Protest, Riot, Curfew

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adventurous said:
I can easily replace it with one policy, which will eliminate all the conflicting situations.
* Stop resisting arrest
Simple. You have something to say? Say it to the cop or later to the judge. But  flexing your muscles on a cop is not going to be wise in the long term.

I'll offer a personal counter point. The only time I was arrested in my life, I was charged with.. resisting arrest. Yes, my crime that I was arrested for was resisting an arrest that should never started in the first place. I was handcuffed and while handcuffed I was punched multiple times in the ribs and face by the cop. I have lasting health issues from this.

The cop was not on duty, not in uniform and was working private security for a bar. I was asked to leave after having a bit too much to drink and the only disagreement is that I wanted to pay the bartender prior to leaving. I was not disorderly prior to being asked to leave.

Are you saying the off-duty cop would have been perfectly justified in ending my life because of the fake resisting arrest?

It's not always so simple.

This was a long time ago, but my complaints with the state ethics board, police dept, etc. went nowhere. I even hired an attorney who was not able to get anywhere bringing the cop to justice. A few years later one of the friends that witnessed the incident forwards me an article that the cop was sentenced to 20 years in prison for producing his own homemade child pornography.

Apparently the whole thing wasn't a big deal to the cops because I was never even booked - I was released from handcuffs to my friends and the charges of resisting arrest were dropped the moment I hired the attorney.
So, you were drunk and resisted an unlawful arrest, after you were asked to leave and still refused, got combative with the bouncer, who happened to be an off-duty?

paperboyNC said:
adventurous said:
I can easily replace it with one policy, which will eliminate all the conflicting situations.
* Stop resisting arrest
Simple. You have something to say? Say it to the cop or later to the judge. But  flexing your muscles on a cop is not going to be wise in the long term.

I'll offer a personal counter point. The only time I was arrested in my life, I was charged with.. resisting arrest. Yes, my crime that I was arrested for was resisting an arrest that should never started in the first place. I was handcuffed and while handcuffed I was punched multiple times in the ribs and face by the cop. I have lasting health issues from this.

The cop was not on duty, not in uniform and was working private security for a bar. I was asked to leave after having a bit too much to drink and the only disagreement is that I wanted to pay the bartender prior to leaving. I was not disorderly prior to being asked to leave.

Are you saying the off-duty cop would have been perfectly justified in ending my life because of the fake resisting arrest?

It's not always so simple.

This was a long time ago, but my complaints with the state ethics board, police dept, etc. went nowhere. I even hired an attorney who was not able to get anywhere bringing the cop to justice. A few years later one of the friends that witnessed the incident forwards me an article that the cop was sentenced to 20 years in prison for producing his own homemade child pornography.

Apparently the whole thing wasn't a big deal to the cops because I was never even booked - I was released from handcuffs to my friends and the charges of resisting arrest were dropped the moment I hired the attorney.

Sad story to hear. But I am sure this happens a lot of times.
Sorry to say, but you need money to have a fighting chance in the US justice system.
adventurous said:
So, you were drunk and resisted an unlawful arrest, after you were asked to leave and still refused, got combative with the bouncer, who happened to be an off-duty?

This is exactly why society has a such a problem. You are too quick to see fault with the victim.
- I did NOT resist arrest
- I did NOT refuse to leave
- When I was "resisting arrest" I was not even being arrested

And does ANYTHING justify a cop punching after I'm handcuffed?!?!
paperboyNC said:
- I did NOT refuse to leave
paperboyNC said:
I was asked to leave after having a bit too much to drink and the only disagreement is that I wanted to pay the bartender prior to leaving.
You were asked to leave, but you wanted to do it on your terms. Should you just say ok, I am sure the entire incident wouldn't happen, would it?

I am not protecting cops in any way. Not affiliated, not a member of any cop union, not a fan at all. I am just an unbiased spectator. I had my (rather minor) run-ins with the law, but I am far away from blaming cops for those.
Then again, cops are neither the white knights nor the black evil. They are gray, neither your friends, nor your enemies. They are just a different layer of our society, that has its purpose.
adventurous said:
Should you just say ok, I am sure the entire incident wouldn't happen, would it?

I am not protecting cops in any way. Not affiliated, not a member of any cop union, not a fan at all. I am just an unbiased spectator. I had my (rather minor) run-ins with the law, but I am far away from blaming cops for those.
Then again, cops are neither the white knights nor the black evil. They are gray, neither your friends, nor your enemies. They are just a different layer of our society, that has its purpose.

