The IHB Singles Club

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"E-Harmony sucks". Yes it does. It doesn't allow "my kind" of peeps on it >:-( ..... now that's a stupid business model if I ever heard one !</blockquote>

<span style="color: red;"><strong>Boycott! Boycott</strong>!</span>

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E-Phony, er harmony is lame. I mean, I could tell they were lame, but that is uberlame.

I say lets start a riot, that would be way more fun than just a boycott. Ironically I have a feeling the police would be <em>really</em> busy that day. :coolhmm:
erm... 'grrl'cot, no?

My wife laughs everytime she sees that commercial. If they don't allow regular homosexual people, they sure wouldn't have taken either of us.

Should I make a new avatar for you Trooper... the e from their logo with yellow police tape over it?
<blockquote>It cracks me up when guys wonder how the hot chick is always with the a-hole. Guess who actually walked up to her and said hi? </blockquote>

Exactly! This is what I tell the shy "nerds" when they bitch. "So, why don't *you* go talk to her then?"

And down with e-Harmony! >:-( I had no idea it was so closed-minded until I read this thread (although I can't say I really cared to find out before). it is then!
Yeah, I guess we violate their good christian morals..... whatever. I've often thought of starting a company called the name is already taken on GoDaddy, so there goes that.

Thanks for the support. Oh, and boycott the military too. :-S Because you know we just can't control our urges while in foxholes....and we are horrible at that whole "unit cohesiveness" thing.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1208522771]Yeah, I guess we violate their good christian morals..... whatever.</blockquote>

Yep, they even celebrate the Sabbath by shutting the site down on Sunday.

Oh, you mean they don't?

Ah, they practice <em>selective</em> Christianity, then.
LOL ! I bet the founder bought a place at Brightwater in Huntington Beach !

<em>Thanks! Caycifish, Nude, EvaLSeraphim, CM_Dude, graphrix</em>
[quote author="caycifish" date=1208524692]Must. Create. Thanks. Button....Now!

Z, I have my new motivation to get crackin' on that.</blockquote>
Yes, please...

done yet?
(Manual thanks to Troop)

I think I'll go see if I can find Neal Clark Warren at Brightwater in Huntington Beach...LOL!

The whole gays in the military deal is RIDICULOUS!! I have a buddy who just got back from Iraq, and he said the male/female fraternization was out of control, everybody was doing someone, and the resultant disciplinary issues and conflict was disastrous to morale. Why is it ok for men and women to serve together and not gays? Stupid faux morals!
And you people wonder why gay people drink so much......take a listen to this crap. The whole unit cohesion stuff is just ridiculous. I've been involved in a para-military organization my entire adult life. Everyone knew I was gay, some didn't like it....but no one ever failed to back me up, nor I, them. In other words, baloney.

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Troop, it is absolute horsecrap. I am a USMC veteran, and I can tell you that Marines that I served with wouldn't have given a rats ass who or what their buddies slept with. If anything, it would have fostered far richer and much more interesting humor. In my experience, a Marine is a Marine - black, brown, tan, white, yellow, gay, straight, left, right, religious, atheist, etc. We had a racial issue which resulted in fights and discord in the early parts of boot camp, that quickly dissipated - in the end we ALL had each other's back. One Marine, who became one of of my best friends in the USMC, actually sucker punched me in the head before we all came together as a cohesive platoon. Point is, unit cohesion is organic, not artifical or imposed. Race, religion, sexual orientation, politics, etc. are irrelevant - at least in my opinion. If someone was different in ANY way - car they drove, music they listened to, religion, politics, type of women they preferred, where they lived, who they had pictures of, favorite movies, best type of gun, favorite game, etc. - that was the fodder for humor, and elaborate ribbing - with everyone the target (equal opportunity humor), but we ALL had each others back because we were Marines - not individuals.
[quote author="CM_Dude" date=1208530717]we ALL had each others back because we were Marines - not individuals.</blockquote>
And this is the point that those who have never served gloss over when they dictate their morality into the military. The entire point of basic training and continued drills and exercises is to strip away the individual and replace them with a soldier, airman or Marine. I'd include sailors, but everyone knows they're a little fruity. But people like Romney don't know that, so they look at it from a moral standpoint and fail to grasp that no one is going to care once it becomes normal.

Trooper, it's no comfort, I know... but the generation that is coming into power does not share our parent's prejudices, and the next generation will look back and wonder what all the huff was about. If you stay safe, you might live to see it.

