Presidential Elections

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Where the rubber meets the road…and she runs herself over..😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Kamala Harris Is Too Stupid To Be President

Univision hosted a “Latinos Ask” town hall with Kamala Harris on Thursday night, and it was about as airheaded and disingenuous as you’d expect. Here was one word salad from the first five minutes — remarkably in response to a question about the two hurricanes that just decimated the southeast of the country:

Leadership is about understanding the importance of lifting people up, understanding that the character of our country is such that we are a people who have ambitions and aspirations, dreams, goals for ourselves and our families, and are entitled to have a leader who then invests in that. … The two visions [for our country], simply put, are that one is about the future, and the other is about the past and taking us backward. And I do believe that the American people are ambitious and aspirational about an investment in the future in a way that we are optimistic while being clear-eyed.

A new poll showed 36% of self-identified Haley voters will support Kamala Harris

Trump’s level of support from Haley voters in the poll represents a significant drop in support for Trump, who won those same voters against Joe Biden by 59-28 percent. That 22 percentage point change in preference (from plus 31 percent for Trump in 2020 to plus 9 percent in this survey) could represent a swing of millions of votes.

Hey geniuses, maybe stop attacking women’s rights?

let’s talk policy shall we? We know Trumps policy and what about Kamala’s?

Leadership is about understanding the importance of lifting people up, understanding that the character of our country is such that we are a people who have ambitions and aspirations, dreams, goals for ourselves and our families, and are entitled to have a leader who then invests in that. … The two visions [for our country], simply put, are that one is about the future, and the other is about the past and taking us backward. And I do believe that the American people are ambitious and aspirational about an investment in the future in a way that we are optimist

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Been a long time but my vote actually might matter this time. I live in a conservative area so I would expect to see Trump signs but haven't seen even one. I've seen a few Lake or Gallegos signs but not many. I do see a LOT of local election signs (schools, city elections). Drove thru Phoenix yesterday which is most definitely blue and saw ONE harris sign (again a lot of local signs). Got to my destination of a purplish town and again not one presidential sign. No bumper stickers either. TV is plastered with Harris ads depicting fear of abortion bans and after all this the state is tied in polling. REALLY odd to be a swing state with no signs for either candidate.
Gotta love late October in a Presidential Election Year.

First one out of the gate:

Seems like at least one thing from Biden finally rubbed off on Temu Grade Mao..... (although Team K-MSM will never report it)

Dumb people who lack any novel or intelligent thoughts plagiarize others…figures🤷🏽‍♂️👎🏽😂😂😂
Kopy Kat Kamala update......

Well, I was wrong. A Team K-MSM outlet did pick up and on the story - The New York Times. Their conclusions?

A) Dat's Rayyycist....
B) It was only a small number of misattributions...
C) And you're still rayyyyycist.

The rebuttal by the author is thorough, documented, and factual. You may be asked to wear flame retardant materials in order to read...

My favorite part so far?

In one case, she came to the wrong conclusion because she copied Wikipedia—i.e., she stole a bad idea, copied the language verbatim, and got the point wrong.



Now We Know That Kamala Harris Believes She’s Losing

On Sunday, PJ Media's Scott Pinsker said that there would be a surefire way of telling that Kamala Harris legitimately thinks she's losing the election.

"As long as Kamala Harris believes she’s winning, she’s not going to take any risks. No big gambles, no bold moves," he wrote. He noted several signs of genuine panic from her campaign, and number one was that "Kamala Harris will suddenly open up and do a ton of interviews — including hostile interviews."

Lo and behold, on Monday, Fox News announced that Harris will do a sit-down interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier.

And if she refused to do the Fox interview you would spin it the other way.

So predictable.

Why didn't Trump agree to a 2nd debate? Oh wait... you will spin that too.

TDS lives on in you!!!