
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Just be honest and say that you didn?t vote for him. That you talk garbage and spread false rumors online. But you would like your son to go to the naval academy.

Oh I told him that. Doesn't matter, that kids record speaks for itself.  Nominations are not a political process.  Our State rep that pushed him through is a repub in dem clothing.  He had to run that way and knew it.  I didn't vote for him either but he is a good friend of mine.
I understand living paycheck to paycheck is tough
(I was talking to this guy that I went to college the other day and it seems like he?s living paycheck to paycheck.)

You clearly don't understand what it takes to qualify to attend an Academy.  Good chance your kid wouldn't make the cut, most don't.  Finance has nothing to do with it, but even if it costs it would be worth the honor.  Graduate from an academy, and your life ticket is punched.  What you do with that gift is up to you.
morekaos said:
You clearly don't understand what it takes to qualify to attend an Academy.  Good chance your kid wouldn't make the cut, most don't.  Finance has nothing to do with it, but even if it costs it would be worth the honor.  Graduate from an academy, and your life ticket is punched.  What you do with that gift is up to you.

Uh okay. Don?t make it sound like they are elite. So like they have to serve 5 years after they graduate or something. IDk

Elite is when they make it to special forces and like anybody in the military can apply. BUT that?s if they get selected and make the cut.
They are elite. It's not like getting into Cal, UCLA or Notre Dame.  All of which have contacted him. Not only must a candidate be nominated in order to apply by a sitting Congressman, Senator, Vice President or the President himself, he must be in the top 10% of his class with significant participation and leadership skills.  A well rounded background with a rigorous physical requirement.  It is 10 times harder than the most elite institution, and thats just to apply.  Getting in requires a battery of interviews and recommendations.  Maybe you have a different definition of elite, but that checks all my boxes
morekaos said:
They are elite. It's not like getting into Cal, UCLA or Notre Dame.  All of which have contacted him. Not only must a candidate be nominated in order to apply by a sitting Congressman, Senator, Vice President or the President himself, he must be in the top 10% of his class with significant participation and leadership skills.  A well rounded background with a rigorous physical requirement.  It is 10 times harder than the most elite institution, and thats just to apply.  Getting in requires a battery of interviews and recommendations.  Maybe you have a different definition of elite, but that checks all my boxes

Sounds like a free ride ticket to me. But I?m not surprised coming from you. Maybe they should pay for college.

Well rounded? Kind of vague

So Morekas doesn?t like LB, but lives there and the congressman is nominating his son. Unbelievable!
Of course it would sound like that to you.  I'm glad it sounds like honor, commitment, achievement and character to him.
Hardly free, they commit to protecting and serving our country for years.  My neighbor did the same,  after his service was up he was offed full scholarship to Harvard, Cal, and  Whartons MBA programs.  He chose Wharton and now runs an S and P 100 company.  They look for guys like that. Maybe this is more suited for the education thread.
morekaos said:
Hardly free, they commit to protecting and serving our country for years.  My neighbor did the same,  after his service was up he was offed full scholarship to Harvard, Cal, and  Whartons MBA programs.  He chose Wharton and now runs an S and P 100 company.  They look for guys like that. Maybe this is more suited for the education thread.

Idc about the thread topic title. TI doesn?t have rules.
But graduates can also serve in an infantry unit in a war zone as the CO. (ex previous operations/missions: Iraq and Afghanistan)
The purpose of my statement, to let people know that is not a piece of cake.
Not if you are in the Naval or Air force Academy, and not if your a pilot.  You might serve in a combat unit and certainly may be in harms way but he will likely fly.
morekaos said:
Not if you are in the Naval or Air force Academy, and not if your a pilot.  You might serve in a combat unit and certainly may be in harms way but he will likely fly.

In away your correct and wrong.
morekaos said:
Not if you are in the Naval or Air force Academy, and not if your a pilot.  You might serve in a combat unit and certainly may be in harms way but he will likely fly.

The Marines fall under the Navy. So the graduates from the Navy Academy either go to the Navy or Marines.

Not everybody that graduates from the Airforce Academy are pilots. (according to the website) They can do mission support, logistics, operations, scientific/technical and others.
This drove me crazy when we recently visited 7 campuses in 3 days...The oppressive coddling was up front at every college we visited.  Snowflakes are created in that environment instead of preparing these kids for life after college.  It was depressing.

Coddling college campuses and a crippled culture
If the snowflake insanity persists, so will the demand for 'safe spaces'

Will the self-absorbed snowflake insanity persist? Will you continue to hear cries of ?you offended me? and ?trigger warnings? in the halls of the academy? Will the demands for ?safe spaces? continue to trump the study of science? Will the fixation on ?micro-aggressions? continue to be more important than teaching morality? Will victimization continue to trump virtue? 

In the days ahead, what will the news from the ivory tower be? If the old axiom that the best predictor of future behavior is always past behavior is true, here is just a shortlist of what you can expect in the coming weeks and months.

Students at Emory University will renew their cry for counseling because someone used chalk to write the name of an unpopular politician on a campus sidewalk.

Young intellectuals at Yale will continue to demand the termination of professors because of their ?hurtful? views on such critical issues as Halloween costumes.

Southern Illinois University will double down on its brilliant plan to host campus ?naps? in its library so students can snuggle up together in sleeping bags as they seek to solve our nation?s ills.

In the coming academic year, millennials from campuses across the land will persist in their juvenile fits of rage.
morekaos said:
Hardly free, they commit to protecting and serving our country for years.  My neighbor did the same,  after his service was up he was offed full scholarship to Harvard, Cal, and  Whartons MBA programs.  He chose Wharton and now runs an S and P 100 company.  They look for guys like that. Maybe this is more suited for the education thread.

We all know it?s up to the individual. All results may vary and like I said it?s not a piece of cake.
Regarding your neighbor story it seems like an exception. Let me give you another example. A professional basketball player that went to fill in the blank HS. Do we expect students that attended that HS make it to the NBA? The answer is probably not. It?s up to the individual.