Presidential Candidate Thread: Is Ron Paul good for the country?

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Is there a video link somewhere? Unfortunately, I can not find one. waitingtill08's planning to leave me hanging, I guess...
IC -- I'd concur with Richardson's voters going to Hillary because of the "experience" factor.

The issue of Democratic running-mates is an interesting one. As for Edwards dropping out, I agree with Nude that it would benefit Obama. Edwards has identified himself as the fighting for change candidate as opposed to Obama's hoping for change (just kidding). Thus, if Edwards' voters are voting for "change" they'd go to Obama since Hillary represents the status quo. Edwards also was not very nice over the whole Hillary tearing up thing saying basically that she wasn't strong enough to be President if campaigning has her that worked up. I know that they all attack each other during the primaries and then kiss up to each other for the number two spot once the presidential candidate is chosen, but, right now Hillary can't be too happy with Edwards. On the other hand, she might forgive him since he probably took votes away from Obama in New Hampshire, helping her to win. So, he is a potential VP candidate with either Obama or Clinton. But, do you think he wants to be the VP candidate again? On the Situation Room tonight they were saying how an Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama ticket would energize the party. My husband asked, "What if she asks Bill to be her VP?"

They were also discussing where the Ron Paul candidates would go if he drops out. Of course they think his supporters are only supporting him because he is a "maverick" not because they actually agree with him on the issues. Thus, they conclude that his voters would turn to McCain, the other maverick. Brilliant! At least Wolf was smart enough to point out that Ron Paul is anti-war and McCain is the biggest pro-war candidate. I've been seeing a lot of Ron Paul supporters saying lately that they will write him in if he doesn't win the Republican spot. I think that some might turn to Huckabee since he has been taking all of Ron Paul's talking points, even though he is pro-war. My problem with Huckabee is he seems to just be paying lip service to the positions. I don't feel he's genuine.
Sorry, Adam.

I don't know if there's a link. I just happened to catch it while I was flipping channels. The reporter was fair with him and even let him answer the questions. She had him stand by while the President came on to talk about housing and then let him comment. It was great! Wish I had a link. I'd like to see it again.
<p>Adam and waiting. This interview is from 11/23/07, but it might have been a re-run you saw yesterday. The quality of the vid isn't that great, but you get the point.</p>

<p><a href="">YouTube - Ron Paul on Bloomberg TV, Political Capital, 11/23/2007</a></p>
Bill Clinton can't be VP. One of the requirements of VP is that they be eligible to become President,and the constitutional term limits prevent that from happening.

If Hillary were to become President, expect Bill to be made a Supreme Court justice.

Then expect him to make as big of a mockery of that position as he did the office of President.
<p>My understanding of the 22nd Amendment doesn't prevent him from succeeding to the Presidency, just being elected to the position. While I doubt the Clinton's would place the 2012/16 elections back into a free-for-all like the current elections by naming him VP (leaving no VP to run when she is done), I can easily see her naming Bill to a position that keeps him in the loop such as Secretary of State or Chief of Staff. I doubt he would be relegated to the Supreme Court, if he could even be confirmed. I think the conflict of interest in a spouse naming her spouse to a lifetime position would be too much for her party to accept, and it doesn't fit into the plan they've repeatedly mentioned since '92. </p>

<p>Bill Clinton is a brilliant politician, and she'll need him around to help with re-election if she wins, which wouldn't be possible if he was on the bench. It makes more sense to have him in a key position that allows him to use his talents in a way that helps her succeed as President. Just don't expect to see any female interns in the White House while she's in office </p>
Nude, you are looking at the wrong amendment. The following quote is part of the 12th amendment:



<pre><strong>But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to
that of Vice-President of the United States.</strong></pre>

So if you look at the 12th and the 22nd amendment, you will see that Bill Clinton can't be Vice President.
<strong>I just got this, can anyone confirm this is it true about Obama?? Crazy!!</strong>

Who is Barack Obama?

Very interesting and something that should be considered in your choice.

If you do not ever forward anything else, please forward this to all your contacts...this is very scarey to think of what lies ahead of us here in our own United States...better heed this and pray about it and share it.

