PANDA's intention.

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Two days ago I had some very elementary financial and loan questions. As a long time poster here I should be ridiculed if I had asked the question in the forum when a senior members like myself who should know most of the answers by now. I am also trying to keep some of my personal financial matter discreet. The truth is that I do not know everything and I have not learned the valuable lessons that Irvine Renter posted daily for 2 years. I could not find a method to disguise my identity and yet being able to post the questions related to finances. I then PM Irvine Renter for his insight. Fortunately, I am one of members that is on Irvine Renters good standing list. He answered my questions with good explanations.

PANDA perhaps is in financial hardship when he is selling his home in Chicago and there may not even be a buyer. Chicago in addition to bad weather climate its financial climate is just as harsh. He may be concerned with his house and felt embarrassed if he post his question on the board to ask simple questions when he has been showing up for IHB class everyday and could not come up with his own answer. He was obviously seeking advice from the smart financial members here. His creation of a new name was not an attempt to cause any harm but just to shield the embarrassment of not knowing the answer and disclosing his financial state. He should know better that we can identify him just from his fart. This community is too tight and any loose nut we can spot it easily. He meant no harm and we should let him know that it is ok to seek advice from your friends here. Consider this lesson a valuable one for trusting your peers.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1235111387]The truth is that I do not know everything</blockquote>

what? pleases say it isn't so
Have you seen that show on HBO, The United States of Tara?

(For those of you out of the loop, Tara has Multiple Personality Disorder).

I dated a girl who had that problem when I was a Freshman in College. She couldn't get it under control, wouldn't recognize it was causing a problem, and I couldn't handle it and left her. In retrospect, it was super tough on me emotionally to get yanked around like that. I felt bad for a long time, but now I realize that even though she didn't mean it, she was abusing on me.

Everytime I see a post from Panda I get a feeling of deja vu about Audrey. And I'm sincerely concerned about Panda.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1235114436]Have you seen that show on HBO, The United States of Tara?

I dated a girl who had that problem when I was a Freshman in College. She couldn't get it under control, wouldn't recognize it was causing a problem, and I couldn't handle it and left her. In retrospect, it was super tough on me emotionally to get yanked around like that. I felt bad for a long time, but now I realize that even though she didn't mean it, she was abusing on me.

Everytime I see a post from Panda I get a feeling of deja vu about Audrey. And I'm sincerely concerned about Panda.</blockquote>

Were you and Audrey having Breakfast at Tiffany? PANDA is just super friendly and zealous.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1235114710]Were you and Audrey having Breakfast at Tiffany? PANDA is just super friendly and zealous.</blockquote>

I know you're making light of it, but paid a big price for dating Ms. Mental Illness 1989. In 1991 I got an upgrade to first runner up, but recognized the problem ten days into it and booked it.

And I'll make a collage later of why I think Panda is in trouble.
So then how do all the personal questions he asked of many IHBers fit in?

Not only that, he only got found out because the QHSurfer posts didn't make sense when all put together. Also, people who really want help and information will come back and answer questions and concerns made by folks who do respond.
I think there are probably numerous reasons to be worried about Panda. I believe no_vas when he says he is sincerely worried (who would of thought). I don't think we're dealing with a vindictive or otherwise evil person, that wouldn't make any sense at all. I just hope that no one is taking any of this so seriously that anything bad could actually happen in real life or in this little blog world that really should only be fun and informative.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1235114436]Have you seen that show on HBO, The United States of Tara?

(For those of you out of the loop, Tara has Multiple Personality Disorder).

I dated a girl who had that problem when I was a Freshman in College. She couldn't get it under control, wouldn't recognize it was causing a problem, and I couldn't handle it and left her. In retrospect, it was super tough on me emotionally to get yanked around like that. I felt bad for a long time, but now I realize that even though she didn't mean it, she was abusing on me.


Been there, done that, went to visit multiple times. I finally just ended up writing a letter for all the personalities. I could not accept love from one person and then not another person. Even part time.... I felt like a douchebag for years after that. Thankfully the dominant personality I met (the one who i fell in love with) won out many years ago and she understood.....

But I had to say it was not a pleasant experience and i would never inflict it on anybody. I just happened to move on to cheating GF's after that. Happily moving on was an easy process.

