[quote author="socalmd" date=1226214313][quote author="muzie" date=1226132817][quote author="socalmd" date=1226123944]Take a look at GLGT.PK EXTREMELY HIGH RISK. But could be high reward. They are an RFID startup and right now they are trying to build a solid company. I know the principle players and am in contact with the company on a regular basis. Currently PPS is .01 and Market Cap of 1 million dollars. I own about 5 million shares.
Again, I do not recommend buying, especially if you can't stomach wild swings in the stock price. This is definitely the 'lottery ticket' portion of my portfolio. But it could be fun to have a contest with everyone giving their stock pick and see who's ahead after 6 months. Anyone game?</blockquote>
Jesus. A 0.01$ stock. Well I guess there's no question it can't go any lower unless it goes bankrupt. So it's 100% loss or 100% gain. Or more I guess.</blockquote>
No way! There a literally hundred of startups, shells etc trading well below .01 a share.
some are .001 .0001 and even .0000001!</blockquote>
Yikes! <a href="http://biz.yahoo.com/e/081001/glgt.pk10ksb_a.html">Take a look at the summary of their most recent 10k!</a>
<strong>Liquidity and Capital Resources
At December 31, 2007, the Company's liabilities ($568,115) exceeded its assets ($-0-) by approximately $568,115, and the Company had $ -0- in available cash. We do not have sufficient funds to effectuate our business plan without additional financial resources. We expect to incur a minimum of approximately $1,000,000 in expenses during the next twelve months of operations, primarily for research and development, sales and marketing. Additionally, approximately $750,000 will be needed for general overhead expenses such as for salaries, corporate legal and accounting fees, office overhead and working capital.
We will have to issue debt or equity securities, or enter into a strategic arrangement with a third party, to implement our business plan. There can be no assurance that additional capital will be available to us. We do not have any agreements, arrangements or understandings to obtain funds through bank loans, lines of credit or other means of financing.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
Going Concern Considerations
The Company has an Accumulated Deficit as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 ($15,324,711 and ($14,656,481, respectively) and no source of revenue. These conditions raise substantial doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. The Company needs to obtain additional financing to fund payment of obligations and to provide working capital for operations. </strong>
Oh, and they don't have a developed product yet either. (And it's not RFID, they are going for a security (video surveillance) product)