Foreclosures will reach a new all time high. And... due to AB1137, the Q1 numbers will increase higher than ever expected. Please see Mass. for reference on why these things only delay the pain.
Panda will ask too many questions. He will be right about one of his investment ideas, but be wrong about the other 482 harebrained investment ideas.
Ipo will continue to be the impatient bitter renter he has become since selling his house and not seeing the price drops in a three day period. Ms. Ipo must be a very patient woman, and will probably want to take the new impact driver she got for xmas to his head. He will hack IR2's and IR's face onto gawd knows what, and probably create a fake account under the name crackercakes.
Tenmagnet will keep everyone on their gym schedule, take one IHBer a month shopping at South Coast, start a thread on dating advice, and sometime in Q4 he will come out of the closet.
Skek will bitch once a month that he has to spread his wealth by letting me borrow his brand new Aston Martin, knowing full well that I am taking it to the twistys track, and that I will burn out the tires every time.
IR2 will help a bunch of IHBers out, but block Ipo's phone number due to his incessant three times a day Irvine CS index updates.
Petah will have another bike... picture emailed to him.
Janet will still be crazy, eh crazier since her home will continue to go down. And somehow it will all be IHB's fault, especially mine, IR, no_vas, and anyone who ever has been bearish on housing.
I'm looking forward to what 2009 will bring. I'm just glad that Prof didn't say that oil was going to be hit over $100 a barrel this year. Last year she did that and everyone thought she was crazy. Even if it did crash, it still hit $100 and above.