Obviously if I hadn't gone out that night I wouldn't have encountered that corrupt, disgusting cop either. When I reported him I was told by other cops that he did things like that on a nightly basis. The real problem is that he got away with hit for years. If he had been fired after the first incident like he should had been, that would have been the real solution.

In fact it's not too different from the cop who stared these protests. He should have been fired years ago based on his record.
paperboyNC said:
Obviously if I hadn't gone out that night I wouldn't have encountered that corrupt, disgusting cop either. When I reported him I was told by other cops that he did things like that on a nightly basis. The real problem is that he got away with hit for years. If he had been fired after the first incident like he should had been, that would have been the real solution.
I can't disagree with that. Cops are not aliens, they grew up among us. They are us, just uniformed, trained, and have somewhat twisted minds. Sometimes it's pretty much innocent, but can go ugly.
paperboyNC said:
In fact it's not too different from the cop who stared these protests. He should have been fired years ago based on his record.
Why? He had 16 uncorroborated and 2 confirmed complaints over 18 years on the force. Note, not crimes, just complaints, he was disciplined for. I don't have reliable stats, but I believe it's pretty much the norm, considering the nature of their job.
You don't think that incident stirred the riots, do you? It was just a convenient occasion for someone to start roughing up the country, which went quite successfully.  I can rest assure you, if this tragic incident didn't happen, they would've waited for another one.
paperboyNC said:
adventurous said:
Should you just say ok, I am sure the entire incident wouldn't happen, would it?

I am not protecting cops in any way. Not affiliated, not a member of any cop union, not a fan at all. I am just an unbiased spectator. I had my (rather minor) run-ins with the law, but I am far away from blaming cops for those.
Then again, cops are neither the white knights nor the black evil. They are gray, neither your friends, nor your enemies. They are just a different layer of our society, that has its purpose.

Obviously if I hadn't gone out that night I wouldn't have encountered that corrupt, disgusting cop either. When I reported him I was told by other cops that he did things like that on a nightly basis. The real problem is that he got away with hit for years. If he had been fired after the first incident like he should had been, that would have been the real solution.

In fact it's not too different from the cop who stared these protests. He should have been fired years ago based on his record.

The Minneapolis police officer who knelt on George Floyd's neck had 18 previous complaints against him, police department says

As I previously stated, cops barely cross the blue line to report on other cops. For example, if a cop reports another cop, the department does not congratulate the cop for reporting. (They do not say. Thanks for letting us know. The person reporting gets indirectly punished or something. Bad schedule, bad route, no one wants to work with you, back up comes late or does not show up. It may be a true or false rumor. But who knows?)

In the private sector, if you do not act the way a company wants you to. They will do whatever it takes to get you out the company. (Write you up, they do not even have to write you up they can show emails/support blaming you. The company will spend big time money on a law firm to navigate the firing of the person.) A company will not wait 18 TIMES or incidents to fire a person. I even here companies firing the top sales person. Lol
Society needs to stop with the automatic respect of cops.

Most people automatically label cops, military and firefighters as America?s hero?s. This blind praise is part of reason cops get away which what they do. All sorts of excuses, they protect us, how dare we cut their budget/pensions/pay, etc.

Most of society treats these guys like gods and then are surprised when they get a god complex.
Labeling cops, military, and firefighters as heroes or gods is something not of own their fault. Like you said, it's the society's. It's the people who label them as such. The same thing with pastors. They're not God, but people worship them as if they are. Then being a human with sinful nature, those worshipped people actually do end up believing they are heroes and gods - self deception.

Anyways, I do believe cops and firefighters do need certain degree of respect since their original intention is to protect the society. It's for good, not evil. Of course there are evil ones among the good, but isn't everything sort of like that anyways? Respecting doesn't mean worship them. It's just having a simple gratitude.

Those who are corrupted will need to be punished, but we can't label all cops as evil. Imagine a week without them. This county alone will be a mass. I believe we do need some sort of an authority to police our attitude. If not, we're all going to be fine stealing and killing one another. That's who we are. If ever we really do start losing all these authorities in our live, you can be sure not freedom but hell is coming.
Mety said:
Labeling cops, military, and firefighters as heroes or gods is something not of own their fault. Like you said, it's the society's. It's the people who label them as such. The same thing with pastors. They're not God, but people worship them as if they are. Then being a human with sinful nature, those worshipped people actually do end up believing they are heroes and gods - self deception.

