It's Irvine now... we are the next Monterey Park/ Rowland/ (fill in the blank)
I grew up in SGV, so I'm used to it.
I was at Diamond Jamboree plaza, about to turn into a parking spot, when all of a sudden a guy yelled at me and jumped in front of me to "save" the spot for someone... I'm a nice guy, so I let it go, but if I was having a bad day I would have run this little sh!t over. At the same time screaming into his cell phone to tell let the person no "the scout" had obtained a parking spot... nice...
Wife was at Dimsum @ sam woo yesterday. As she was backing out, a guy who shopped at Ranch 99 put his groceries away and left the cart right behind my wife's car... AS she was backing out. She opens the window and says "excuse me?" He looks at her, gets into his car and drives off. Wife has to repark, get out of the car, and move the cart while daughter is crying... nice....
I go for some Tap express on Jeffrey Walnut. Signal to wait for a spot. The car is about to back out, but a lady driving zooms up to try to take the spot. The car can no longer back out. I positioned my car to get into the spot, so the crazy lady can not move forward. Instead of backing out, she starts honking, rolls down the windows and yells at me. I end up backing up, car backs out, she pulls in... I end up parking at the gas station (top off the tank) while wife acquires the goods... nice....
It comes with the territory... With all the bad is the good, with the good is the bad... I don't expect people to hold doors open for me anymore... Personally, what's more annoying for me is all the G DAMN dog owners who refuse to pick up pet pooop. My dog must navigate through a minefield to find a clean patch of grass. Also, 2 nice old ladies in the neighboorhood are notorious for emptying out the doggy poo bag dispenser. C'mon ladies... go order some bags on amazon and save some for others...