Palin will do anything for attention

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*raises hand*

I like Sarah Palin. I'd buy her book.

I don't know why she resigned yet so I don't know how I feel about that yet, but in general I like her.

I'd trade her for Obama and his Stimulus Bill, Cap-n-Trade, health care plan, etc any day of the week.

There's is a visciousness people on the left have for her that makes me like her even more than I otherwise would.
[quote author="4walls4me" date=1246864993]*raises hand*

I like Sarah Palin. I'd buy her book.

I don't know why she resigned yet so I don't know how I feel about that yet, but in general I like her.

I'd trade her for Obama and his Stimulus Bill, Cap-n-Trade, health care plan, etc any day of the week.

There's is a visciousness people on the left have for her that makes me like her even more than I otherwise would.</blockquote>


This is the Luddite, Flat Earther I was speaking of. If you were offeneded by my earlier comments and disagree with the above poster, I apologize to you as well.

The facts are self evident:

- the stimilus wasn't big enough (although disttasteful),

- global warming is a reality (I'm in the automotive business, GW is warming is bad for me),

- I can't retain insurance for my wife at any cost outside of her working (preexisting conditions) so they are already rationing health care and making a private profit on it (what's the difference?),

- ect? What? Gay people getting married isn't going to interfere with my marriage to my wife one bit.
The Flat Earth is alive and well.

Defending Sarah Palin ?

We need more Maverick`s. You Betcha.

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1246884123][quote author="4walls4me" date=1246864993]*raises hand*

I like Sarah Palin. I'd buy her book.

I don't know why she resigned yet so I don't know how I feel about that yet, but in general I like her.

I'd trade her for Obama and his Stimulus Bill, Cap-n-Trade, health care plan, etc any day of the week.

There's is a visciousness people on the left have for her that makes me like her even more than I otherwise would.</blockquote>


This is the Luddite, Flat Earther I was speaking of. If you were offeneded by my earlier comments and disagree with the above poster, I apologize to you as well.

The facts are self evident:

- the stimilus wasn't big enough (although disttasteful),

- global warming is a reality (I'm in the automotive business, GW is warming is bad for me),

- I can't retain insurance for my wife at any cost outside of her working (preexisting conditions) so they are already rationing health care and making a private profit on it (what's the difference?),

- ect? What? Gay people getting married isn't going to interfere with my marriage to my wife one bit.</blockquote>

I don't know that the statements are proof of being a flat earther.

I will make myself perfeclty clear. Of the candidates on the ballon for POTUS and VP this last election we had two candates with Vast experience, Biden and McCain, and two candidates with Very little experience, Obama and Palin.

To be honest I would have prefered McCain over Obama sheerly because of his experience. I may have chosen Biden over McCain depending on his platform. Heck I think Hillary was more prepared for office then Obama.

I don't think that the POTUS is a learn as you go about how DC works. That is what both Obama and Palin would have been forced to do.

-The stimulus was a joke, the administration said they misjudged the severity of the situation but don't worry we have barely started spending money. When we do it will help. If not let's throw more money at it. They are trying to create a false bottom.

Global warming is a reality- I don't disagree. What I disagree with is the hypocracy of the American politicians and people when it comes to global warming and polution. It is clearly a NIMBY policy. We will import junk from China that burns dirty coal and grossly polutes and add's to Global Warming but we want to cut emissions here. If the entire rest of the world were green but China we would still have huge problems. Same with Oil, we won't drill in certain area's because it is bad for the environment but we will buy it from countries that could care less about the environmental impact of their drilling. Why not have environmental import credits. If a country like China doesn't have to follow the same epa standards as the US in production of a product we tax the product coming in.

I am sorry you can't retain insurance for your wife. My concern with government health care is so far in my life I have not seen many programs the government runs work effectively. I couldn't imagine a DMV type wait to get a physical. What happens when an illegal crosses the boarder for healthcare? In Canada people with money that don't feel like waiting 6 months for a non life threatening procedure can go to private clinics and pay cash.

