Veterans Cemetery coming to Irvine

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
bones said:
What is more annoying than NIMBY-ism is when people who don't live in GP start saying things like... "i wouldn't object to a cemetery being built in my neighborhood".  Well, that's great.  Those people can support THAT cemetery if and when it comes into their backyard. 

I am in the process of re-reading this entire thread and just want to point out that the anti-cemetery group has posed the question several times, in various ways, with the gist of: "How would you like it if a cemetery was being built next to your house?" If an answer is given, it could be because it was prompted by some, one, or all of those questions.
SoCal said:
bones said:
What is more annoying than NIMBY-ism is when people who don't live in GP start saying things like... "i wouldn't object to a cemetery being built in my neighborhood".  Well, that's great.  Those people can support THAT cemetery if and when it comes into their backyard. 

I am in the process of re-reading this entire thread and just want to point out that the anti-cemetery group has posed the question several times, in various ways, with the gist of: "How would you like it if a cemetery was being built next to your house?" If an answer is given, it could be because it was prompted by some, one, or all of those questions.

I think I posted before that the argument has been hashed and rehashed...the NIMBY argument is just not a winner.
SoCal said:
bones said:
What is more annoying than NIMBY-ism is when people who don't live in GP start saying things like... "i wouldn't object to a cemetery being built in my neighborhood".  Well, that's great.  Those people can support THAT cemetery if and when it comes into their backyard. 

I am in the process of re-reading this entire thread and just want to point out that the anti-cemetery group has posed the question several times, in various ways, with the gist of: "How would you like it if a cemetery was being built next to your house?" If an answer is given, it could be because it was prompted by some, one, or all of those questions.

1.  It's not an anti cemetary group
2.  Then if that's the case, the people who are asking that question are stupid. It doesn't matter how someone who doesn't live in the GP feels about a cemetary in their backyard bc it's not happening to them.
bones said:
SoCal said:
bones said:
What is more annoying than NIMBY-ism is when people who don't live in GP start saying things like... "i wouldn't object to a cemetery being built in my neighborhood".  Well, that's great.  Those people can support THAT cemetery if and when it comes into their backyard. 

I am in the process of re-reading this entire thread and just want to point out that the anti-cemetery group has posed the question several times, in various ways, with the gist of: "How would you like it if a cemetery was being built next to your house?" If an answer is given, it could be because it was prompted by some, one, or all of those questions.

1.  It's not an anti cemetary group
2.  Then if that's the case, the people who are asking that question are stupid. It doesn't matter how someone who doesn't live in the GP feels about a cemetary in their backyard bc it's not happening to them.

But they are trying to sway public opinion on the matter..which requires empathy to their plight.
Irvinecommuter said:
bones said:
SoCal said:
bones said:
What is more annoying than NIMBY-ism is when people who don't live in GP start saying things like... "i wouldn't object to a cemetery being built in my neighborhood".  Well, that's great.  Those people can support THAT cemetery if and when it comes into their backyard. 

I am in the process of re-reading this entire thread and just want to point out that the anti-cemetery group has posed the question several times, in various ways, with the gist of: "How would you like it if a cemetery was being built next to your house?" If an answer is given, it could be because it was prompted by some, one, or all of those questions.

1.  It's not an anti cemetary group
2.  Then if that's the case, the people who are asking that question are stupid. It doesn't matter how someone who doesn't live in the GP feels about a cemetary in their backyard bc it's not happening to them.

But they are trying to sway public opinion on the matter..which requires empathy to their plight.

Well honestly, I'm not sure what the group is trying to do in terms of getting to their goal.  Not sure how involving people who don't live in the GP is useful.  It just creates backlash because like many have pointed out - no one without any real skin in the game is going to be anti-anything on this matter.  B/c why should they?  No skin off their back.  And for the record, there are people who live in the GP that are FOR the cemetery and welcome it with open arms.
bones said:
Irvinecommuter said:
bones said:
SoCal said:
bones said:
What is more annoying than NIMBY-ism is when people who don't live in GP start saying things like... "i wouldn't object to a cemetery being built in my neighborhood".  Well, that's great.  Those people can support THAT cemetery if and when it comes into their backyard. 