Anyways, I do believe cops and firefighters do need certain degree of respect since their original intention is to protect the society. It's for good, not evil. Of course there are evil ones among the good, but isn't everything sort of like that anyways? Respecting doesn't mean worship them. It's just having a simple gratitude.

Those who are corrupted will need to be punished, but we can't label all cops as evil. Imagine a week without them. This county alone will be a mass. I believe we do need some sort of an authority to police our attitude. If not, we're all going to be fine stealing and killing one another. That's who we are. If ever we really do start losing all these authorities in our live, you can be sure not freedom but hell is coming.

I think a land with no cops already exists. They call it Texas :-)
But they have this guy.

How not to get shot by the police:

Rule #1 ? The police are not your personal mediation service. Examples:
If your significant other or child does something to piss you off, don?t call the police.
If your neighbor plays the music too loud at night, don?t call the police.

Rule #2 ? The police do not want to be your friend. Examples:
If the CBP officer at the border crossing asks you how was your day, he is not trying to be your friend, he is hoping you will say something to give him a reason to send you to secondary screening.
If a cop looks at you, don?t approach him, smile, or wave.

Rule #3 ? Avoid unnecessary interaction with the police. Examples:
If a cop is coming down the street towards you, cross the street and walk on the other side.
If a cop car comes up behind you, change lanes and let him pass.

Remember kids, cops are there to find crime, that?s what we pay them for. Cops are not there to solve society?s problems. Always remember cops have guns and qualified immunity so you don't want to find out if he's having a bad day.
qwerty said:
Society needs to stop with the automatic respect of cops.

Most people automatically label cops, military and firefighters as America?s hero?s. This blind praise is part of reason cops get away which what they do. All sorts of excuses, they protect us, how dare we cut their budget/pensions/pay, etc.

Most of society treats these guys like gods and then are surprised when they get a god complex.
It's more like a recognition of the fact that all those categories of people are more likely to die performing their society bound jobs.
Happiness said:
How not to get shot by the police:

Rule #1 ? The police are not your personal mediation service. Examples:
If your significant other or child does something to piss you off, don?t call the police.
If your neighbor plays the music too loud at night, don?t call the police.

Rule #2 ? The police do not want to be your friend. Examples:
If the CBP officer at the border crossing asks you how was your day, he is not trying to be your friend, he is hoping you will say something to give him a reason to send you to secondary screening.
If a cop looks at you, don?t approach him, smile, or wave.

Rule #3 ? Avoid unnecessary interaction with the police. Examples:
If a cop is coming down the street towards you, cross the street and walk on the other side.
If a cop car comes up behind you, change lanes and let him pass.

Remember kids, cops are there to find crime, that?s what we pay them for. Cops are not there to solve society?s problems. Always remember cops have guns and qualified immunity so you don't want to find out if he's having a bad day.
I would agree with #1 and #2, however #3 is questionable. I would say, keep doing what you were doing, unless they caught you robbing a bank
qwerty said:
To eyephones point - 57 officers resign in Buffalo PD response team because two of the cops were suspended. If they are that stupid to resign over this they probably shouldn?t be cops anyway. They are an incident waiting to happen.

I don?t see anything that old man did to deserve this.  You could see how frail he was when he fell.  Then you could see the blood coming from his head and  cops just walked past him.  Sheesh.
aquabliss said:
qwerty said:
To eyephones point - 57 officers resign in Buffalo PD response team because two of the cops were suspended. If they are that stupid to resign over this they probably shouldn?t be cops anyway. They are an incident waiting to happen.

I don?t see anything that old man did to deserve this.  You could see how frail he was when he fell.  Then you could see the blood coming from his head and  cops just walked past him.  Sheesh.

The officer that pushed him did stop and was about to help when it looks like his supervisor told him to keep moving. I do agree there was no need to shove him like that. If it was an unlawful assembly, they should have warned him to move and then arrest him for failure to comply.
qwerty said:
To eyephones point - 57 officers resign in Buffalo PD response team because two of the cops were suspended. If they are that stupid to resign over this they probably shouldn%u2019t be cops anyway. They are an incident waiting to happen.

They resigned from the crowd control in protests of the 2 officers that got suspended. But they are still officers. (Head scratcher. I do not like what I am doing, but I still want my job. Lol)
That is what I am talking about blue line systematic culture.