My full name is Maxine but my friends like to call me Max. From the prospective of a professional woman who makes good money, there doesn’t seem to have any benefits of jumping into marriage, prenup or not. Monetary wise, if my potential significant half makes the same amount of money, then it will be an instant decrease of available money since Uncle SAM is getting to your wallet through marriage penalty. Also, according to statistics, even for a couple who both work, the wife still performs more housework and more chores so what are the fringe benefits? If a baby comes along, then the woman, now a wife and the mom, becomes also the primary care taker for the kids. She has to constantly juggle between family and her career. Either she will be exceedingly overloaded/overstressed or she has chosen (or really forced by circumstances) to quit her work. Some years later, her husband finds a younger version or due to some irreconcilable differences files for divorce. After leaving the professional field for so many years, now she can’t find a descent job. This is a bad deal due for women. So when man makes good money is thinking of a pernup, more and more women making good money are thinking; marriage, better not.