Show me a universal healtcare package that works so well that if you are in pain and need a procedure you can get it as quickly as you can today. My son needed non life threatening surgery and in 2 weeks he had it. I spoke to a friend that actually lives in Canada and he said that could have taken months. A parent with money would usually just pay.

I am not a big proponent of doing something just to do it. I research my options and tread carefully. Do I think our healthcare system is broken, sure I do, but before I jump in and decide to change it I would like to see the actual PLAN with research around it that shows that the likely hood or probablility it works is pretty high. Like in the 90 precentile.

You play poker. Good poker players play the probability not the possibility. Right now I am seeing possibilities with very low probabilities. Sure there is a possibility that I hit the inside straight draw on the river but the probability is 17%. Do I go all in when I know my oponent has 2 pair and has the same probability of hitting a boat, or if I neither of us hits I lose. No.

I am tired of hearing about what is possible I want to know what is probable.
[quote author="trrenter" date=1246919161]Of the candidates on the ballon for POTUS and VP this last election we had two candates with Vast experience, Biden and McCain, and two candidates with Very little experience, Obama and Palin.</blockquote>

What you write about about Obama is not true. This is an urban legend fomented by Corsi in his debunked book "The Obama Nation" and propogated by right wing media like the Weekly Standard and American Spectator. But don't take my word for it.

<a href=""></a>

<blockquote><strong>Unfit for Publication: Corsi's The Obama Nation filled with falsehoods</strong>

August 04, 2008 3:22 pm ET

SUMMARY: In its preface, Jerome Corsi compares his new book, The Obama Nation, to his 2004 book Unfit for Command. The comparison seems apt: Just as Unfit for Command contains false attacks on Sen. John Kerry's military service, a <em>Media Matters review finds that The Obama Nation similarly contains numerous falsehoods about Sen. Barack Obama</em></blockquote>

Or here:

<a href=""></a>

<blockquote>SUMMARY: Though often described as an upstart or newcomer, Barack Obama has a solid resume in public service work ? <em>20 years' worth, in fact</em>.</blockquote>

What you write about Palin is true. As I stated before, Sarah Palin is not qualified to be the Mayor of the city of Anaheim, much less POTUS - and events have shown she doesn't have the stomach for it either. I digress.

<blockquote>You play poker. Good poker players play the probability not the possibility.</blockquote>

Good players recognize the probability (odds, pot odds, ect) and really good players recognize the possibility that somebody isn't going to throw away their hand and will pay you off no matter how obscene the price (reverse implied odds) if you draw out on them. Interestingly, most of my friends who play who are Republicans have a hard time with the concept of reverse implied odds.

It is often correct to peal one off getting the wrong price if they guy you are playing can?t toss his hand. Also, this is usually the sort of player you DON?T want to run a stone bluff against, because he/she will look you up with the most marginal of bluff-catching hands.
<blockquote>SUMMARY: Though often described as an upstart or newcomer, Barack Obama has a solid resume in public service work ? 20 years? worth, in fact.</blockquote>

When I consider experience for POTUS I look at what I consider a "High Level" elected government potition. For me that would include Senators, Congressmen, Governers, Former VP's, that is not a complete list.

The second link you provided shows PUBLIC Service work. Not Political experience.

His resume to me reads 8 years State Senator and at the time he started running for POTUS 2+ years as a Junior Senator.

That article gave him future time spent.

<blockquote>If Obama wins election and takes office in January 2009, he will have served four years in the U.S. Senate representing Illinois.</blockquote>

Well heck lets give him another 4 years now. If he fulfills his entire term as POTUS he will have 24 years experience.

This article was so generous they didn't even research the facts. They added time at the end and assumed time spent to barely squeek out the 20 years Obama stated.