I am in the process of re-reading this entire thread and just want to point out that the anti-cemetery group has posed the question several times, in various ways, with the gist of: "How would you like it if a cemetery was being built next to your house?" If an answer is given, it could be because it was prompted by some, one, or all of those questions.

1.  It's not an anti cemetary group
2.  Then if that's the case, the people who are asking that question are stupid. It doesn't matter how someone who doesn't live in the GP feels about a cemetary in their backyard bc it's not happening to them.

But they are trying to sway public opinion on the matter..which requires empathy to their plight.

Well honestly, I'm not sure what the group is trying to do in terms of getting to their goal.  Not sure how involving people who don't live in the GP is useful.  It just creates backlash because like many have pointed out - no one without any real skin in the game is going to be anti-anything on this matter.  B/c why should they?  No skin off their back.  And for the record, there are people who live in the GP that are FOR the cemetery and welcome it with open arms.

They are trying to convince the Irvine board and mayor to move the site to somewhere else...not so close to their backyard.  That requires more voices than those from GP. 

It's basically futile IMO but the Light Bridge charged anyways.
Irvinecommuter said:
bones said:
Irvinecommuter said:
bones said:
SoCal said:
bones said:
What is more annoying than NIMBY-ism is when people who don't live in GP start saying things like... "i wouldn't object to a cemetery being built in my neighborhood".  Well, that's great.  Those people can support THAT cemetery if and when it comes into their backyard. 

I am in the process of re-reading this entire thread and just want to point out that the anti-cemetery group has posed the question several times, in various ways, with the gist of: "How would you like it if a cemetery was being built next to your house?" If an answer is given, it could be because it was prompted by some, one, or all of those questions.

1.  It's not an anti cemetary group
2.  Then if that's the case, the people who are asking that question are stupid. It doesn't matter how someone who doesn't live in the GP feels about a cemetary in their backyard bc it's not happening to them.

But they are trying to sway public opinion on the matter..which requires empathy to their plight.

Well honestly, I'm not sure what the group is trying to do in terms of getting to their goal.  Not sure how involving people who don't live in the GP is useful.  It just creates backlash because like many have pointed out - no one without any real skin in the game is going to be anti-anything on this matter.  B/c why should they?  No skin off their back.  And for the record, there are people who live in the GP that are FOR the cemetery and welcome it with open arms.

They are trying to convince the Irvine board and mayor to move the site to somewhere else...not so close to their backyard.  That requires more voices than those from GP. 

It's basically futile IMO but the Light Bridge charged anyways.

Thanks Sherlock.  I meant, how?  By throwing a bunch of signatures on a page?  By throwing a town hall decision makers aren't going to?  If they want to really move the location, it needs to be a lot more strategic than Yal being the messenger on TI.  No offense Yal :)
bones said:
Irvinecommuter said:
bones said:
Irvinecommuter said:
bones said:
SoCal said:
bones said:
What is more annoying than NIMBY-ism is when people who don't live in GP start saying things like... "i wouldn't object to a cemetery being built in my neighborhood".  Well, that's great.  Those people can support THAT cemetery if and when it comes into their backyard. 

I am in the process of re-reading this entire thread and just want to point out that the anti-cemetery group has posed the question several times, in various ways, with the gist of: "How would you like it if a cemetery was being built next to your house?" If an answer is given, it could be because it was prompted by some, one, or all of those questions.

1.  It's not an anti cemetary group
2.  Then if that's the case, the people who are asking that question are stupid. It doesn't matter how someone who doesn't live in the GP feels about a cemetary in their backyard bc it's not happening to them.

But they are trying to sway public opinion on the matter..which requires empathy to their plight.

Well honestly, I'm not sure what the group is trying to do in terms of getting to their goal.  Not sure how involving people who don't live in the GP is useful.  It just creates backlash because like many have pointed out - no one without any real skin in the game is going to be anti-anything on this matter.  B/c why should they?  No skin off their back.  And for the record, there are people who live in the GP that are FOR the cemetery and welcome it with open arms.

They are trying to convince the Irvine board and mayor to move the site to somewhere else...not so close to their backyard.  That requires more voices than those from GP. 

