Orchard Hills Homes

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
If I recall, Mulberry had to get an exemption from the City to do such short setbacks... so either Strada is not doing Cali garages or ps9 missed a council meeting agenda item during his last google-fu tournament.

Meggie's pics do look Mulberry-like although I thought Mulberry's garages were set back a bit more.
I find it weird that Settlers Park, which is a community park, is located within the gated entry.  If everyone is entitled to go to the community park it kinda take away the whole gated premium.
Meggie said:
I find it weird that Settlers Park, which is a community park, is located within the gated entry.  If everyone is entitled to go to the community park it kinda take away the whole gated premium.

With a few select exemptions, Irvine requires even gated communities to have open pedestrian access. So, unless the gated portion of OH has some special exemption, I would expect that all facilities are open to even those who live in the non-gated portion of the community.
skiwhistler said:
Meggie said:
I find it weird that Settlers Park, which is a community park, is located within the gated entry.  If everyone is entitled to go to the community park it kinda take away the whole gated premium.
The park entry is before the gates.https://www.google.com/maps/preview/@33.7387872,-117.7581887,390m/data=!3m1!1e3

Yes, Settlers Park has is freely open to the public without the hindrance of gates. I've been using the park with my kids for years now.
ps9 said:
Crap, Strada looks like Mulberry

Actually, with the garage on one side and front door on other, it kind of resemble Mendocino 2X models.  It also remind me of Laurel model but with corner lot and side entrance. 
Some of these IP homes will be built by The New Home Company according OC Business Journal.

New Home Co. Gears Up for Busy Year of Building:
"The Aliso Viejo-based builder?developer
of the Lambert Ranch community in
Irvine?last month signed a deal with Newport
Beach-based Irvine Company to build
814 homes at five projects in Irvine.
The homes will be built under a fee contract
with Irvine Co.?s in-house builder,
Irvine Pacific. Construction for the first
homes was expected to begin in late December,
according to a Dec. 18 regulatory filing.
At least four of the five projects where
New Home Co. will act as a fee builder are
part of Irvine Co.?s forthcoming Orchard
Hills development, according to city documents"
http://thenewhomecompany.com/sites/...ompany Gears Up for Busy Year of Building.pdf

Just like Mendocino which was also built by TNHC, I wonder if there's a different in quality of the build.
That's all she has?  Maybe she should just move to Tustin Fields.
By looking at those pictures, are those 5 IPac homes all motor court homes?  Even 2,680 sqft Strada too?  I hope they're not.  :(