The 2020 Presidential Election

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nosuchreality said:
I don't know why the UK vote is surprising? 

The same goes foor the US.  I think Trump is a schmuck.  i know people that voted for him in the midwest.  They think he's a schmuck. 

The left just doesn't get it.

He won due to tge candidacy of Hilary. Basically people voted against her. She didn?t even step a foot in Wisconsin. She was too passive.

This time around things have changed. Look at the midterms results and after. Democrats winning in RED states.
America is turning into a third world country. Gun violence and drug problem way out of control. Countries are like punking us and we are not doing nothing. (such as our drone got shot down by Iran and nothing was done)

We used to be the country that if you mess with us. You will feel the pain. (Hypothetically speaking) I don?t know things have changed. If something happens now, it?s like run and hide in a corner? Lol

Combating climate change was a huge part of Labour and Corbin's platform. Johnson completely ignored the issue.

Greta needs to work harder.
Happiness said:
Combating climate change was a huge part of Labour and Corbin's platform. Johnson completely ignored the issue.

Greta needs to work harder.

It?s okay to talk about Greta, but not Barron. Be best? (I guess it only applies to certain people)
Such a double standard. The GOpee playing card.
No double standard...Greta puts herself into the public domain, Barron does not.  She has voluntarily and purposefully put herself and her views out there for debate.  Makes her fair game no matter what her age.
morekaos said:
No double standard...Greta puts herself into the public domain, Barron does not.  She has voluntarily and purposefully put herself and her views out there for debate.  Makes her fair game no matter what her age.

As you said the word fair game. Barron is fair game also. President?s children always have been in the public light such as jfk jr., etc....

Double standard...
morekaos said:
No double standard...Greta puts herself into the public domain, Barron does not.  She has voluntarily and purposefully put herself and her views out there for debate.  Makes her fair game no matter what her age.

Greta is a pawn.  Its sad watching it happen.

But hey, carpool stickers for leased cars and billionaires building affordable housing paid for with public bonds.
...and they begin to eat their own...

Elizabeth Warren calls for rival Mike Bloomberg to RELEASE women at his company from NDAs and says he 'has to answer' for alleged sexist remarks he made toward female staff

Sen Elizabeth Warren responded to reports that Michael Bloomberg made sexist remarks against women at his company during a Iowa campaign event Monday
'If Michael Bloomberg has made comments like this, then he has to answer for them,' the Massachusetts Democrat said of her 2020 presidential rival
Warren went on to say that the women who signed nondisclosure agreements with Bloomberg's company should be released so they can speak publicly
'I think [nondisclosure agreements] are a way for people to hide bad things they've done. And I think that women should be able to speak,' she said
Bloomberg has denied the accusations that he made inappropriate remarks in the 1990s, creating a hostile work environment for women
The allegations came from lawsuits detailed in an ABC News on Sunday
Court records show at least 17 women have filed lawsuits against Bloomberg Inc and its founder over the past three decades
Many of those cases were settled out of court with plaintiffs required to sign confidentiality agreements

morekaos said:
OK, I have evolved and am abandoning my support of Marianne Williamson (I want my dollar back) and throwing my considerable resources behind Iron Eyes Cody.  She will be, without a doubt, the most fun to watch get thumped like a deerskin drum at the debates.  My dollar is on its way!

Dang it!...I can't find a candidate to give my dollar to that doesn't implode...who's next?..

How the fall of Elizabeth Warren has shaken up the 2020 race

s the Democratic candidates prepare for their last debate of the year, the race for the nomination has been reshaped again. The dramatic and sudden decline in Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (Mass.) polling has left progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) as the main counterweight to three ascendant moderates: former Vice President Joe Biden, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar. For the first time since Warren began her steady climb, it seems like a majority of Democratic primary voters currently prefers a moderate.

Wasn't this the year that Democrats were going to make a decisive turn to the left? It certainly seemed like the primary was following the script of a newly radicalized party when Warren briefly overtook Biden for the national polling lead in September, and scraped her way to the top of early state polling in Iowa and New Hampshire. But since then, she's made a series of missteps that have cost her that lead and then some.

Warren's decline has many causes. Unable or unwilling to get to the left of Sanders, she is the only candidate still in the race getting hammered from both sides of the party's ideological spectrum. While Sanders himself has mostly refrained from taking her on directly, his proxies savaged both her plan to pay for Medicare-for-all without raising middle class taxes, as well as her phased-in approach to the policy. An endorsement from the beloved, dying progressive activist Ady Barkan did nothing to stop the bleeding.
morekaos said:
morekaos said:
OK, I have evolved and am abandoning my support of Marianne Williamson (I want my dollar back) and throwing my considerable resources behind Iron Eyes Cody.  She will be, without a doubt, the most fun to watch get thumped like a deerskin drum at the debates.  My dollar is on its way!

