Ideal location in Irvine (or OC) for single young professional to purchase a 3000 sf house?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
<p>Speaking of assumptions. A friend of mine is one of the most conservative people I know. I just ASSUMED he took out a 30-year fixed mortgage in 2003. Why not - interest rates were the best in years! Well, come to find out he has an interest-only ARM. And he sucked all the equity out of his house for renovations and a car. I think he finally told me so I would shut up with all my rantings about all these people with interest-only mortgages. I just ASSUMED he wasn't one of them.</p>

<p>Oh, well. assumptions, assumptions . . . they always get me in trouble.</p>
there's a saying in baseball: "dont make assumptions!".

because you look like an <strong>ass,</strong>

and the <strong>ump,</strong>

will <strong>shun</strong> you.
<p>You guys are hilarious, to set the record straight:</p>

<p>Kali is a STRAIGHT single young male. Current house in 2000 sf... not enough for a good sized home office, game room, guest room ,decent sized master bedroom and home gym/tv room etc. After much research 3000 sf is the magic # for a single bachelor, anything above that is overkill. I dont plan on purchasing now but when the market settles.. the 800k range was for a housing price which is now 1.2 mil (yes, I pulled the 800k out of the air). Marriage is not an option for at least another 20 years, so this all for me and only for me .. me,me,me,me </p>

<p>I love OC wouldnt want to live anywhere else, as a single bachelor "for life" I want to be relatively close to the pathetic night life we have in OC and I believe the Irvine area (and immediate vicinity) is well located generally speaking.</p>

<p>Suggestions from the post:</p>

<p>Woodbury- I like the area but it is a bit too far, a cab ride can easily run $50 with traffic from the airport (I travel alot).</p>

<p>Move by the beach- I would take a large house and live 15 min from Newport rather than live in a closet by the beach. </p>

<p>Shady Canyon- will look into</p>

<p>Newport Bluffs- will look into</p>

<p>Any feedback on North Park?</p>

<p>Any other suggestions?</p>
If I were in your circumstances, I would be looking near the beach where there will be night life and young people. Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach (although you said you were straight, so maybe not), or the peninsula in Newport Beach. Irvine is going to be boring for a young, single person.

If you think Woodbury is too far from the airport, Northpark is not much closer either. Try look into Turtle Ridge. Turtle Rock, University Park, Westpark and Woodbridge are good distance from the ariprt, there are more green spaces but the houses there are older. On the bright side of buying an older home is that one can remodel it to one's taste and low tax.
<em>"After much research 3000sf is the magic # for a single bachelor"</em>

You never know. Kali may be a big guy who needs a lot of space to be comfortable.

I think a sprawling, single-story of about 6,000 SF would be ideal for me and my family, preferably on an acre lot. Oceanfront would be nice, too. I can pay up to $200K. Can you help me?
<p>kali, </p>

<p>Cab ride is $30 during non rush hours, and takes no more than 20 mins from airport to Woodbury. I do that several times a months. I have never had $50 cab bill unless you use shuttle services like "Advantage shutter". I don't use shuttle services on the way back, since the shuttle can't wait for you inside the airport, so you have to call them after you land, and half of the time I have to wait for 10 to 15 mins before the van shows up. </p>

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Kali, for irvine Quail hill is a good location to airport, Laguna, and Newport. The bar at Flemings and Roys are HOT. But I am sure you frequent there often.
<p>IC, </p>

<p>Have you tried the pineapple martini at Roys? They keep them in a long big glass jar after making them. Sits right at the bar. It is really really good. The bartender told me they put pineapple, vodak, and vanilla in the jar and keep them there for 3 to 4 days, so the vodak is "infused". Somehow, he told me you can't eat the pineapple after the drink is made. </p>

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