qwerty said:
Irvinecommuter said:
qwerty said:
That was to point out that it's not always to protect our freedom
Okay...what difference would it make if it was or wasn't.
IHO mentioned that he was grateful to the military for dying protecting our freedom. Those soldiers are dying but not protecting our freedom.
Actually, you are mixing up the topics.
1. I am grateful to the military... but not for dying to protect our freedom, but for risking their lives to protect not just our freedom but the freedom of many. As I alluded to before, it can be argued that Iraq/Afghanistan is not just for America's "freedom", but for the freedom of many in that area of the world and for the freedom of any nations that will be subjected to terrorism that originates from there. I spoke to someone stationed in Iraq (I believe I mentioned this before), and he stated that no matter what side of this topic you are on, the Iraqis he met are so appreciative that Hussein is no longer in power and for that alone, he felt it was the right thing. Again, this is an arguable point but what I'm trying to convey is it's not just about *American* freedom. It's about a group of people fighting for the ideals/rights of another group of people no matter the risk.
2. You were originally comparing the lives of groups of people, not the deaths. I don't think you can properly make that comparison but that's my opinion.
3. You have now moved over to whose death is more "honorable" than another's. That's not my point, my point was that military puts their lives at greater risk than any other occupation you've mentioned (although you can make the argument for police on a smaller scale). That alone deserves some consideration. Your fisherman comparison was a good attempt but I don't think it measures up. Where is your stat on how many vegetable pickers died in the last year or so? Do you honestly think that the risk to their lives is the same as that of a soldier stationed in the Middle East (regardless of what he is there for)?
Again, I understand what you are saying, but in trying to illustrate your opinion, which I do see, you are muddying mine. Or maybe you just don't see it the way I do, which is fine... but I will clarify if I feel my stance is being misrepresented.
I know what you are really trying to do... you want Irvine to build an Accountants Memorial cemetery.