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Not likely Snowflakes...

PETA asks Mississippi State to retire bulldog mascot after sideline collision with Auburn player

PETA said in a statement on Tuesday that it had sent Mississippi State a letter requesting that Jak ? the name of the bulldog that serves as Bully ? retire from his mascot duties and that Mississippi State shouldn?t replace him with another bulldog mascot. The letter is a tad hyperbolic.

?It was sheer luck that this close call didn?t leave Jak severely injured or even dead, and it?s never been fair game to subject a dog to the bright lights, screaming fans and booming noise of a football stadium,? PETA?s Marta Holmberg said in a statement. ?PETA is urging MSU to be a dog?s best friend and end its live-mascot program ? and we?ll gladly help find Jak a loving adoptive home where he can live out the rest of his days in peace.?
Happiness said:
Family outraged and emotionally distraught when Universal Studios character made "ok" hand gesture in their vacation photo:

I added a leg to my flight to St. Louis this week just to expand my carbon footprint.  I then ordered two straws at the airport bar and threw one in the trash and one in the ocean.... ;)

Flight-Shaming Is Now A Thing ? Will It Keep You From Traveling?

After instructing customers to ?fly more responsibly? they ask ?do you always need to meet face to face?,? and ?Could you take the train instead?? Encouraging flyers to contribute to carbon offset funds and pack light, they close by encouraging travelers to help make one another aware of our ?shared responsibility.?
I guess don?t shop at Costco. Because they now have paper straws in the food court.

morekaos said:
I added a leg to my flight to St. Louis this week just to expand my carbon footprint.  I then ordered two straws at the airport bar and threw one in the trash and one in the ocean.... ;)

Flight-Shaming Is Now A Thing ? Will It Keep You From Traveling?

After instructing customers to ?fly more responsibly? they ask ?do you always need to meet face to face?,? and ?Could you take the train instead?? Encouraging flyers to contribute to carbon offset funds and pack light, they close by encouraging travelers to help make one another aware of our ?shared responsibility.?
You gotta be where I know I can find Cal Rose rice.  I go straight to the Asian food aisle!

To David Chang, the ?ethnic? food aisle is racist. Others say it?s convenient.

The sting occurs whenever they walk down the ?ethnic? food aisle, the section of the supermarket that, to some, plays out like a remnant of the Jim Crow era, when laws established separate facilities for African Americans in the post-Reconstruction South. Sometimes known as the ?international? food aisle, or even ?Asian? and ?Latino? aisles, these rows can come across to the shoppers they seemingly target as de facto segregation, another kind of ?separate but equal? policy that marginalized African Americans for generations.

?If you go to the ethnic food aisle, that is sort of the last bastion of racism that you can see in full daylight in retail America,? David Chang
The final definitive, math, is finally attacked as cakeist...well it?s about time !!!

Seattle Schools document say math is oppressive, US government racist

Two plus two may equal four, but if the student says five, you better not correct them, oppressor! Math, in Seattle schools, will become a social justice course. But that?s not all. The U.S. government will be posited as a racist institution that must be destroyed. If this is taught to students, it?s indoctrination at its most destructive.
Soon, we'll be reading about how the dictionary is oppressive because it restricts our word usage according to limited definitions.  Instead we should be able to use words according to how we feel about them, so long as we explain it in writing.  For example "...melancholy (I mean this fool overthinks everything and needs to be slapped with a salmon)..."

I'm sure the Braves are next on the alter of PC....pointless.

Braves Axe ?Tomahawk Chop? During Game Five After Complaint From Cardinal With Cherokee Heritage

The Atlanta Braves made a major concession Wednesday before beginning game five of the National League Division Series against the St. Louis Cardinals ? they agreed to abandon their normal ?Tomahawk Chop? rallying cry.

Cardinals rookie pitcher Ryan Helsley, who is of Cherokee descent, had criticized the chant, calling it ?a disappointment.?
Chuck Bronson would be proud

Pointing a finger gun lands 12-year-old Johnson County student in handcuffs

A 12-year-old Overland Park girl formed a gun with her fingers, pointed at four of her Westridge Middle School classmates one at a time, and then turned the pretend weapon toward herself.

Police hauled her out of school in handcuffs, arrested her and charged the child with a felony for threatening.
We are polluting the Solar System...we must protect it from our evil carbon footprint and the spread of evil people and they're garbage!!!!

NASA Needs New Strategies to Protect the Solar System From Earthly Contamination, Report Finds

This discussion is also timely given a recent, controversial paper that claims that many celestial targets?especially Mars?will inevitably be contaminated with terrestrial microorganisms, and as such we shouldn?t waste our time with protection protocols. This remains a minority opinion, but it?s clear that the rationale behind planetary protection needs to be reconsidered and refined.
Don't mind snowflakes spouting off nonsense but if you are going to talk the talk...then walk the walk....

The celebrity 'super-emitters': Bill Gates, Emma Watson, Paris Hilton and Jennifer Lopez are among 10 stars with colossal carbon footprints, finds Swedish study
Swedish academics analysed the carbon footprints of ten famous globetrotters
Emma Watson had the tenth worst environmental impact out of group selected
Microsoft boss Bill Gates topped list with carbon footprint of 1,600 tons of CO2