Last night's Catfish episode was one for the books.
This dude, on the right, is Tyreme. On the left is his digital girlfriend, Tomorrow. Yes, that's her name. Or so he thinks. And that's what she looks like. Or so he thought.
Tyreme fell in love with this woman online. And he pretty much wants to marry her even though they have haven't even Skyped.
They finally met up. This is "Tomorrow" IRL. Her name is Latrease:
He was none too pleased when they met up!
But she is in love with him and wants to continue their "relationship"! Most of what she told him about herself as "Tomorrow" was real. Her feelings were real, too. The whole thing is real. The only thing NOT real is the picture. He wasn't feeling it. She demanded to know why. This woman wanted ANSWERS, people, DETAILS. Why, why, why Tyreme. "Why am I not good enough for you? Is it because you're afraid of what people would say?" Oh, man. Talk about awkward. He said, "Don't... make... me... say it."

AHHH! So awkward! I was on the edge of my seat! She was straight-up BEGGING him to be with her!

She's like, "Please, Tyreme, please. I want to be with you." Ladies -- do not beg! It's not cute! And you don't want to be with someone that you have to beg for.
Latrease then admitted that she already knew what he thought. When she was posing as "Tomorrow", she made "Latrease" Tomorrow's best friend. She repeatedly sent pics of herself to Tyreme and asked if her "best friend" is his type. He said no. He even said... "She's ugly." LaTrease was asking with the hopes that if she revealed her true self to him, he would go for it. But Tyreme didn't. They still chat as friends but that's where it ends. In the end, Latrease says it's hard being a plus sized woman because nobody wants to be with her. :'(