I'd rather read a few noob questions from old-timers than read endless improper attempts to pry personal information from forum members, especially given that a ruse is being used to elicit the information. If you want to change names, start over, or just retire a persona, no problem... start from scratch and try not to make the same mistakes. But to set up multiple accounts to mine information and opinions? I'm not buying into that crap, sorry.
[quote author="Oscar" date=1235117958]I'd rather read a few noob questions from old-timers than read endless improper attempts to pry personal information from forum members, especially given that a ruse is being used to elicit the information. If you want to change names, start over, or just retire a persona, no problem... start from scratch and try not to make the same mistakes. But to set up multiple accounts to mine information and opinions? I'm not buying into that crap, sorry.</blockquote>

I may be naive, but for what purpose, Oscar?
[quote author="tmare" date=1235118144]I may be naive, but for what purpose, Oscar?</blockquote>
I quit trying to understand why people do the things they do, I just follow my instincts and avoid those who exhibit abberant behavior. Since most of the people on these forums are adults, it provides a target rich environment for people who like to troll and bait. You'll have to ask Panda if you want specific answers about his motives.
I don't mind polls asking personal info. Nobody is required to answer them and I'm as curious as anyone about their results. The only time it bothered me is when he did one under the name "bkshoper" before he changed it to "NotBkshoper". I know some people answered that poll falsely assuming he was the real BK. You just have to remember this is the internet where anything can happen. Don't let it be a substitute for your real life... Invest in everything. Attach to nothing.
If he wanted to ask questions do so. Do NOT make up names and expect to be taken seriously.... If he has finance issues, just deal with them. At least I do understand his feelings and why he would want to be anon., just own up to it. You certainly aren't the first and you certainly aren't out of the ordinary nowadays....

Some people here will criticize him, some will sympathize, i prefer to walk both paths and say, if you want guideance, ask for it.

Anyways just my two plug cents....

Panda is interested in making some friends. He does have sincerity but stepped over boundary of comfort zone for many members. We have to understand his surrounding in Chicago. He and his wife are both religious people and his social circle encompasses a perhaps a closely knitted group of Christian fellowship brothers and sisters. Especially in a Korean community getting to know one another is important. Evangelism and being outgoing is their attitude.

He can?t treat IHB members ? way across the country with the same gesture he is accustomed to. We may feel our personal space is being violated here at IHB. His over zealous intention backfires on him. He is just a friendly guy without malice intention. His method is nutty and unconventional. I do see his sincerity when he made time to meet some of you while he visited OC recently.

Being Asian I know the difficulty of facing direct confrontation. Most Asians are passive or passive aggressive. I feel Panda should take this opportunity to address the issues rather than letting everything and himself fade away. My wife taught me many lessons: It is better to resolve it now than later because an untreated cut can turn into a deep wound.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1235120895] Most Asians are passive or passive aggressive. </blockquote>

Some of the "boat people" (Cambodians, Laotians, and Vietnamese) types can be agressive/agressive, but on whole I think this is correct.
[quote author="tmare" date=1235115843]I think there are probably numerous reasons to be worried about Panda. I believe no_vas when he says he is sincerely worried (who would of thought). </blockquote>

I push buttons (hat tip skek) and piss people off (kisses for Winex) and don't suffer fools at all (where is HS_Teacher anyway?) but there is no way this is some multilevel troll. I think the guy has a real problem with gambling even if he's never sat foot in a casino.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1235122154][quote author="bkshopr" date=1235120895] Most Asians are passive or passive aggressive. </blockquote>

Some of the "boat people" (Cambodians, Laotians, and Vietnamese) types can be agressive/agressive, but on whole I think this is correct.</blockquote>

Thanks to other members who taught me how to use adjectives like "some" and "most" to avoiding Principal AZDavid's office.
I will have to agree with BK. Speaking from personal experience, Panda was nice enough to set aside time to meet with my family and I on his recent OC visit. He is a polite and pleasant person.... warm and friendly. I have gotten to know him over the last several months and find that he has good intentions. Sure, he has quirks, but who among us doesn't? You should always keep a little bit of a guard up until you know someone very well personally -- but don't write this guy off... you might be missing out on a good friend. (Panda, I know you are reading this and hope you will not leave the IHB.)