
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
eyephone, I had a post all written up and ready to go, but I hesitated to hit "post".  It was harsh...
But here you go!  enjoy.

eyephone has autism.  He cannot pick up on social cues and has a difficult time with reading comprehension.  I wonder what part of the spectrum he's at...high functioning?....I'll leave that to an actual doctor.

I heard we have special schools for your condition.  You should look into it.
zubs said:
eyephone, I had a post all written up and ready to go, but I hesitated to hit "post".  It was harsh...
But here you go!  enjoy.

eyephone has autism.  He cannot pick up on social cues and has a difficult time with reading comprehension.  I wonder what part of the spectrum he's at...high functioning?....I'll leave that to an actual doctor.

I heard we have special schools for your condition.  You should look into it.

Sounds kinda weak. I feel like I?m talking to a little kid.
As soon as I made that weight joke. You came out of no where. So I have to ask. Are you fat too?
oh sweet, sweet irony.  now all of the sudden the left is afraid of labels...but it's totally okay to call every trump supporter a racist and deplorable. 

San Francisco board rebrands 'convicted felon' as 'justice-involved person,' sanitizes other crime lingo

Crime-ridden San Francisco has introduced new sanitized language for criminals, getting rid of words such as ?offender? and ?addict? while changing ?convicted felon? to ?justice-involved person.?

The Board of Supervisors adopted the changes last month even as the city reels from one of the highest crime rates in the country and staggering inequality exemplified by pervasive homelessness alongside Silicon Valley wealth.

The local officials say the new language will help change people?s views about those who commit crimes.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, from now on a convicted felon or an offender released from custody will be known as a ?formerly incarcerated person,? or a ?justice-involved? person or just a ?returning resident.?

A juvenile ?delinquent? will now be called a ?young person with justice system involvement,? or a ?young person impacted by the juvenile justice system.?

And drug addicts or substance abusers, meanwhile, will become ?a person with a history of substance use.?

?We don?t want people to be forever labeled for the worst things that they have done,? Supervisor Matt Haney told the newspaper. ?We want them ultimately to become contributing citizens, and referring to them as felons is like a scarlet letter that they can never get away from.?

The sanitized language, though unlikely to do much to address the crime problem, may result in some convoluted descriptions of crimes in the future.

The newspaper noted an individual whose car has been broken into could well be known to police as ?a person who has come in contact with a returning resident who was involved with the justice system and who is currently under supervision with a history of substance use.?
I get many homeless need help, i don't get how being homeless makes defecating in the public street acceptable.

Step up, change the laws and make it that if you want to be in business selling services or goods to the public, then you need public restrooms without needed purchase or asking for key or code or other bullshit.

Then enforce the bloody laws.

Edit for incredibly crappy Amazon autocorrect

Death sentence for any who stray from the party snowflake line...squealed like a stick pig for "sharing" an opinion. Her father had to disappear himself to satisfy her followers.

Taylor Swift's father deletes his Facebook account after fans claim he had 'shared right-wing memes' - just a day before singer releases new album with 'left-wing political undertones'

Taylor Swift appeared to share a joke on Tumblr which her father Scott Swift had made on his personal Facebook page
The Tumblr post was quickly deleted and her father's Facebook also vanished
Fans claim they found right-leaning memes on Scott's Facebook page, including one saying that 'dependents' on a tax form included 'illegal immigrants'
Vegan sues neighbor for barbecuing in the back yard:
Being scared of everything is a sorry way to go through life.

Snowflake Alert: Writer Says Stop Wearing Red Hats Because They Trigger Her And Scare People

Twitter is the place to drop an A-bomb like this. If this is serious, then this person needs help. If she wanted to get ratioed, mocked, and create a ruckus, then she certainly succeeded. Apparently, wearing red baseball caps is a triggering experience for Rebecca Makkai and she warned that it scares other people. Even baseball caps that aren?t political are not worth wearing because they trigger liberal America. I mean this is just weakness.
eyephone said:
What?s happening with Brexit Happy? You made a post about Brexit and won?t respond. Like so typical.

One more thing. We want to here more complaints from you regarding statues. come on lol
this will go over well! nothing like branding 6 million law abiding americans as domestic terrorists.  when was the last time the left so blatantly attacked millions of americans....2016 flashbacks anyone?

San Francisco officials brand NRA a ?domestic terrorist organization?

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has passed a resolution declaring the National Rifle Association a ?domestic terrorist organization? and urged the federal government to do the same ? the latest escalation in the heated rhetoric from Democrats regarding the NRA in the wake of several deadly mass shootings.

The resolution, which passed Tuesday and says the U.S. is ?plagued by an epidemic of gun violence,? accuses the NRA of using ?its considerable wealth and organization strength to promote gun ownership and incite gun owners to acts of violence.?

The document resolves to assess the relationships that those who do business with the city have with the group and says ?the City and County of San Francisco should take every reasonable step to limit those entities who do business with the City and County of San Francisco from doing business with this domestic terrorist organization.?

The NRA responded by calling the resolution a stunt that was distracting from the city?s myriad of social problems.

"This ludicrous stunt by the Board of Supervisors is an effort to distract from the real problems facing San Francisco, such as rampant homelessness, drug abuse and skyrocketing petty crime, to name a few,? the statement said, according to KTVU. ?The NRA will continue working to protect the constitutional rights of all freedom-loving Americans."
Not just statues but cartoon characters are offensive and triggering to....someone or something.

MASCOT MADNESS: School spirit symbols on the chopping block nationwide

College mascots at colleges around the country are under scrutiny.
From Colonials to Pioneers to Native Americans, many of these symbols of school spirit are on the chopping block.
We have been working with our congressman on my sons nomination to the Naval Academy and the liaisons from his office have a gender id's in all their signatures...I imagine this is mainly in Cali but I think its stupid anyway.


Rufino M. Bautista, Jr. | Scheduler/Constituent Services Representative
Pronouns: he, him, his
Office of Congressman Alan Lowenthal, CA-47
12865 Main Street, Suite 200
Garden Grove, CA 92840
Office: (714) 243-4088

Connect with Congressman Lowenthal online:
Facebook<>  |  Twitter<>  |  YouTube<>  |  Instagram<>  | Website<>
maybe the congressman should know that your a big time GOP supporter. That believes in Make America Great Again, but you can?t make LB great again.

morekaos said:
We have been working with our congressman on my sons nomination to the Naval Academy and the liaisons from his office have a gender id's in all their signatures...I imagine this is mainly in Cali but I think its stupid anyway.


Rufino M. Bautista, Jr. | Scheduler/Constituent Services Representative
Pronouns: he, him, his
Office of Congressman Alan Lowenthal, CA-47
12865 Main Street, Suite 200
Garden Grove, CA 92840
Office: (714) 243-4088

Connect with Congressman Lowenthal online:
Facebook<>  |  Twitter<>  |  YouTube<>  |  Instagram<>  | Website<>
morekaos said:
We have been working with our congressman on my sons nomination to the Naval Academy and the liaisons from his office have a gender id's in all their signatures...I imagine this is mainly in Cali but I think its stupid anyway.


Rufino M. Bautista, Jr. | Scheduler/Constituent Services Representative
Pronouns: he, him, his
Office of Congressman Alan Lowenthal, CA-47
12865 Main Street, Suite 200
Garden Grove, CA 92840
Office: (714) 243-4088

Connect with Congressman Lowenthal online:
Facebook<>  |  Twitter<>  |  YouTube<>  |  Instagram<>  | Website<>

yup, see this also with all political government correspondence email signatures

my pronouns are: frosting, frost, frosted on my cake