<blockquote>It seems a fairly safe bet that, like most legislators, his constituent work ? fielding phone calls and helping people in his district ? went on year-round. Press reports indicate he would do a small amount of private law practice during the summer. So that's eight years as a public official in Illinois, bringing our total to 12 years. </blockquote>

A safe bet to "assume"

Either way I personally don't think that working for a Law firm or running a voter registration drive gives me confidence in the Candidate.

Now that holds true weather that Candidate is a Dem or a Rep.

I could say that Palin being in a beuty contest is a community service too. By the standards in that link I think I could make a good enough argument for them to include it.

I personally will look at the 20 years and say ok this is a candidate that has some good solid background. So prior to the state legistlature Obama spent 8 years working mostly Pro Bono work for underpriveledged people that gives me the idea he is a reputable person.

<blockquote>Interestingly, most of my friends who play who are Republicans have a hard time with the concept of reverse implied odds. </blockquote>

Great but back to possibility and probability. Is it possible that the government can help.... Yes. Now tell me the probability of their solotion actually costing less and being more effective then what is in place now. <strong>I doubt that any one is using reverse implied odds in relation to the Universal Health care that Obama has on the table when accounting for it's success.</strong>

If you can't give me a high probability backed with STONE COLD facts I would prefer to stay with the status quo. It may be broken but the probability that the government can get it better makes me want to stay pat.
Is it possible, just possible, No_Vas, that someone sees some issues differently from you?

I've never insulted you, why attack me?

Isn't it possible to just honestly and respectfully disagree? Why so mean? It's silly. I don't deserve it.

You and I don't disagree on every issue. On some we do disagree. Such is life.
But defending Sarah Palin and her obvious lack of intelligence seems like political suicide.

Even the "Base" is giving her the exit door. Blaming all these inabilities on the "Media" is not going to hold water. Could you see Palin in Russia working on reducing "Nuclear" weapons.

The woman cant even pronounce the word properly.

Maybe she can spend the time making sure her 14 year old doesnt bring any boyfriends over to spend the night.
[quote author="4walls4me" date=1246934376]Is it possible, just possible, No_Vas, that someone sees some issues differently from you?

I've never insulted you, why attack me?

Isn't it possible to just honestly and respectfully disagree? Why so mean? It's silly. I don't deserve it.

You and I don't disagree on every issue. On some we do disagree. Such is life.</blockquote>

You can do like No-Vas and go to the moderators and demand actions.

Unless you are a Luddite, flat earth type that is the name calling that No-Vas took offense too and said is not allowed.
I grew up in small midwest town. Palin just reacted like I've seen many small town pretty popular homecoming queens act like when the world doesn't fall over to do what the want just because they are the popular pretty homecoming queen all the teenage boys are trying to date.

Let her disillusionment begin.
[quote author="4walls4me" date=1246934376]Is it possible, just possible, No_Vas, that someone sees some issues differently from you?</blockquote>


<blockquote>I've never insulted you, why attack me? </blockquote>

I wasn't attacking you. I was attacking your statement, which I believe to be patently false. It was not my intent to make a personal shot at you, although rereading it I can see how you could take it that way.

<blockquote>Isn't it possible to just honestly and respectfully disagree? Why so mean? It's silly. I don't deserve it. </blockquote>

Don't post fluff BS and expect it not to be challenged.

<blockquote>You and I don't disagree on every issue. On some we do disagree. Such is life.</blockquote>

On this issue we are in complete agreement.

[quote author="No_Such_Reality" date=1246964104]I grew up in small midwest town. Palin just reacted like I've seen many small town pretty popular homecoming queens act like when the world doesn't fall over to do what the want just because they are the popular pretty homecoming queen all the teenage boys are trying to date.

Let her disillusionment begin.</blockquote>

I also grew up in a small town (although in California). You've nailed it. Unless you've lived in one, you'll never understand. Nice job.
[quote author="trrenter" date=1246940094][quote author="4walls4me" date=1246934376]Is it possible, just possible, No_Vas, that someone sees some issues differently from you?

I've never insulted you, why attack me?

