<p><a href="http://tinyurl.com/38f3u8"><strong>Financial markets still unsettled, Lockhart says</strong></a></p>
<p>By <a href="http://www.marketwatch.com/news/mailto.asp?x=114+110+117+116+116+105+110+103&y=Rex+Nutting&z=marketwatch.com&guid=%7B7930de36-516b-4d1f-8005-3ba8d2596074%7D&siteid=mktw">Rex Nutting</a>, MarketWatch</p>
<p>Last update: 12:47 p.m. EST Jan. 7, 2008</p>
<p><strong>WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The biggest danger to the U.S. economy right now is that financial markets could remain unsettled, said Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart on Monday.</strong></p>
<p> In remarks prepared for delivery in Atlanta, Lockhart delivered a "sober" message about the economic outlook, stressing the uncertainty about the outlook for both growth and inflation. <a class="lk001" target="_blank" href="http://www.frbatlanta.org/news/news_newsrouter.cfm?news_type=SPEECHES">Read the full text.</a></p>
<p>"The negatives in our economy may be gaining momentum," he said. Policymakers must respond "pragmatically."</p>
<p>Lockhart participates in discussions in the Federal Open Market Committee, but is not a voting member this year.</p>
<p> Lockhart said he expects "sluggish" growth in the first half of the year before a gradual improvement. He expects inflation to moderate in 2008, but said his forecast could be too optimistic. </p>
<p>"I'm troubled by the elevated level of inflation," he said.</p>
<p> "To a large extent, my outlook for this year's economic performance hinges on how financial markets deal with their problems," he said. "The coming weeks could be telling." </p>
<p> "The pivotal question -- the central uncertainty -- is the extent of current and future spillover from housing and financial markets to the general economy," Lockhart said. The effect of falling home prices on consumer spending and the impact of distressed credit markets on business investment will be the keys to the economy's performance in 2008, he said. </p>
<p>Lockhart urged financial firms to come to the confessional and disclose their potential losses.</p>
<p> "To restore market confidence, leading financial firms, I believe, must recognize and disclose losses based on unimpeachable valuation calculations, restore capital and liquidity ratios, and urgently execute the strenuous task of updating risk assessments of scores of counterparties," he said. </p>
The imbalances in the housing, mortgage and credit markers may need "much of 2008 to play out," he said. But he was optimistic that markets would adjust.