hello said:
Laguna21 said:
Are you aware of how much places rent for in SF? An 800 square foot, 1 bedroom condo can rent for up to $4,000 a month.
Although a few places in SF can rent for that much, almost all of them will not. The biggest problem here is not that your rent price is inflated for almost all of SF, but rather that you are looking at this only from one angle. Sure you can find a 800 sq ft place that rent for 4k, but what does this 800sq ft place cost to buy??? Why would you only consider what a place rents for without consider what it costs to own???
Laguna21 said:
If you have enough money to put down, and already have other properties with equity, and are holding in the long-term, it could be a great investment for the long-term.
it doesnt matter whether you have the money to put down and whether you have equity in other properties... a bad investment is a bad investment. These things are a non-factor unless you can cash flow with a long term buy and hold. You should know that cash flow is rule #1 when considering long term buy and holds.
Laguna21 said:
Without getting into my portfolio, I have had great luck with real estate investments and rentals so far, & have gained a significant amount of equity in the last 5 years as well. But in it for the long-haul.
Great on you, but EVERYONE who bought 5 years ago is making money. You are a classic case of getting it right for the wrong reasons. People like you are dangerous to others because you give advice based on dumb luck and expect people to have same outcomes as you for the wrong reasons.
Laguna21 said:
What do you suggest then if someone isn't to invest in a Place in SF then? Since you seem to have it all figured out.
I never said I had it all figured out, nor did I say I had suggestions. I just simply felt to need to call out a BS'er when I see it. You said yourself that you "cannot go wrong investing long term in a place like SF". Im sorry that is BS and if you dont realize it, then you really shouldnt be giving out advice. Im not trying to be mean, but you could be costing someone a large sum of money with bad advice like you gave.
The only suggestion I would have for someone interested in long term buy and hold is make sure you cash flow and dont underestimate costs to own.
@hello: When you purchase a home/condo or anything it will ALWAYS be cash flow negative out of the gate.
In most scenarios when investing, you will NEVER find a situation, unless you are a contractor and can fix up a place for dirt cheap, & turn around and flip it - that will be cash flow positive.
My investment in SF was NOT dumb luck. That is the most uninformed statement I have ever heard. The real estate market in SF has always been the rise, and rents are sky high in SF, always have been, especially in recent years. It is also NOT out of the realm for an 800 square ft 1 bedroom place in SF to rent for $4,000 a month. Anyone who has read anything about rents in the city knows very well how sky high they are. It's common knowledge. There are also NUMEROUS other factors that I won't get into that would take up an entire thread on why SF rents, prices will always remain on the rise.
The entire point of investing in real estate is that you will gain equity out of it in the future, so you can turn around and re-invest via 1031 exchanges into larger properties. Of course, there are no guarantees, but I've seen a LOT of success with family, friends, and their friends with real estate. A lot of people were able to support themselves, and be financially free in doing so.
I also speak from experience, generations of my family invested in real estate, came from nothing, and saved up a lot of coin - they were not house flippers, contractors. They literally invested in homes, apartments, and duplexes/triplexes and rented them out for a LIVING.
At any rate, on another note: I think you are an extremely toxic, caustic, and negative person, and contribute ZERO value to this forum. I don't know what situation you came from, but I can surmise that you probably had poor luck with your own investments, and are bitter about it.
If you are SO well versed in the world of real estate, investments etc. Why don't you provide some insight instead of bashing everyone's post, saying prices of homes in Irvine are too high and so forth. Quit the negativity, it's getting REALLY old.
All one has to do is look at your posts historically. It's entertaining to say the least.