NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
qwerty said:
Irvine Dream said:
SoCal said:
Background info: Davina felt like an outsider while growing up, being an Indian in a neighborhood of whites. She claims the other kids taunted her. FFW to her adult life -- rather than this experience turning her off from whites, she ONLY seeks the attention of whites, rejecting even her own men. WTH? I'm going to play armchair psychologist here and say the reason she wants so badly to fit in with whites is that this must be her way of dealing with what happened to her in the past. I don't know if she sees the connection, though, as I haven't finished watching the whole 2-hour episode.

So, so, SO many different layers to this one. But at the end of the day, I think it's her loss. By severely restricting the pool of candidates and not even giving anybody else a chance, she may be missing out on a great match. It looks like the experts in charge of this did pair her up with a white husband, as demanded. We'll see how this goes.
A friend of mine of East Indian decent has this rule for his children:

Son can marry any race other than white and black
Daughter to marry pref White but not East Indian/Asian, Black.
Now, now don't shoot me, I am just saying my friend's rule.  Funny thing is I pointed out that if his wife's parents followed the same rule then he wouldn't be married to his wife.  But then he argued since they were both brought up in India it was OK but adamant that for girls growing up in USA an Indian husband  will not work  ;D

why wouldnt you want the son to marry a white girl? my first wife was white - to show that i had made it :-)

Interesting - how many times were you married?
qwerty said:
Irvine Dream said:
SoCal said:
Background info: Davina felt like an outsider while growing up, being an Indian in a neighborhood of whites. She claims the other kids taunted her. FFW to her adult life -- rather than this experience turning her off from whites, she ONLY seeks the attention of whites, rejecting even her own men. WTH? I'm going to play armchair psychologist here and say the reason she wants so badly to fit in with whites is that this must be her way of dealing with what happened to her in the past. I don't know if she sees the connection, though, as I haven't finished watching the whole 2-hour episode.

So, so, SO many different layers to this one. But at the end of the day, I think it's her loss. By severely restricting the pool of candidates and not even giving anybody else a chance, she may be missing out on a great match. It looks like the experts in charge of this did pair her up with a white husband, as demanded. We'll see how this goes.
A friend of mine of East Indian decent has this rule for his children:

Son can marry any race other than white and black
Daughter to marry pref White but not East Indian/Asian, Black.
Now, now don't shoot me, I am just saying my friend's rule.  Funny thing is I pointed out that if his wife's parents followed the same rule then he wouldn't be married to his wife.  But then he argued since they were both brought up in India it was OK but adamant that for girls growing up in USA an Indian husband  will not work  ;D

why wouldnt you want the son to marry a white girl? my first wife was white - to show that i had made it :-)

prob wouldn't mind a white girl friend to show off but for marriage no, he thinks they will not cook and take care of his son.  But based on this forum looks like none of the ladies (other than SoCal of course) cook anyway
Irvine Dream said:
qwerty said:
why wouldnt you want the son to marry a white girl? my first wife was white - to show that i had made it :-)

Mmn.  Did she meet the 80% pay rule as well?  So no alimony?

yes she did. i would not have married her otherwise. no alimony, no kids. so pretty painless divorce. 
Irvine Dream said:
prob wouldn't mind a white girl friend to show off but for marriage no, he thinks they will not cook and take care of his son.  But based on this forum looks like none of the ladies (other than SoCal of course) cook anyway

And what's even more ironic: Of the ladies mentioned, I'm the solo white girl. I love taking care of my man. So, your Indian friend can "put that in his pipe and smoke it".  8)
Soylent Green Is People said:
Any "Vikings" watchers? Wondering where this season is headed. Sure, I could run and find spoilers, but would prefer to hear what TI viewers are thinking.

Did not know 3rd season was running, will have to catch up.

I've always been quite fond of viking blood eagle sacrifices.
I like the tv show "Viikings" because it shows how totally bad ass white people used to be before they were civilized (i.e. emasculated) by Christianity. 
Happiness said:
I like the tv show "Viikings" because it shows how totally bad ass white people used to be before they were civilized (i.e. emasculated) by Christianity. 

Not necessarily...  although the Brits were portrayed as sheep in the series, they did eventually went forth and built the British Empire.  Being "civilized' allowed them to conquer infant morality, which was critical for manpower and colonization.

Quoting Monty Python, for centuries Asians sent their barbarian hordes to Europe, so for once Europeans send their barbarians to Asia.

Personally, I prefer Polytheist and Pagan religions over Monotheism.  But if you get the chance, check out "Saint Young Men":

In watching the HGTV shows Love it or List it, Fixer Upper, Property Bothers, Flip or Flop, etc, it appears that all of these shows do the same thing: take older or vintage homes, blow out the downstairs interior walls to make an open concept kitchen dominated floor plan.  There is very little variation from this open concept fetish among all the HGTV shows.

Personally, I like older homes the way they are.  No need to "improve" a nice 1920s bungalow with a great room and giant kitchen island large enough to land a helicopter on.  On one episode of Fixer Upper, they even did this open concept job on an Eichler type home. 
The California Court Company said:
good thing wife2 is Asian. Asian females age slower and don't become obese as easily as Latinos and Caucasians. as long as it fits she is good.

lol, it fits well enough :-)

yeah both of them were/are thin, the white girl's mom was fit in her late 50's so i think she was going to be thin long term. but yes, my asian wife will age better, no doubt about that. a mexican girl would have ballooned up after baby number one, without question.
momopi said:
For reference, Asian-American divorce rates:


And how many of these high-ranking Asian + White divorces are actually Green Card sham marriages which were never a real commitment to begin with? 