Hi, Everyone,
I just sent this e-mail comment to Lou Dobbs and thought I'd share:
I watched your election coverage
last night on CNN. I have one major criticism:
After it was noted that the economy was the biggest issue for voters on both the Republican and Democratic sides, this exchange occurred:
DOBBS: It is a wonder that it's not on the minds of these candidates and the issues that they're discussing.
SCHNEIDER: Yeah. The economy, I mean they have talked about it. They've offered various plans. The economy doesn't seem to be an issue that it was like the issue for Bill Clinton in 1992. His issue was the economy. I wouldn't say the economy is any one candidate's issue really in either party in this election.
DOBBS: My guess is, once it's clear that this is a principle issue for the voters of both parties, it will become, if one of these candidates wants to be president, a principal issue for them.
I take issue with these comments. There is ONE candidate who has had the courage to discuss the economy despite constant ridicule from the other candidates and the press. That candidate is RON PAUL.
Ron Paul has been discussing the falling dollar, what it means for the U.S. economy, and how to fix it. It may not be good news. It may not be what people want to hear, but it is the truth.
Ron Paul has stated numerous times that the economy is of the utmost concern to him. In fact, it was the motivating factor for him entering politics.
Crowds unite behind him because of his views on monetary policy and the economy. Hence the crowd cheering what sounded like "End the Fed" at his post-primary get together.
In my opinion, the other candidates just show their ignorance (especially Fred Thompson) when they snicker at Ron Paul.'s comments on economic matters.
They should not snicker. Here's a link to an article from last summer, that, in my opinion, demonstrates the need for Ron Paul to be elected and fix the economy --
Unfortunately, the article says that the Comptroller General will not discuss this matter with the "presidential candidates" until "next Spring" -- a little too late to matter in the primaries don't you think?
With every passing debate, I've found the other candidates taking Ron Paul's positions (calling themselves "Constitutionalists", for "smaller government" , and "states' rights"). The only thing they hadn't yet copied were his positions on monetary policy and the war. Well, guess what, that seems to be changing. Here's a link to an article saying Mike Huckabee is now taking a page from Ron Paul's play book on monetary policy.
In sum, it is unfair to say/imply that none of the candidates has made the economy a primary issue. Ron Paul has made the economy a primary issue, only, he's been ridiculed by the other candidates and silenced by the press.
If the press actually did its job and spent more time covering the candidates' positions on the issues instead of "charisma, change, dynasty, momentum and likability " and the latest polls, the people would be able to make well-informed decisions. They'd make their minds up based on the substance of the candidates' positions, rather than who currently may be in the lead.
I think the results of your "Quick Vote" will show what the people want. Stop covering the horse race and start telling us about the horses.
Finally, one "compliment" for CNN -- Unlike FOX and MSNBC who pretend that Dr. Paul does not exist, at least your reporters mention Ron Paul's name (even if it is usually condescendingly -- e.g. Anderson Cooper's comment/tone about Giuliani being in a fight for fourth with Ron Paul). Which brings me to another criticism-- CNN again did not have Ron Paul's name on the pie chart even though he was sometimes less than 100 votes behind Giuliani. Why not be fair and put all of the candidates' names that are registering at least one percent on the pie chart? It's not like there are so many that they won't fit.
Thanks for letting me speak my mind!