[quote author="morekaos" date=1245970632]The comedy continues for the keystone cops in charge in Sacramento. Striking isn?t it how history repeats itself over and over and over? Things ended well last time, and they will again. These articles are soooo similar it is easy to get their dates confused yet they are 17 years apart.
<span style="font-size: 13px;"><strong>California set to issue IOUs as fiscal crisis weighs</strong></span>
<strong><span style="color: red;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:00pm EDT</span></span></strong>
LOS ANGELES/NEW YORK (Reuters) - California's controller said on Wednesday that he would have to issue IOUs in a week if lawmakers can't quickly solve a $24 billion budget deficit, and the state's treasurer plans to tap a reserve fund to meet debt service costs.
The measures came as a budget crisis deepened in the most populous U.S. state and the gridlocked legislature failed to pass a proposed $11 billion in cuts.
And then this?
<strong><span style="font-size: 13px;">CALIFORNIA FORCED TO TURN TO I.O.U.'S</span></strong>
<span style="font-size: 13px;"><strong><span style="color: red;">Thursday, July 2, 1992</span></strong></span>
Its economy racked by recession and its political leadership paralyzed by stalemate, the State of California ran out of cash today and began to pay its bills with I.O.U.'s for the first time since the Great Depression.
State Controller Gray Davis sent out the first 12,000 of the I.O.U.'s after the Democratic-controlled Assembly failed to reach agreement with the Republican Governor, Pete Wilson, on how to erase a $10.7 billion shortfall in the new state budget before the fiscal year began at 12:01 this morning.
C?mon?it?s kindda funny!!</blockquote>
Not sure how well things are going to end this time around though. They stepped into a bigger pile of crap this time. California is going to be the first State with a junk bond rating before the end of the summer.