Orchard Hills Update Website

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Richmond's Windward plan is one of the nicest plans I have ever seen. There were the first couple tracks opened at Crystal Cove four or five years ago. I remember at that time, the windward price was priced at $1.5 million and above with little over 4000 sq ft. many of the windward lots sits high in crystal cove and have a ocean view.
I wonder if all the other builders backing out will change the # of homes per acre, they've changed it once.. I guess they could change it again in order to entice builders to get back into OH and lower their price demographics..
I was at Peet's Coffee in Orchard Hills retail center, while driving back towards the toll road, the Apartment homes signs have plastered "NOW OPEN" on them. The parking lot of the leasing center looked busy.
<p>where would be the first neighborhood in Orchard Hills next year? Is that Tustin School District? or Irvine School District? </p>
No, but I believe that there will be a golf course at Santiago Trails (or whatever it is to be called) on the back side of Irvine Lake. Check the map <a href="http://www.eastoforange.com">here</a>.
Orchard Hills is being built on (or below) that 1965 plane crash, that killed 83. What does that do to their Feng-shui? If you don't know what I'm talking about, this is the <a href="http://www.ocweekly.com/news/news/memorial-daze/18840/">only article</a> I can find online about it. If you'reold enough, and from around here, it's something you can't forget about.
Great article. Thanks for the link.

If one lived in OH, today would be a bad day for cocktails on the patio, what with the fire and all. Apparently the State is redrawing their hazardous area fire maps this year. OH isn't on them because they are governed by local jurisdiction, but the area right behind it is proposed to be listed as "High" and "Very High" for fire hazard severity.

<a href="http://frap.cdf.ca.gov/data/frapgismaps/accept.asp">

Here</a> is the link. Scroll down for "Orange." I find the pdf version easier to read and zoom in on.

I wonder what homeowner's insurance costs will be up there?
monekoko wrote...


where would be the first neighborhood in Orchard Hills next year? Is that Tustin School District? or Irvine School District?</i><p>

<a href="http://orchardhillsupdate.com/Construction/Constructionupdates.asp">Orchard Hills Update</a>


Looks like the first neighborhood will be on the Tustin side... see the map. #1 seems like least desireable location... #5 Landscaping and park construction is underway in the first neighborhood community..


The apartment homes have already opened so the update is a bit outdated...
I was on the 241 tollroad yesterday going to Corona to visit a client and noticed, streetlights are up in Orchard hills. On the way back, I sloowed down a bit and noticed paved streets with nice street lights on the tustin side of OH. I guess there still gearing up for the eventual "rebound".
Most projects will be postponed until the demand is up again. For those who would like to buy a brand new home are out of luck. New designs will most likely be unveiled 2010. In the meantime older designs are still available.
<p>Yes, new floor plans with better functional efficiency just like your cell phone and Ipod. Slimmer, smarter, and store more.</p>
<p>Somewhat off-topic:</p>


<p>I am a huge fan of interior courtyards, since it gives you outdoor space without the privacy issues.</p>

<p>Obviously, the total footprint would need to accomodate this area.</p>

<p>Do you see this as a growing trend, or do you think the lot sizes will limit it's growth going forward?</p>