hate us should we dare catch you doing something wrong. So here's a hypothetical.....put yourself in the shoes of you neighbor, who just received one of those tickets. He's probably thinking "As*hole cop, doesn't he have anything better to do ?"

Sound familiar? I'm just sayin'....
<em>One can?t judge BK by his cover.</em>

Am I the only one who caught that ?!

And bk-ster.....

We love you !

David....this is the typical response when a newb hits the forums......

<img src="http://territerri.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/butt-sniffing.jpg" alt="" />
[quote author="Oscar" date=1232781419]nah, desert garages look more like this:

<img src="http://cactus.dixie.edu/smblack/chem1010/images/Unit_2/2C_meth_lab.jpg" alt="" /></blockquote>

Dude, how did you get a picture of Skek's neighbor from when he was growing up. Wait... you weren't his neighbor, were you. Nah... nevermind.
<img src="http://images.google.com/url?source=imgres&ct=tbn&q=http://www.digitaldesignblog.com/uploads/picture-2.png&usg=AFQjCNGaSdE_8oa-GSOxcHvT444uFR2aYA" alt="" />