Presidential Elections

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Your statement reminds me of Pauline Kael's famous quote when Nixon won in '72

?I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don?t know. They?re outside my ken. But sometimes when I?m in a theater I can feel them.?
Why liberal media will never understand Trump….🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂😂🇺🇸

How Biased Is the Media, Really?

It isn’t some tightly guarded secret that the press corps is mostly made up of liberals. But what does it mean for our coverage?

I have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: in the course of a fifteen-year career that has included stints at radio shows, print outlets, digital media and television, I have yet to meet a Trump supporter at work.
Seems like I hear more about Republicans fed up with Trump than Democrats who are anti-Kamala.

If it's a blowout, seems like it will be in the Democratic favor. Proof? morekaos touch.

We will know in 2 weeks.

What a hoot. Talk about misinformation....

Yes, groups were paid to attend - facts that were already well known. Evidence of planning a riot? Evidence of paying violent radicals? Nope. Nothing but crickets in the document dump.

If anyone knows Kalapa, please go by for a wellness check. There seems to be a gas leak or some other vaporous substance causing an acute case of TDS.

Here's a reasonable review of the documents by a left of center rag, and on that can hardly be accused of MAGA favoritism.

Defending the Indefensible

Donald Trump was absolutely responsible for January 6. He knows it. The American people know it. His worshipers know it.

It’s no wonder so many of his former staffers, and a huge number of Republicans, have turned against him.

As Liz said:

I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.

Cheney in her remarks placed the blame for the Jan. 6 attack squarely on the former president.
She accused him of provoking violence by spreading misinformation in the weeks after the 2020 election, and ignoring his advisers' calls to instruct rioters to stand down.

Democracy….No one cares what Cheney thinks, we threw her out years ago. It’s desperate (and incredibly hypocritical) that they think she’s now their savior, it won’t work….Trump already has this in the bag…😂😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️👍🏽🇺🇸
Defending the Indefensible

Donald Trump was absolutely responsible for January 6. He knows it. The American people know it. His worshipers know it.

It’s no wonder so many of his former staffers, and a huge number of Republicans, have turned against him.

As Liz said:

that this is their closing argument, “Orangeman bad!” Is totally pitiful and desperate. They should be telling swing voters what good they will do not how bad the other candidate is. It won’t work… they’re closing on a weak note and handing the White House to him on a platter…Thank you!!😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸
Defending the Indefensible

Donald Trump was absolutely responsible for January 6. He knows it. The American people know it. His worshipers know it.

It’s no wonder so many of his former staffers, and a huge number of Republicans, have turned against him.

As Liz said:

Jan 6th
Convicted felon
Putin's pet

Can you help me complete the list of anti Trump slogans to obsess over? Asking for a friend.
I’ll take Tulsi ten times over “has been” Cheney any day!...👍🏽🇺🇸

She continued: 'I'm joining the party of the people, the party of equality, the party that was founded to fight against and end slavery in this country.'

Gabbard said that the GOP and Trump were 'the party of common sense and the party that is led by a president who has the courage and strength to fight for peace.'

This is the strongest closing argument out there….👎🏽😂😂😂😂🇺🇸

'I love Kamala Harris,' a young Venezuelan man declared as he rested on the side of a highway in southern Mexico last week.

His belongings were heaped at his feet. Hundreds of fellow migrants stretched out along the roadway in both directions.

They're headed for the U.S. and nearly all of them have an opinion about who should be America's next president.

The migrants I spoke to on the road this week believe that this may be their last chance.

Many of them hope to reach the U.S. before November 5 because they fear that, if Trump is re-elected, he'll close the southern border and enforce longstanding immigration laws.

'If [Trump] wins… one has to do what the government says, [wait] for my turn,' said Carlos, a Honduran man in a caravan 30 miles north of Tapachula.

In reality, it's unlikely that these migrants will be able to make the 1,300-mile trek in the next two weeks. But they can try.

A group of Ghanaian men in a congested park in Tapachula told me that they feared a Trump presidency.

'We do not like Donald Trump, because he don't like us,' one man said.

To him, Kamala Harris is the preferred option.

Another Ghanian man said he plans to wait for the results of the election, before making his next move: 'If after election day [Harris is elected], we know that everything is good, then we can enter.'

A middle-aged Venezuelan man also in the park reiterated those fears: 'We know that if Donald Trump wins, all the migrants will be kicked out the [United States]… we hope that he doesn't win.'

As far as they're concerned, a Kamala Harris presidency would mean that America's borders will be thrown open.

If Donald Trump is elected president, their plans may change.
Trump Called January 6th a Day of Love and Peace

Five people died during or after the attack, including four protesters and one police officer, and approximately 140 officers suffered injuries, according to the Department of Justice.

The American people never forget this tragic day of terrorism.






Oh yah, Jan 6th. Super scary. Comrade Kalapa already spoke for me, but I want to emphasize how terrifying these terrorists are to me. Years of counseling, disability claims, support groups, and I still have night terrors about 9/11. I mean 10/7. I mean 1/6. Oh I am so scared I can't even remember why I'm scared, that's why I need to be reminded of it every day.
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Minimize all you want... Jan 6 should have never happened. Again... had it been the Democrats, you guys would be screaming in larger purple fonts.

And it's not the actual event you should be scared of, it's the fact that the outgoing president allowed it... encouraged it even. You don't see that but that's how politics blind people. Trump can't even be loyal to his own vice president... who was only being loyal to the Constitution and the vote... which is what an elected official should be.

Dead horse but it really makes me wonder where your sense of logic is.
The only one who died in that riot was an unarmed Trump supporter…shot by a coward👎🏽😡
Who was participating in an insurrection and trying to trespass. Sad that anyone lost a life... but should not have been there.

And you keep ignoring the people who died from the trauma of the aftermath but I know that's convenient for you.