United States vs. ?

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morekaos said:
And it won't be just American missiles.  I think the Brits and the French will fire a few too.

Here comes Bond and the Clouseau....

UK submarines 'move within striking range of Syria' as Theresa May considers backing military action


French president says he has proof of Syria gas attack

Time to re-watch the 1997 great "Wag The Dog".

My two favorite moments if I recall correctly - Kirsten Dunst having to run through an Albanian rubble scene a second time because she didn't hold her product placement Doritos right and Dustin Hoffman's Stanley Motss character always saying "this... this is nothing..." because it could all get fixed in post production.

Timely in 1997. Timely in 2018.

My .02c

Official US policy seems to be that it is OK for Assad to kill as many civilians as he wants (500,000 so far) as long as he uses  conventional weapons .

This makes no logical sense.  But I guess he had to get Comey etc off the front page so here we are

Neocons win again
fortune11 said:
Official US policy seems to be that it is OK for Assad to kill as many civilians as he wants (500,000 so far) as long as he uses  conventional weapons .

This makes no logical sense.  But I guess he had to get Comey etc off the front page so here we are

Neocons win again

I know what you're saying, but I think you're ignoring what an incredibly difficult problem this is.  Where do you draw the line?  What if Russia wanted to test other WMD's on the Syrian people.  Small scale nukes?  How do you decide what is worth enforcing and what isn't?
Hmmmm, a year and a half ago we were on the brink of nuclear war and now we are signing an official armistice and ending a war that has lasted 6 decades.  What has happened in the last 16 months to change things so drastically?  Hmmmm, let me think.

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war

Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the military conflict between the two countries.
Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce ? and not a peace treaty.

Like I previously mentioned the president of China met with rocket man. It?s like the first who struck gold gets the credit.  ;)

morekaos said:
Hmmmm, a year and a half ago we were on the brink of nuclear war and now we are signing an official armistice and ending a war that has lasted 6 decades.  What has happened in the last 16 months to change things so drastically?  Hmmmm, let me think.

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war

Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the military conflict between the two countries.
Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce ? and not a peace treaty.

But what prompted that meeting?  Certainly was not done during ANY previous US administration. Xi has been President since 2013.  Lots of time there to apply pressure on NK, but he didn't...until now.
irvinehomeowner said:
It was Dennis Rodman.

I think this makes him officially greater than Michael Jordan now.

Fun fact:  When I was in college, I worked as a valet in NB and used to park his cars pretty regularly.  He was a fun guy and very nice to everybody.  I couldn't have predicted he would broker world peace back then though.
I'm a hammer and its a nail.  Trump is belligerent enough to start flinging bombs even though it would be a giant clusterf*ck.  The snubnosers know it. They also knew Obama was reserved enough to not fling bombs into a messy clusterf*ck that would get a lot of troops killed.

Trump is perfectly willing to wreck the place if he cant get what he wants.  Look at how he builds resorts. Its the same model.  So it doesnt matter ifnits nukes in North Korea or the world economy, Trump is willing to crash them.

And like any negotiation, the frist key is you have to be willing to not have a deal to effectively negotiate. Otherwise you're not negotiating, you're just determining how much you're going to pay.

Its not brilliant but can be effective, at least until the other party can just say fuck you.
Liar Loan said:
Rodman passed his celebrity apprentice challenge.

I think that Trump is different as the President than as the Boss/judge on the Apprentice. (I think I will watched all the episodes)

There were 14 seasons of the apprentice and he made approximately $214 million according to Wikipedia.