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Some of these comments here are SO charming that I just can NOT imagine WHY a woman like Davina would refuse to date one of these fine gentlemen or someone from their background who shares the same views. I mean, I originally posted to sympathize with and defend the non-white guys who must think it sucks to lose their ladies to white men (and to Qwerters across the country) --I'm referring to the "Married At First Sight" post. I originally said she could be missing out on a great guy. But as a thanks for the support, there are some additional really charming comments about white women, too. Classy. Maybe she was on to something after all.
It's painful watching "Married At First Sight". Last night, Jaclyn (top-right), was telling her new husband, Ryan (bottom-left) what a disappointment it was that he is not what she expected and that she wanted to RUN AWAY FROM HIM while she was walking down the aisle. Okay, I don't want to sound too mean here but I think it's reasonable to assume that some men might feel the same way about HER. So maybe she should be grateful she found somebody who is really happy they got matched up with her. I can't believe she would say something so unnecessarily cruel. It isn't helpful in any way! Of course, she also refuses to sleep with him and calls him "Bro", "Dude", "Buddy", and "BROTHER"! He is bothered about her placing him in the Friend Zone.

I think the show producers knew what they were doing pairing up a bi*ch with a nice guy.  They knew what would happen and did it on purpose to create this train wreck for the viewer's pleasure.  I think the producers deliberately chose Jaclyn because the audience would hate her.  It wouldn't be much of a show if everyone lived happily ever after would it?  Ryan is the victim of the show producer's cruelty.
Maybe they will turn out like Doug & Jamie from last season. Repulsed as she walked down the aisle towards the mutant groom waiting for her at the other end, Jamie sobbed uncontrollably. But now she is in love with him and wants to have his baby(ies) immediately! In my opinion & experience, immediate attraction is not important and is not always an accurate indicator of things to come. Love can grow. Things can turn out much better than expected if only they will give the guy a chance and get to know him. I think this is the reason why Jaclyn has been single for all of her 20s. She is her own worst enemy. Due to the inherent nature of the show, unfortunately, there is probably a good likelihood of being paired with someone who is *single for a reason*.  :-\
I thought I was the only one watching this silly show.  I actually think that Jaclyn is being a pretty good sport about the whole thing.  She's trying to get to know Ryan and seeming to have a decent time with him.  She's being completely honest that she's not attracted to him (now) but from other standpoints he is the type of guy she would want for the long term.

I think in the end we may be surprised that this is the only one couple that decides to stay married.  The other 2 are destined to fail, I'm sorry but both of those guys can do better in the looks dept. and they will soon have women clamoring for them due to the fame from being on the show. 
Season 2 of 90 Day Fiance is pretty interesting. 58 year old ultra-creepy dude with 19 year old Filipina (top-left). That's right. 58 and 19. Now, I'm normally not one to criticize age differences between couples -- heck, I am the product of one plus I've been in one for decades myself. But when you get into "old enough to be your pappy" territory -- or worse yet -- your GRANDFATHER, well, that's just sick. Then there's the white lady with a Jamaican resort worker she picked up on her vacation. The Prague-party-girl-turned-Mormon... and the list goes on. Yep. Pretty interesting. Edit: For those not familiar with the show, the foreigners are brought over on K1 Visas. They have 90 days to get married once landing on American soil. If they don't, they have to go home. Some of these couples are still getting to know each other yet are engaged.

MITHC was really a great production. Well worth a weekend of bing watching (10 eps only in this season) With so many Amazon Prime'r's here I'm kinda surprised there has only been two posts on High Castle so far.

Looking forward to a second season. There's been talk about expanding the sections of the book not covered in season one, plus much more new material.

My .02c
irvinehomeowner said:
Jessica Jones is... uh... interesting. More like a qwerhero show.

Yea, interesting is right.  Made me want to drink cheap whiskey, take some red pills, and upgrade my home security system.  >:D

Looking forward to Daredevil season 2
Last night's Catfish episode was one for the books.

This dude, on the right, is Tyreme. On the left is his digital girlfriend, Tomorrow. Yes, that's her name. Or so he thinks. And that's what she looks like. Or so he thought.


Tyreme fell in love with this woman online.  And he pretty much wants to marry her even though they have haven't even Skyped.

They finally met up. This is "Tomorrow" IRL. Her name is Latrease:


He was none too pleased when they met up!


But she is in love with him and wants to continue their "relationship"! Most of what she told him about herself as "Tomorrow" was real. Her feelings were real, too. The whole thing is real. The only thing NOT real is the picture. He wasn't feeling it. She demanded to know why. This woman wanted ANSWERS, people, DETAILS. Why, why, why Tyreme. "Why am I not good enough for you? Is it because you're afraid of what people would say?" Oh, man. Talk about awkward. He said, "Don't... make... me... say it."  :o AHHH! So awkward! I was on the edge of my seat! She was straight-up BEGGING him to be with her!  :( She's like, "Please, Tyreme, please. I want to be with you." Ladies -- do not beg! It's not cute! And you don't want to be with someone that you have to beg for.

Latrease then admitted that she already knew what he thought. When she was posing as "Tomorrow", she made "Latrease" Tomorrow's best friend. She repeatedly sent pics of herself to Tyreme and asked if her "best friend" is his type. He said no. He even said... "She's ugly." LaTrease was asking with the hopes that if she revealed her true self to him, he would go for it. But Tyreme didn't. They still chat as friends but that's where it ends. In the end, Latrease says it's hard being a plus sized woman because nobody wants to be with her.  :'(
Binge watched "Vikings" season 4 and "Spartacus Blood and Sand" (2010) this week.

Ah, happy dreams of sacking Paris and Rome.
"Single Dad Seeking".

Otherwise known as: "I need a nanny, you're desperate and forty, let's get together and call it love."

The second episode of this TLC series just aired. It's a cornucopia of single dad dating issues as they move in a new mommy in an effort to determine if the romantic connection made online can survive the insta-family kid test IRL.