The Investigation

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Loco_local said:
russia (bot) collusion confirmed

The point wasn't that she was a Russian bot. She's real but many of the pro-Trump social media accounts are fake and just a way to scam money from True Believers. They must have learned something at Trump University.

is it truly a scam if these people are receiving the merchandise they purchased?  sounds like one party purchasing an item they want and another (whether they are "malicious in teen vogue's eyes or not) capitalizing on a business opportunity.
I don't remember a Republican president ever doing anything like this before...

Trump Reportedly ?100 Percent? for Race Summit With Kaepernick, Kanye
The president wants to have multiple meetings with athletes and musicians to discuss race.
A Cleveland-based pastor who serves as an outside advisor to the White House has revealed President Trump wants to have multiple meetings about race issues with Colin Kaepernick, Kanye West and other athletes and musicians during an official summit at the White House.

Pastor Darrell Scott told that President Trump is ?100 percent for? the summit and is ?very enthusiastic? about the idea of inviting Kaepernick, whom he previously called ?terrible? for kneeling during the national anthem before NFL games.

Details of the meetings will be ironed out next week, but Scott said they will be a ?melting pot? and not just ?a black-only event? or a partisan function.

?We don?t want to sanitize it,? Scott said. ?I want people from the left to attend. I want it to get heated but I want it to be respectful. I want them to see and know the Donald Trump I know.?
fortune11 said:
So what would you invest in right now where there is not a bubble  - 100% stocks ?  Irvine Housing  ? Commercial real estate ?

soybean futures and trumpcoin
fortune11 said:
Ok so looks like your portfolio is definitely earning more than Starman

No one makes a killing in bonds (compared to equities) - since upside is limited -- "fixed " part of fixed income

So what would you invest in right now where there is not a bubble  - 100% stocks ?  Irvine Housing  ? Commercial real estate ?

I am invested in MAGA friendly industries, and the Trump trade has led to exquisite returns far exceeding the S&P (with less risk). 

So when Starman or MoreKaos talk about the outstanding results they are having, I believe them.

Real estate is not in a bubble, but is expensive.  Invest at your own risk.  I'm not currently buying anything, but continue to hold most of what I own.
Liar Loan said:
fortune11 said:
Ok so looks like your portfolio is definitely earning more than Starman

No one makes a killing in bonds (compared to equities) - since upside is limited -- "fixed " part of fixed income

So what would you invest in right now where there is not a bubble  - 100% stocks ?  Irvine Housing  ? Commercial real estate ?

I am invested in MAGA friendly industries, and the Trump trade has led to exquisite returns far exceeding the S&P (with less risk). 

So when Starman or MoreKaos talk about the outstanding results they are having, I believe them.

Real estate is not in a bubble, but is expensive.  Invest at your own risk.  I'm not currently buying anything, but continue to hold most of what I own.

I think real estate in high tax states will have a jolt next year. When they do their taxes. (Shock and aww)
Yeah but we are not investing for the past but looking forward

Both Trump-friendly sectors Industrials and Banks have underperformed the broader S&P this year

Again, lot of pompous talk but no specifics.  For the other readers of this forum , here is my take since you never get a straight answer from the self-professed financial experts of MAGA dom

And this is basic 101 btw , nothing fancy --

In investing , all you are doing is collecting return - based on either 1) price appreciation and, where applicable 2) income generation  - this is true of all financial assets

Now the price of assets is based on value of future cash flows discounted by an interest rate - again true of all assets - even tech stocks which don't have any cash flow right now (but its all about "future" potential)

Now this discount rate is all important right -- and it varies depending on the type of asset - but all the discounts rates from those used to value an office building, to the homes in Portola springs to Caterpillar stock are some version of the benchmark treasury rate - for simplicity lets assume 10y treasury - say at 3% right now

If this discount rate goes up from 3% to 4% , guess what happens ? the present value of cash flows goes down -- hence the asset value also goes down .  this is why many people say stocks cannot stay at this level is bonds were to selloff violently.

But another offset to that is -- what if future cash flows are also growing at a faster rate then that could make stocks go higher regardless of rates going higher - and this  happens to some degree as well as with tax cuts etc. 

But as always , stocks look forward not backward so the good news gets priced in fast, Higher earnings for 2018 are already priced in with guidance fully baked in.  This is why stocks have been selling off as rates have headed higher lately -- what matters more now if the discount rate of future cash flows

So this is why people who say bond bubble will "burst" don't really know what they are talking about

If  a bubble bursting means 20% correction --- or a 20% loss in price -- then the 3% 10y treasury would be at 5.4% -- if that happens in a short period of time -- which is what a "bubble bursting" means , I can guarantee you everyone on this forum is in trouble with their investment portfolios , no matter what asset they are in .

Yes, there will be wise-a__  retorts like you will make money if you are short but there is a cost to being short -- negative carry and margin borrow -- and most people don't operate that way
Have you tried discounting cash flows on Irvine real estate?  Why don't you give it a shot and let us know what the results tell you.

Then come back and explain how assets can rise in value way beyond what cash flows can justify.
Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump
(CNN) - A federal judge expressed deep skepticism Friday in the bank fraud case brought by special counsel Robert Mueller's office against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, at one point saying he believes that Mueller's motivation is to oust President Donald Trump from office.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

"We don't want anyone in this country with unfettered power. It's unlikely you're going to persuade me the special prosecutor has power to do anything he or she wants," Ellis told Dreeben. "The American people feel pretty strongly that no one has unfettered power."

