[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1249430256][quote author="roundcorners" date=1249425738]Back to topic a little...
I take a walk with my son every morning... the time varies, but always between 7:30 to about 9... I see the usual people leave for work every day.. They get in their cars and head off...
Now I say only about half to about 60% leave. There are about 40% of the apartment that never leave. I work from home and I know... There are people that park in the same stall all week. They are the same people, week over week you see waking up at 11-12 in the morning and do their daily chores.
I say there are about 3-4 neighbors I can count from my balcony that stay home ALL day! What do these people do? Now I know that with the economy there are a lot of unemployed, sure, a lot of stay at home moms. But I'm guessing a lot of people are find that "gray" area in this economy where they are not an employee and not exactly self-employed like me.
<strong>I heard a great piece on the radio yesterday... that the consultants, temp execs, contractors and just entrepreneurs are going to stay because the companies are not going to hire back any of them anytime soon.</strong>
If you can make it in this economy, you can make it anywhere... I left the corporate world after 911, and never looked back...
Anybody else...</blockquote>
That is exactly the reason why I'm very seriously considering starting up my own business. After about 10 years of working in larger corporations and having to deal with all of the office politics and drama while making sure you kissed up to those people that could watch your back I'm really over it. The consulting project really openned my eyes to how much less BS consultants and small business owners have to deal with. Sure there is a lot more uncertainty with being a small business owner and/or a consultant, but there isn't that much more certainty in being a corporate monkey. A lot of times people get let go from companies because they aren't liked or protected instead of bad performance.</blockquote>
I had a sterotype in mind that everyone in OC are entrepeneurs but i personally know of 1-2 people who have a small business they are operating. Most of the people i know in OC are corporate. I am curious to what keeps people from starting their own business in Irvine? I mean it can be small as operating a small home based business, which also comes with a lot of tax advantages. Is it the fear of failing?, Is it the lack of capital?, not being sure what type of business to start?, high California taxes for small business owners. I know that my biggest fear is the high costs (hiring employees and high Cali Tax) of doing business in Irvine. And again, you probably can get access to the most talented and creative labor pool in OC.