Irvine's 5th High School

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jmoney74 said:
Also, pp kids are going to an isud k-8 school and then to Svusd?  To someone's  point that wouldn't make any sense.

No...I meant that it makes no sense for the kids to be zoned into one district for K-8 and another for high school.  My point was that IUSD already put in K-8 education structures for CV, SG and PS.  PP kids are going to school in IUSD with future plans to open a K-8 structure.  I'm not sure how IUSD would have kids from SG, CV, and PS go to SVUSD elementary and middle schools when the structures are already in those communities.  I am also pretty sure that the money that were paid to build those structures are being paid back by mello roos in those community, I am not even sure IUSD can give those areas up unless they give away the structures too.

About half of GP is already zoned into SVUSD so it makes sense for SVUSD to take over the building of the HS and K-8 structure.  You can always allow the kids who are in IUSD schools from PP to stay there but start new kids from the GP at SVUSD if that's the route you're going to take.

Also, there is going to be about 700 units in PP with maybe 100+ existing units.  Stonegate probably has 2000+ existing units and CV probably has about 1000+ with total combined build-out of 6500.  So logistically it's much easier to offend a few hundred parents then several thousand. 

Again, this is not a matter of my preference.  It is matter of what is logistically reasonable.  Most of GP has not been built out and IUSD has not made (other than the studies for the 5th high school) a significant investment into GP.  Thus, it makes most logistical and financial sense to let GP students go to to SVUSD if that's the route that IUSD wants to take. 
notTHEoc said:
Irvinecommuter said:
notTHEOC...again, the issue is not if, it's when.  Without GP/PP, the timeline can be pushed back to 2017 or maybe 2018.  This gives IUSD more time to deal with the 5th HS. 

Additionally, they would not have to build the schools in GP.  They can locate the high school elsewhere.  The IUSD board chair expressed concerns that they have go through a similar process each time that they have to put a school in GP and that it may not be worth the headache. 

Finally, the IUSD article mentioned that they are going to talk to TIC about obtaining land to build the 5th HS.  That discussion will likely go more smoothly if the argument is that the HS will mostly serve TIC properties.
ok. I think I understand your points about timing, etc. but don't view it to be nearly as critical as you might view it. Still all seems very much like posturing to me because the potential scenario you outline doesn't seem very plausible or beneficial to iusd (imo). If it was such a great/logical idea, why are we just hearing about it now when the issue has been known for ~10 years regardless of GP?

I presume it's posturing but it was interesting that the IUSD member raised the possibility.  There are only 4 members on the IUSD board and two of them seem to be warm to the idea. 

They have been planning the 5th high school for awhile but IUSD only reached an agreement with 5P regarding site A last February.  Then Agran threw in the monkey wrench with site B...I presume that there was a lot of negative feedback from parents about site A so the board is reluctant.     

I don't think the timing issue is super critical but it does put IUSD in a time crunch.  There is a lot that needs to be done to open a new HS and every day there is no decision, it makes the situation more and more pressing.  My sense is that TIC is in the background pushing for PP/GP to be moved to SVUSD and is ready to provide IUSD with land for a HS. 
It seems reasonable to push all the SG kids over as well.. since all of the Orchard Hills kids will be getting into Northpark and are closer in proximity. 
jmoney74 said:
It seems reasonable to push all the SG kids over as well.. since all of the Orchard Hills kids will be getting into Northpark and are closer in proximity.

Okay...none of my discussions points about proximity.  IUSD is going to open up another HS, it's just a matter of where and when.
I heard they are going to rezone SG homes to the same school district as the homes by the airport.  Sg to Century High is only 6 minutes total commute. 
Wow...people are super defensive about PP. 

I didn't make the proposal regarding moving PP/GP to SVUSD.  I am simply analyzing it with the facts on hand. 
bones said:
I don't know what agreements have been signed but if there is one in place between IUSD/city of irvine and 5 points - then it's a lot more complicated than just "let's push GP into svusd" because 2 board members are "warm" to the idea.

I would agree but I would presume there is an escape clause on these things.  Also, I would presume that the members have been briefed about the effects of such a move legally and financially. 
Nah I'm not super defensive about PP.. just that certain people are hung up on SG.  ;) 
jmoney74 said:
Nah I'm not super defensive about PP.. just that certain people are hung up on SG.  ;)

That's the thing's pure preference.  I like SG for a number of reasons that others may not perceive as important but they are to me.  But I have seen quite a few comments about how crappy SG is or how people who buy there are settling. 
Let's assume SVUSD causes property values to drop $50,000/home vs. IUSD.
So Lennar is building 10,000 more homes in the Great Park.
10,000 X $50,000 = $500,000,000 (seems inflated, but we'll go with it)

$500,000,000 X 0.01 property tax = $5,000,000/year
Is Irvine going to give up $5 million per year in property taxes?
True or not, TIC is winning here because it is creating uncertainty on the Great Park projects, even though the possibility of GP being assigned to SVUSD is almost nil. 

But in the worse case scenario, if IUSD has no choice but to give up some area to SVUSD, I think Great Park/5P does not stand a chance against TIC.  That's why you pay premium on TIC projects :)  This news is one way of TIC showing who is the boss in Irvine.  just my 2 cents ..
If they don't build the HS in time.. can they cut my MRs in half?  I would be happy with that.  ;)
bones said:
zubs said:
Let's assume SVUSD causes property values to drop $50,000/home vs. IUSD.
So Lennar is building 10,000 more homes in the Great Park.
10,000 X $50,000 = $500,000,000 (seems inflated, but we'll go with it)

$500,000,000 X 0.01 property tax = $5,000,000/year
Is Irvine going to give up $5 million per year in property taxes?

Depends on who u ask. If you are a biased SG owner then u say. What's $5m to irvine/Donald Bren?  He poops that out after breakfast each day.

If it was up to TIC, $5M a year would be off balanced by the increase in property values in places like OH, SG, CV, WB, and PS.