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irvinehomeowner said:UntilUntil it closes... it shows nothing. Last year REX Realty listed "auction" homes at half the comps... but they ended closing at or above the prevailing prices.IndieDev said:irvinehomeowner said:I haven't really looked but I don't think there are many 2000sft+ SFRs in Turtle Rock that have closed recently at $600k.
This would be the first in a very long time (since 2003). It shows how far TR has fallen.
In April, the Guess-O-Nomics crowd was saying it wasn't even possible.
I know you're not a realtor and a self-proclaimed expert in Funda-nomics... but looking at recent comps... do you think this will close closer to $600k or $700k?
Taking this outlier and saying "Look look... $600k TR home... toldyaso" is similar to the "disinformation" you pride yourself on defeating.
Really it shows "nothing"? You don't think it shows any market weakness? C'mon man, you can't be that purposefully prideful to admit you and your guess-o-nomics buddies were wrong about the Irvine market. A TR shortsale, not listed as an auction listing, at $608,000 is certainly indicative of "something". On top of that I showed you FOUR closed properties that closed in the 300s/sqft, none of them backing to Culver. Does that mean nothing to you too?

Also I notice it's not "it'll close closer to $800,000" now from the Guess-O-Nomics crowd, it's "maybe it'll close closer to $700,000." Those price ceilings keep on dropping, very telling.

But honestly, I never said this is the norm for Turtle Rock, where did I say that? That's actually your own accusation/interpretation. I've only represented the property as what it is, a MLS listed property at a price where numerous posters were saying it would be an impossibility, yet... here it is.
I'm not here to "defeat" anyone, I'm only here to show that your Guess-O-Nomics and claims that Irvine is a unicorn and different is simply wrong, and you have been wrong the past 6 months. This proves that $533 a sqft for a TR home backing to Culver, or $839,000 for a smaller model is simply not a good comp, and the market activity is proving me right.
Seriously man, relax, I really want for your to gain more knowledge so you will stop saying things like "this neighborhood is different", and "profit seeking firms stop making stuff to maintain price levels". For someone who has 3,200+ post on a housing forum, its escapes me how you can still say things like that and not blush. I'm trying to save you from embarrassing yourself when you talk to your friends or family about real estate, because people who do know what they're talking about and hear what you say, will judge you harshly by the inaccuracy of your statements. When it comes down to it, I'm your friend even though you don't know it, perhaps one of your best.