Isn't it possible to just honestly and respectfully disagree? Why so mean? It's silly. I don't deserve it.

You and I don't disagree on every issue. On some we do disagree. Such is life.</blockquote>

You can do like No-Vas and go to the moderators and demand actions.

Unless you are a Luddite, flat earth type that is the name calling that No-Vas took offense too and said is not allowed.</blockquote>

Report me yourself, Mr. Internet Tough Guy.
<blockquote>Also, you are making a personal attack on me, and I will be demanding action from Zovall as you have violated the TOS.


No Vas' reaction to me making a comment he didn't like.

<blockquote>You guys need to calm down. trrenter, Calling them hypocrites is name calling. Please stop. <strong>Disagreements do not need to lead to characterizations</strong>.</blockquote>

IR's intervention.

<blockquote>trrrenter:This is the Luddite, Flat Earther I was speaking of</blockquote>

No Vas characterization of 4walls. This post was the very first post on the next page of the thread after IR asked us to keep it cool.

<blockquote>Report me yourself, Mr. Internet Tough Guy.


No Vas now calling me names.

Calling someone a Luddite, Flat Earther is an insult. Anytime someone disagrees with a statement you make you make that statement and do not see how offensive it is.

The first time I broke down and characterized you in a manner you didn't like you made a big issue out of it.

No Vas you may want to look back at your posts to see how many times when a person disagrees with you, you characterize them by either directly calling them Ludittes, Flat earthers, sheeple, dillusional, moron or insinuating they are. I guess we can add Mr. Internet Tough Guy now. I was just suggesting someone follow your lead and you call me a name.

I am just saying sometimes it is good to look inward.
Instead of looking inward.

Just "Get a Pair" and move on.

<img src="" alt="" />
[quote author="bltserv" date=1247005744]Instead of looking inward.

Just "Get a Pair" and move on</blockquote>

BLT here is the thing. I have no problem with that. When I did it to No Vas he ran and told and took a moral high ground.

I appologized to you and moved on. It is somewhat one sided that a person can call names and characterize people but when someone returns volley they get upset.

Are you insinuating I am a Eunuch or that I have no B%$#$?

If we want to detriorate into name calling and charcterization and then telling someone to Just "Get a Pair" I can work within those constraints. I just don't think the moderators would appreciate it.
This is the political area of this board. In the process of political discussion adults tend to get a little "personal" when discussing the issues of the day. And as adults we can take it or we can't. If you can't then its time to move on. Whining about and taking other members comments then trying to turn them into personal insults. Come on man. WTF.
BLT I am not disagreeing with you. Sometimes things do get heated and peronal and "I" can take it. Before you decide I am wrong why not read back on this exact thread on page three on the second to the last comment from No Vas. Then follow it to the next page until IR intervened.

When I got a little personal how did No Vas react? Then read forward to these last comments.

If it is wrong when I did it then it is wrong when he did it. I did not see you advising No Vas as you advised me when he demanded an appology.

We can either take it or we can't. My mom used to say "If you can't take it don't dish it out".
[quote author="trrenter" date=1247003692]

I am just saying sometimes it is good to look inward.</blockquote>

Me too.

<img src="" alt="" />

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Every time I think about coming back here, I force myself to read this thread. Rather than discuss the very real impact of California's budget problems, Obama's legislative agenda, or the befuddling responses of the administration to unfolding events in North Korea, Honduras, and Iran... you seem quite happy to attack the (soon-to-be-former) Governor of a small state, one in which none of you reside, like moronic children ringing a doorbell just to hear the chimes.

You're completely stupid if this amuses you in any way. Whether you fancy yourself a "tell-it-like-it-is" asshat, or a defender of the unjustly accused, you are allowing the debate to be framed around the actions of a woman who has absolutely NO POWER to do anything. This kind of behavior not only keeps people from posting, it's exactly the kind of personally abusive tactic that keeps good people from running for office. Grow up.