Dang it!...I can't find a candidate to give my dollar to that doesn't implode...who's next?..

How the fall of Elizabeth Warren has shaken up the 2020 race

s the Democratic candidates prepare for their last debate of the year, the race for the nomination has been reshaped again. The dramatic and sudden decline in Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (Mass.) polling has left progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) as the main counterweight to three ascendant moderates: former Vice President Joe Biden, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar. For the first time since Warren began her steady climb, it seems like a majority of Democratic primary voters currently prefers a moderate.

Wasn't this the year that Democrats were going to make a decisive turn to the left? It certainly seemed like the primary was following the script of a newly radicalized party when Warren briefly overtook Biden for the national polling lead in September, and scraped her way to the top of early state polling in Iowa and New Hampshire. But since then, she's made a series of missteps that have cost her that lead and then some.

Warren's decline has many causes. Unable or unwilling to get to the left of Sanders, she is the only candidate still in the race getting hammered from both sides of the party's ideological spectrum. While Sanders himself has mostly refrained from taking her on directly, his proxies savaged both her plan to pay for Medicare-for-all without raising middle class taxes, as well as her phased-in approach to the policy. An endorsement from the beloved, dying progressive activist Ady Barkan did nothing to stop the bleeding.

Thumped like a deerskin drum...LOL.  I must have missed that when you first wrote it.  Should be her campaign slogan!
It will still be a surprise for some....

Spoiler alert: Trump is probably going to win in 2020

It?s a virtual certainty that Trump will emerge relatively unscathed and, credibly, unfazed. Not only are his supporters more stalwart than ever but, ahem, as I predicted a couple of columns ago, his base is expanding. Since the impeachment proceedings began, 600,000 new donors have contributed to the Republican National Committee, according to Axios. Last week alone, just as the House Judiciary Committee adopted two articles of impeachment, the Trump campaign and RNC together took in more than $10 million in small-dollar donations.

The Democratic National Committee made no such commensurate gains, though some Democrats running against designated Republican villains, such as Rep. Devin Nunes (Calif.), did see an uptick in fundraising.

Suffice to say, the Democrats have probably damaged themselves more than they have Trump, whose approval ratings have remained relatively steady between a low of 35 percent in 2017 and a high of 46 percent in April 2019 ? no matter what he does to whom, according to Gallup. The latest RealClearPolitics poll average has him at 44 percent approval, which is slightly higher than in early October.
Heard that before....I'll be right again.

eyephone said:
morekaos said:
Mark my words, even if they get all of this new testimony they will get nothing new to add. All the votes will remain exactly the same. This is a colossal stall tactic, all ?witnesses ? will simply re read their current sworn affidavits and nothing new. He will be seated for the next session

You just said that this morning and looked what happened...
eyephone said:
frank69m said:
How are we headed toward third world status....? Economy doing great. Low unemployment.

How should I say it? This economy left many Americans behind.

Haa ha...told you this line would start to show the add will follow.

morekaos said:
The old arguments of previous cycles like "sure, the economy is doing well...but not for everyone, people are being left behind." are back. This is more like the Reagan expansion, watch, I guarantee you that we will see the "Morning in America" commercial again.
1. But you forgot to copy and paste my key points regarding a third world country.
2. It?s well documented that the economy left many Americans behind.
Don't get lost in the minutiae...Same argument will produce the same campaigns which will produce the same
morekaos said:
Don't get lost in the minutiae...Same argument will produce the same campaigns which will produce the same

The US is headed on the wrong path. Due to the following: We don?t even feel safe going out to big events, schools are not safe, drugs is like out of control people are using it like candy (joking but many people agree with me), vaping, national security is a joke (I don?t blame the military generals and directors of agencies, it?s the commander in chief - he calls the shots) For the record, I was complaining how the military service were not getting paid due to the glitch in the system or something. Also, I complained how the US federal workers were not getting paid during the shutdown.

His run and hide approach is not how the US was before. (All subjective, but many people agree)

Like I said before like a 6 year old playing fortnite knows if you attack us or threaten us (our country). We will fight back. (Example Iran and Fat Kim: nothing happened. Sorry folks this is worst than Benghazi)
The run and hide tactic/doctrine needs to end. (Example: leaving a key position in Syria and deserting our allies on the battlefield. I can?t believe I just said that, but hey it?s true.)