We checked this out on "<a href="" target="_blank"></a>". It is factual. Check for yourself.

Who is Barack Obama?

Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHIEST from Wichita, Kansas.

Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii. When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia ?

When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocate to Indonesia. Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school.

Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, "He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school."

Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that that he is not a radical. Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education.

Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta.

Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad a gainst the western world.

Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRI STIAN when seeking major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran.

Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegience nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches. Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.

The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!!

Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading our country?...... NOT ME!!!
<p>Having just watched the replay, Fox is talking with the focus group and their views reflects Thompson as the big winner and Paul as the big loser. Did the focus group watch the same debate I did?</p>

I missed the debate last night. I haven't been watching FOX since they excluded Ron Paul from the NH Forums, so I guess I forgot about it. This morning I saw some stories, so I went to You Tube and watched Ron Paul's answers. He was awesome! This was by far his best appearance in a debate, imo. He was fiery and stuck on topic. He brought everything back to the economy. He said what most everyday people out there already know -- we are in a recession, people are hurting, our quality of life is being diminished. He explained why we're in this situation -- falling dollar. He then offered hope by saying we can turn things around and this is my plan for how to do it.

I was so happy to see him sticking up for himself. Carl Cameron is an ASS! I can't believe he asked Dr. Paul about the "Truthers" yet again and if he believed he was a viable candidate! Good for Dr. Paul for saying I don't support what the Truthers say, how about focusing on what <u>my</u> position is instead of some small group out there that I have no control over. I was also glad that he then went on to answer the question that had been posed to the other candidates. He also did a good job defending his right to be in this election. I think it just made FOX look even more biased. (as if they need any more egg on their faces) They must be really afraid of Ron Paul and his message -- otherwise why not invite him, let him answer the questions, and otherwise not pay much attention to him. Even McCain was on the attack, but I thought he looked really stupid for mischaracterizing what Ron Paul said. Again, I was proud of Ron Paul for sticking up for himself. He made good points. All of these guys that we're having problems with now, we put in power.

Great job Ron Paul! I only hope people will see through the media bias and listen to the truth.
I'm glad Paul is getting some chance to be heard and challenge the Republican party orthodoxy. What I don't understand is why none of the Republican candidates are supporting the "sensible warmonger" strategy of leaving Iraq so we can focus on Afghanistan. If you *have* to fight a war, why not fight the important and useful one? Paul, as I understand it, is pushing the "reasonable peacemonger" strategy that you don't need a indefinite war of occupation to stop 19 guys with X-acto knives.
<p><em>-- CNN projects Sen. Hillary Clinton will win the Nevada Democratic caucuses</em></p>

<p>Romney on the flip side.

Not a big surprise for Romney, Nevada has the largest Mormon population outside of Utah. Nevada was pretty much conceded by the others once he showed strong in NH. What is surprising is that McCain and Paul are both tied as of now.
Interesting, I thought California had the largest Mormon population outside of Utah.

What is also interesting is Hillary & Obama's close race, and Giuliani seems to have dropped off the face of the earth.

<a href=""></a>
I notice Paul actually BEAT McCain in NV, and both were far behind Romney, but the only headlines on Romney, McCain or Paul are "McCain takes first" and "McCain wins but support shallow". (referring to SC). Ah, unbiased reporting. If *I* were writing the headlines they'd be:

Romney wins in Nevada

McCain beats back Huckabee in South Carolina

Maverick Paul takes second in Nevada

which were the 3 newsworthy results yesterday IMO
FairEconomist, thanks for sharing your insights. I also noticed when browsing around yahoo's election info, is it just me or am I correct in saying that the democrats all have great smiling pictures, and the republicans all have bad non-smiling pictures? McCain looks like he's smug or grunting, Huckabee looks he's ready to blow a head gasket, and Romney looks like he's surprised by something. Wheres the unbiased media??

<a href=""></a>
Mr. 911 is counting on the big states only starting with FL. I guess neglecting half the country will backfire on a presidential election. Since the economy is becoming the #1 issue all his fear-mongering won't win him an election anymore. I guess he'll need to get himself another mistress to keep busy.