It's basically futile IMO but the Light Bridge charged anyways.

Thanks Sherlock.  I meant, how?  By throwing a bunch of signatures on a page?  By throwing a town hall decision makers aren't going to?  If they want to really move the location, it needs to be a lot more strategic than Yal being the messenger on TI.  No offense Yal :)

Don't underestimate the power of the Yaliu!  Seen that man put a dead body in OH and nobody knows what happened.  (Too soon?)
jmoney74 said:
Don't underestimate the power of the Yaliu!  Seen that man put a dead body in OH and nobody knows what happened.  (Too soon?)

Ha!  You're right... maybe Yal and co are busy making things happen behind the scenes that we just don't know about ;)
You would have to figure that 5P could take the land now allocated for the Veterans Cemetery and generate a huge amount of cash if it was allowed to use the land instead for residential development. The proceeds from that could then be used to purchase a pretty nice cemetery somewhere else where land is going for a whole lot less... 5P gets rid of a major negative for its development, City of Irvine avoids a major headache, and Veterans get an even bigger cemetery. Seems like a win-win-win... Of course if that was on their minds 5P would start marketing that site as a future neighborhood... hmm... Aren't they doing that already?
The guy in the Geraldo brawl was John Metzger, the son of the Tom Metzger, the guy in the Wally George brawl.

Tom Metzger was the California Grand Dragon of the KKK.  The Grand Dragon is a state leader of the KKK.  The national leader of the KKK is the Grand Wizard who was David Duke.  After Tom Metzger retired from his Grand Dragon position, he founded the White Aryan Resistance (WAR) which his son John was a leader in.  WAR is a formidable presence in California prisons.  After David Duke left the KKK, he founded the civil rights organization National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP).

Wally George was an Orange County institution in the old days.  He was from Garden Grove and had a long running show on KDOC channel 56 called Hot Seat.  He was such an OC icon I remember seeing someone in Anaheim walking around on Halloween dressed as Wally George.  SoCal, your parents let you stay up late enough to watch Hot Seat?

SoCal said:
Happiness said:
It's too bad Wally George isn't around anymore.  This town hall meeting would have been perfect on Hot Seat.  Do any of you old timers remember the debate on Hot Seat between Tom Metzger (grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan) and Irv Rubin (president of the Jewish Defense League)?  That was epic.  They jumped on each other and tore down the entire set of the show.


Yes, or the famous chair-throwing incident on Geraldo Rivera. Black dude vs. Skinheads.
yaliu07 said:
@TCCC, come out and voice your thoughts why cemetery should be in great park.  This gives us a chance to listen your thoughts and give you a chance to listen our thoughts.  any thoughts are welcome.

So, any thoughts are welcome... but only if they are Chinese.

Here is what happened tonight at the meeting according to the vets:

We only wanted to dialog, but were turned away at the door. "Private party rental' we were told. Chinese only.
yaliu07 said:
we worked hard to have this town hall meeting.  we appreciate if people can come and voice their thoughts.

5 days ago, a letter was posted here, slamming the councilwoman for pulling the rug out from under your meeting. "No written explanation or apology was given by Ms. Schott to OCRA for OCRA's work and time spent on this TH efforts." She was criticized as being "unprofessional" and a disappointment for her lack of communication. Tonight, you did the same thing to the group of veterans who showed up to the advertised meeting, where supposedly, all thoughts would be welcomed. They were turned away at the door. How do you respond to those who see incongruities here?

SoCal said:
yaliu07 said:
@TCCC, come out and voice your thoughts why cemetery should be in great park.  This gives us a chance to listen your thoughts and give you a chance to listen our thoughts.  any thoughts are welcome.

So, any thoughts are welcome... but only if they are Chinese.

Here is what happened tonight at the meeting according to the vets:

We only wanted to dialog, but were turned away at the door. "Private party rental' we were told. Chinese only.

according to the organizer, there WILL be communication with veterans.

i also think the organizer said that there were already some communication with veterans and veterans are nice and reasonable people.  but unfortunately, i sat in the back and didn't hear that sentence clearly. 

there were another races there too including american.  unfortunately, there were no mexiCANT.  again, calling out qwerty....