When Dreeben answered Ellis' question about how the investigation and its charges date back to before the Trump campaign formed, the judge shot back, "None of that information has to do with information related to Russian government coordination and the campaign of Donald Trump."
fortune11 said:
Again, lot of pompous talk but no specifics.  For the other readers of this forum , here is my take since you never get a straight answer from the self-professed financial experts of MAGA dom

[fortune11 then proceeds to blather as if he were a self-professed financial expert.
I have seen nobody make that remark, but then again the giggling bullies make things up every day.]

In investing , all you are doing is collecting return - based on either 1) price appreciation and, where applicable 2) income generation  - this is true of all financial assets

Investors do not "collect return" when they are invested in common stocks and the market retreats.  They LOSE MONEY.

Finance 101.  Please tell the audience what was your single best investment in the stock market, and provide your analysis.
Liar Loan said:
Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump
(CNN) - A federal judge expressed deep skepticism Friday in the bank fraud case brought by special counsel Robert Mueller's office against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, at one point saying he believes that Mueller's motivation is to oust President Donald Trump from office.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

"We don't want anyone in this country with unfettered power. It's unlikely you're going to persuade me the special prosecutor has power to do anything he or she wants," Ellis told Dreeben. "The American people feel pretty strongly that no one has unfettered power."

When Dreeben answered Ellis' question about how the investigation and its charges date back to before the Trump campaign formed, the judge shot back, "None of that information has to do with information related to Russian government coordination and the campaign of Donald Trump."

this guy's got more balls than sessions.  new ag?
No one has answered this question --- does anyone know why Trump friendly sectors like Banks and Industrials are underperforming this year  ?

Or are we to blame liberals for that as well
StarmanMBA said:
"In investing, all you are doing is collecting a return." - fortune11

That is real nonsense.

Those who read my post in entirety saw something relevant about how interest rates and markets work.

Your verbal diarrhea does nothing to advance the discussion since your ego is a lot bigger than your portfolio : )

This is falling apart...

As of Friday, three separate Judges have rendered harsh setbacks to the Mueller investigation - demanding, if you can believe it, facts and evidence to back up the Special Counsel's claims - in unredacted format as one Judge demands, or risk having the cases tossed out altogether.

The first major setback happened in February, when the federal judge assigned to the criminal case against Trump's former National Security Advisor, Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordered Mueller's team to turn over any "exculpatory evidence" to Flynn's defense.

Instead, Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued the order "sua sponte," or at his discretion, invoking the "Brady Rule" - which requires prosecutors to turn over previously unfiled evidence that might have a material impact on a defendant's case. Two days before Sullivan issued the order, Mueller filed a motion for a protective order regarding the use of evidence in the case, including "sensitive materials," which would be provided to Flynn's lawyers by the office of the Special Counsel.

Then there's the judge in the Manafort Case, who excoriated a Special Counsel attorney on Friday during a "motion to dismiss" hearing. A leaked transcript of the heated exchange between attorney Michael Dreeben and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis reveals that the entire Manafort case is in jeopardy if the Special Counsel doesn't produce an unredacted copy of the original order from Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein authorizing the original investigation.

Ellis also said that Mueller shouldn't have "unfettered power" to prosecute Manafort for charges that have nothing to do with collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and called out the DOJ's efforts in the case as an attempt by Mueller to gain leverage over Manafort.

"You really care about what information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump or lead to his prosecution or impeachment or whatever. That's what you're really interested in." -Judge Ellis

Last - but we're quite sure not least, was last week's ruling by federal Judge Dabney Friedrich, a Trump appointee, denying Mueller a trial delay over the high-profile February indictment of 13 Russians for interfering in the 2016 US election.

And Concord Management decided to fight it...

As PowerLine notes, Mueller probably didn't see that coming - and the indictment itself was perhaps nothing more than a PR stunt to bolster the Russian interference narrative.

I don?t think anyone (including Mueller) anticipated that any of the defendants would appear in court to defend against the charges. Rather, the Mueller prosecutors seem to have obtained the indictment to serve a public relations purpose, laying out the case for interference as understood by the government and lending a veneer of respectability to the Mueller Switch Project.

One of the Russian corporate defendants nevertheless hired counsel to contest the charges. In April two Washington-area attorneys ? Eric Dubelier and Kate Seikaly of the Reed Smith firm ? filed appearances in court on behalf of Concord Management and Consulting. Josh Gerstein covered that turn of events for Politico here. -Powerline Blog

Politico's Gerstein notes that by defending against the charges, ?Concord could force prosecutors to turn over discovery about how the case was assembled as well as evidence that might undermine the prosecution?s theories.?
Cohen, like any "hanger on" in a new administration, is going to push around the pay to play access for personal benefit. Novartis published a great response about Cohen's deal being a bust, but they had to pay. I read it on Twitter, but don't have the time to link the story. 

Do I care that Cohen got money from them rooskies? Not really. When the full articles are read about these payments, most of them rooskies had contributed to Democratic candidates in prior elections. Wasn't much wailing and gnashing of teeth then, only open palms waiting for grease to be slathered.

To be clear - none of this is right, but also none of it is new.

My .02c
eyephone said:
Any thoughts on Cohen?s Essential consulting?  ;)

Follow the money!!

There is NOTHING criminal about any of those three payments.  All three readily admitted to the payments and gave reasons. All legal, this is just a lot of suggestive innuendo but no burger. Watch, there will be no criminal charges filed in relation to these 3 payments, or they would have already been filed by the Southern District.