E-Harmony totally sucks. I used it for almost 2 years. My profile kept getting me the strangest

dates with women sending me 10 year old pictures. So for us over 40 crowd it does not

work either. Guess its perfect if your a "Born again Christain Vegetarian". I have a friend like

that that swears by E-Harmoney.

Hey Nude.

Do a good job on Troopers Avatar. Lets see that creativity!
[quote author="Trooper" date=1208497955]<em>Trooper wonders to self, "Am I the only one who doesn't play video games"?</em></blockquote>

Is that your way of asking for a copy of Starcraft, troop? :-)
Failing to make my savings throw (21 or better on D20), I failed to resist the compulsion to post in this nerdy thread.


We're SO off-topic in this off-topic thread. :)

Online daters sue, Yahoo for fraud

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? It's not easy finding love in cyberspace, and now some frustrated online daters say they were victims of fraud by two top Internet matchmaking services and have taken their complaints to court., a unit of IAC/Interactive Corp., is accused in a federal lawsuit of goading members into renewing their subscriptions through bogus romantic e-mails sent out by company employees. In some instances, the suit contends, people on the Match payroll even went on sham dates with subscribers as a marketing ploy.

"This is a grossly fraudulent practice that is engaged in," said H. Scott Leviant, a lawyer at Los Angeles law firm Arias, Ozzello & Gignac LLP, which brought the suit.

Match "promotes the policies of integrity to protect members, and yet they themselves, we allege, are misleading their entire customer base," he said.

The company said it does not comment on pending litigation. But Match spokeswoman Kristin Kelly said the company "absolutely does not" employ people to go on dates with subscribers or to send members misleading e-mails professing romantic interest. The company has about 15 million members worldwide and 250 employees, she said.

In a separate suit, Yahoo's personals service is accused of posting profiles of fictitious potential dating partners on its website to make it look as though many more singles subscribe to the service than actually do.

Yahoo did not respond to requests for comment.

The suits, which both seek class-action status, came as growth in the online dating industry has slowed, although Web matchmaking still remains a big business.

U.S. consumers spent $245.2 million on online personals and dating services in the first half of 2005, up 7.6% from a year earlier, according to the Online Publishers Association. That's a slower growth rate compared with several years ago.

At the same time, competition among online dating services is fierce, with some sites offering newfangled features such as extensive compatibility surveys to match up people with similar temperaments and outlooks.

Allegations of 'date bait'

The Match lawsuit was filed earlier this month in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles by plaintiff Matthew Evans, who contends he went out with a woman he met through the site who turned out to be nothing more than "date bait" working for the company.

The relationship went nowhere, according to his suit. Evans says Match set up the date for him because it wanted to keep him from pulling the plug on his subscription and was hoping he'd tell other potential members about the attractive woman he met through the service, according to Leviant.

His lawyers said Evans, of Orange County, California, was not available to comment, but described him as a working professional in his 30s.

Leviant said his client found out about the alleged scam after the woman he dated confessed she was employed by Match. The lawsuit also claims the company violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act, a law best known for being used in prosecuting organized crime.

The Yahoo suit was filed last month by Robert Anthony, of Broward County, Florida. The suit, brought in U.S. District Court in San Jose, California, accuses the company of breach of contract, fraud and unfair trade practices.

Anthony's lawyer, Peter McNulty of the McNulty Law Firm in Bel Air, California, did not respond to requests for comment.
Thanks to Nude for my anti e-harmony icon. I'll keep it for a week or so in honor of this thread (and his hard work!)

OK, I'll bite. You guys think <em>you </em>have it hard, try being gay and single ! At least you know that 9 of 10 people you are looking at are your kind of peeps. I've got some serious investigation to do.... and paralyzed to think I might have made the wrong call. Nothing worse than thinking I've found a kindred spirit, only to be wrong and possible have been offensive in my advance. :-S

Bars....nah, not my style. I'm "cougar" age at this point anyways ! %-P

So, I work two full time jobs and try not to think about it. My life is full enough...most times I don't even think about being "alone". I guess I've just come to accept it. I'm working towards a goal of paying off my 2nd mortgage and saving $$$ for a downpayment on a future it crazy to think that I am worried that dating is too expensive to fit into my "plan" ? I suppose I'm just figuring that this is how it's going to be, so I might as well start planning for my future as an individual.

Don't get me wrong, I'm open to something if it comes along....but I'm also completely o.k. with being alone.... for the first time in my life. It's actually very empowering.
And I will point out to the peanut gallery....the fact that I have just moved into my "Custom Estate" with my 2000th (redux) post !

Ah.....livin' the good life.
speaking of dating being expensive... go to the end of the clip...

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