Palin will do anything for attention

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This convo has been going on for five days. I think you guys need a little reprieve. Look, everybody - it's Spider Pig!

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Got it and I will try to defer from doing that in the future.

No Vas though to answer your question here is what you have written about me in the past.

<blockquote>Congrats. You just became the most recent member of the n_v ?ignore? club. You?re either so blinded by idology you ignore facts that are inconvient, or you are a moron.

Certainly I?ll enjoy your silence. </blockquote>

<a href="">Link to the thread above</a>

I don't think I enjoyed your characterization anymore then you enjoyed mine.

BLT to you I appologize.
Looks like our Alaskan Beauty Queen`s 15 minutes of fame are just about over.

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Any of our conservative friends deluded enough to think this resignation is so she can start her campaign for the 2012 Presidental Election ? I will give you 50-1 she never gets the nomination in 2012. Any takers ?

She may have a better shot than this clown.

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It's time to start laying down bets as to why she did this. Sex scandal? Getting ready to be charged with something? The Friday afternoon timing forebodes of something very negative. You don't give up a governorship so abruptly without reason, especially when the initial news this morning which was considered big was only that she wouldn't seek a second term. What is really going on? It will be interesting.
[quote author="tmare" date=1246678213]It's time to start laying down bets as to why she did this. Sex scandal? Getting ready to be charged with something? The Friday afternoon timing forebodes of something very negative. You don't give up a governorship so abruptly without reason, especially when the initial news this morning which was considered big was only that she wouldn't seek a second term. What is really going on? It will be interesting.</blockquote>

I'm betting on a scandal. Fulfilling less than a full term as governor--her only significant political experience-- would be used against her in a 2012 presidential run and, I agree that the timing-- a holiday weekend-- is suspicious. During the election, I heard and read about an affair that she allegedly had that was not picked up by the mainstream media. Since affairs are par for the course for politicians, I think it's something different, unless it's an affair + some other soap opera-esque element. What a great 4th of July this is shaping up to be!!!
I dont think its going to be Sex or an Affair. The woman is just too busy for the old disappearing trick. My bet is its going to be about Money. They are going to get her for some issues with her use of public funds. Second Place is just her stupid E-mails hitting the wire from last fall. But it will spell the end of our Beauty Queens Political life.

I am just breathing a sigh of relief. There was a brief moment back last fall this woman was a heart attack away from becoming President. When McCain was up in the polls for those few weeks. I thought this country had truely lost its mind.
She spun her so-called unconventional resignation as saving tax payer money by not being a lame duck governor. If she was so unconventional, she'd fulfill her term and actually govern to the end. She was only 2.5 years into her 4 year term... and she's playing the lame duck card? This doesn't pass the smell test. Also, her speech just went on and on and on and-- one run-on sentence after another. I hope Tina Fey makes an SNL appearance.
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<legend> Attached files </legend> <a href=""><img src="" class="gc-images" title="crazy palin.jpg" style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
[quote author="Sunshine" date=1246683465]She spun her so-called unconventional resignation as saving tax payer money by not being a lame duck governor. If she was so unconventional, she'd fulfill her term and actually govern to the end. She was only 2.5 years into her 4 year term... and she's playing the lame duck card? This doesn't pass the smell test. Also, her speech just went on and on and on and-- one run-on sentence after another. I hope Tina Fey makes an SNL appearance.</blockquote>

Yeah, I didn't get what the heck she was trying to say. She mentioned that by staying on for another 1.5 yrs, she would be "milking the state" of taxpayers' money? Huh? So all the governors whom served the whole 4 yr term are wasting taxpayers' money? Boy, I learn something new everyday.
She's an opportunist. She realizes she can make more money outside the governorship than inside. While quitting may massively damage future political ambitions, staying on at the helm as Alaska follows oil into the near future abyss would be more so...
[quote author="No_Such_Reality" date=1246751115]She's an opportunist. She realizes she can make more money outside the governorship than inside. While quitting may massively damage future political ambitions, staying on at the helm as Alaska follows oil into the near future abyss would be more so...</blockquote>

I agree - I think she likes the limelight and having to do her job as governor of Alaska (of all places) makes it hard to get attention from the nation. Congratulations Alaska! Oh so sad for us if this means she'll find her way to being in the public eye even more. If this was 1992, I'd guess talk show but in 2009...reality show?
I've tried (really I have) to run this straight and not savage Sarah. I can't. I just can't stand the bullshit anymore.

From this article:

<a href=""></a>

<blockquote>Meg Stapleton, Palin?s Alaska-based spokeswoman, called it ?a fighting move.?


GTFO. A fighting move? I've been accusing the GOP of using the english language as a weapon against thier enemies for a decade, but who are they kidding? Since when is qutting a fighting move?

<blockquote>But even Stapleton acknowledged that the job Palin said she loved during the press conference had become a drag.

?It?s a liberating feeling. ... She can?t get out of there soon enough,? said Stapleton.</blockquote>

Or, as I've contended since she's reached national visibility, she isn't qualified to be mayor for the fair City of Orange, and quit while she could still monetize what fame she had left, and anyway, it's not "fun" anymore.

Looks like governing Alaska was a ton of laughs when oil was $150 a barrel. At $70? Not so much.
Beware of what you post on Facebook.

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[quote author="stepping_up" date=1246831749]It's really got to be about the money, but it's still pathetic that she won't finish out her term.</blockquote>


If she truly had any ambitions of a run for president in 2012 they are gone now if she likes it or not. Most conservatives should be pretty happy about this there is no way she could carry, or be part of a ticket, that could beat Obama in 2012 unless the wheels fell completly off for Obama.

Her immediate future is paved with money she can't grab while fulfilling her responsibilities in Alaska. Maybe that is what she meant by saying she doesn't want to waste taxpayer money.

I have no intention of passing on all these lucrative speaking and book deals, so I won't be able to fulfill my responsibilities as governer.
Here's an interesting excerpt from <a href="">this Huffington Post blog post</a>:

<em>"It was an almost impossible mission, but in resigning from office with 17 months to go in her first term, Sarah Palin has made herself the bull goose loony of the GOP.

Let's stipulate that if there is some heretofore unknown personal, medical or family crisis, this was the right move. But Gov. Palin didn't say anything like that. Her statement was incoherent, bizarre and juvenile. The text, as posted on Gov. Palin's official website (here), uses 2,549 words and 18 exclamation points. Lincoln freed the slaves with 719 words and nary an exclamation; Mr. Jefferson declared our independence in 1,322 words and, again, no exclamation points. Nixon resigned the presidency in 1,796 words -- still no exclamation points. Gov. Palin capitalized words at random - whole words, like "TO," "HELP," and "AND," and the first letter of "Troops." </em>

I just don't understand how this woman has a following. You couldn't pay me to attend one of her speaking engagements or read her to-be-penned book.

Google "Palin Housegate" to read about a scandalous rumor involving our favorite Pentecostal.