[quote author="blackvault_cm" date=1226388569][quote author="muzie" date=1226386677][quote author="blackvault_cm" date=1226374562][quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1226373920][quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1226364337]Things aren't holding up very well today...the 1-month treasury bill yield declined from .14% to .11% and the 3-month treasury bill yield declined from .35% to .28% in the past 2 hours. Oil has dropped from about $65 to under $61 over that same period while the down was up over 200 and now is up 50. Could this rally be running out of steam already???</blockquote>
Check that...the 1-month bill is @.08% now and the 3-month bill is @ .24%. Looks like people are running for the hills.</blockquote>
Good stuff. As far as your housing comment earlier...it's already ugly...10% unemployment next by next year and collapse in consumer spending CAN'T be good for home prices...
On stocks, I'm hoping for a big selloff at the end of today or a real bloodshed tomorrow.</blockquote>
Why are you "hoping" for a selloff? Didn't you just post some deriding comments about "all the longs have now is hope"? My thoughts are a true trader doesn't really care if the market goes up or down - he looks at the charts, and if he sees a setup he likes, he goes for it, up or down. So why all the "hope"?
I also don't get why you get so excited at the prospect of a big sell-off. What I mean is, all things been equal, bear markets suck, <strong>even for bears</strong>. During huge bulls you get people like Dan Zanger who turn 10k$ into 40 million in 18 months. It requires insane luck, but it happens. I can guarantee you the best shorter in the world isn't going to get anywhere near this return this year. So if you and I are interested in making money, then all things been equal you should "hope" for a big rally rather than a large crash.
Of course we trade the markets that are given to us, so hoping is irrelevant - but "hoping" for a crash isn't trading what you're given, it's holding on to a personal opinion.</blockquote>
Whoa whoa whoa Muzie. Why all the hate against the bears? Why do you feel mocked? Why are you upset because some of us are protecting ourselves and even profiting from the bear market?
You see some people buy equities and sit on it...some of us trade the market. The time to be long will come one day, right now is not the time. So why would I want the market to go up when a portion of my portfolio is short? I am trading the opportunity, and I'm LOVING IT.
Also, you don't need to tell me that gains from longs is unlimited and gains from bears is limited. However, I make a living from buying and selling stocks and I can't do that if I'm long 100% of the time. I have to follow the money to make money.</blockquote>
Nowhere did I say I felt personally mocked. Nowhere did I say you should be buy and holding. Do me a favor and look up Dan Zanger I mentioned and tell me if you could possibly be any further than buy and hold than that guy. So, sorry, but the appeals as if I felt I was under attack isn't working

You want to make money. I want to make money. I don't give a rat's ass what way if it's legal. You present yourself as a daytrader that "follows the money" - that's what this thread is supposed to be about. Fact is, most of this thread is devoted more to fundamental arguments about what's wrong with the economy, than about daytrading setups. It's not "following the money" if all you're doing is rehashing all the bearish news everybody is aware of already.
If I want to make money, there is no interest from me in being right/wrong/bearish/bullish overall. Traders are neutral. If you're constantly trying to prove that the world is coming to the end, then clearly that trader is more interested in "being right" than in making money - and in fact most people are. I would love being right. But making money comes first. Hence "hoping" for a crash (or for a great rally) wouldn't enter my mindset as a trader.
I don't feel mocked - but I do find a lot of stock market bears have an arrogant "I know better" attitude that's not warranted, e.g. calling people on the opposite of these trades "suckers", "bagholders", etc. It's a mentality I find odd.