Presidential Candidate Thread: Is Ron Paul good for the country?

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Speaking of obsessing .... Did anyone see the MTV "debate" tonight? Ron Paul was awesome! It was so nice to see him have the chance to speak uninterrupted. I think he did a great job. Hopefully, it will translate into votes

Thanks for the heads-up! I just watched it online and he WAS amazing. The audience loved it and if only more people could hear him...
<p>My vote is in and also saw a Ron Paul bumper sticker.</p>

<p>When I was filling gas last week, I saw a Chrysler minivan all done up looking like a campaign car.</p>
Voted at 9am in CM, no line and 8 empty machines. I think I missed the early rush. GET OUT AND VOTE!!

I saw a Toyota Tundra with Ron Paul 2008 across the whole back window and a Gun Owners 4 Paul sticker, then another, older Toyota pickup with a Ron Paul bumper sticker on my way to work.

So far, predictions are at 6.1% for Paul nationwide. We'll see how it goes as the day progresses.
Ron Paul is great, unfortunately he isn't going to win, and now we have what appears to be choices between the very left (Obama/Clinton) and the left trying to disguise themself as a republican (McCain).

Too bad Huckabee wouldn't bow out, maybe then Romney would have a chance, the only fiscal conservative left in the bunch.
<p>Romney suspends campaign:</p>

<p><a href="">GOP sources: Romney to suspend campaign -</a></p>
Romney gave a hell of a speech. Paul did horribly in CA, unfortunately. *$@!%$! McCain thinks he has a mandate now, and will be completely undeterred. Goodbye California, hello Estados Unidos Mexicanos!
<em>Paul did horribly in CA, unfortunately.

</em>That's to be expected. The most fiscally conservative candidate will not do well in the most fiscally challenged state.<em></em>
<p>Sorry, no sympathy for Romney. I think he would be great cabinet member but not a president. </p>

<p>Still on the Obama train. . .7.3 million dollars raised since Super Tuesday. I have not been this excited about a candidate in forever.</p>

<p>Speaking of great speeches: Obama had one of the best lines I have heard in a long time. </p>

<p>"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." </p>


I think the problem with McCain is that he sings "Bomb, bomb,bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" to the tune of that lovely Beach Boys songs. That's just plain scary for a prospective commander-in-chief.
<p>I think the scary thing about McCain is his record, not his rhetoric. For the first time in my adult life I have no candidate to support in the primary season and it has been this way since the announcements began.</p>

<p>Let's review:</p>

<p>Ron Paul, the Regressive candidate

John McCain, the Liberal war hero

Mitt Romney, the regurgitating Reaganite

Mike Huckabee, the choice of Chuck Norris

Rudy Giuliani, the living 9/11 monument

Fred Thompson, the man who couldn't be bothered to work for it

Duncan Hunter, a California-style Bush-y Delight

Brownback, Tancredo, Tommy Thompson, and Gilmore... dropped out so long ago most people will never remember they ever ran.</p>

<p>There isn't a single name on that list that holds a strong position on national defense AND fiscal responsibility AND limited government AND doesn't want to police America's bedrooms (or bathroom stalls, as the case may be) AND can articulate why that's all better for the country than the utopian promises being proffered by Obama or the socialistic precision of Hillary. I'm sick of having to hold my nose and vote for a person who can't deliver a speech without reading from a teleprompter, who thinks compromise and surrendering your ideals are the same thing, who invokes the memory of Reagan while destroying the movement he created, and who work for the Old Money Blue-bloods of the Republican party.</p>

<p>Don't throw up Ron Paul at me as meeting all my criteria; he doesn't have a plan to implement his promises, can't finish a thought to save his life, and fails to be persuasive enough to garner even negative media attention. I am pissed off that a generation has passed since Ronald Reagan gave <a href="">"The Speech"</a> and yet we can't find a single candidate out of millions of party members that can champion those ideals, much less articulate them. Reagan may have been behind the times in cultural matters, and there were real consequences arising from that, but the former Democrat was consistent in his beliefs and put them into practice even though it forced him to switch parties in the process. How many politicians have the conviction to do that today? Who has stayed true to a position over decades... DECADES... and persuaded a nation to follow him?</p>

<p>None. And that's who I am voting for this year.</p>
<p>McCain versus Hillary is a question.</p>

<p>McCain versus Obama is a sure loser.</p>

<p>I wonder who McCain will list as VP? Huckabee? God forbid.</p>

<p>I've never been able to shake the Obama empty suit thing. It's the basic delima, a good looking guy running for office saying all the right things. My gut tells that's just the problem, he's saying them because that's what he's supposed to say. He's different, he's change, my gut says he's the same old Politician story.</p>

<p>Sadly, November's vote is shaping up to be about damage control and minimizing how amouk they can run.</p>

<p> <em>strong position on national defense AND fiscal responsibility AND limited government AND doesn't want to police America's bedrooms</em> </p>

<p>Well said Nude, too many clowns are thinking national defense is the TSA hassling people over a 4 oz bottle of shampoo. The others are so long gone it's pathetic.</p>