First sale at Stonegate?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
qwerty said:
i really dont see how any REASONABLE argument can be made as to why/how Stonegate is better than pavillion park. they border each other. one is all SFRs with driveways the other has the ghetto life apartments and a bunch of homes on motorcourts. although im sure irvinecommuter will jump in and try to argue. the same way he said saratoga was better than lambert ranch

Alright, so I got messages from two individuals ( I won't name them ) that are mad about how I said PP is better than Stonegate. 

I'm a troll, keep feeding me!!
That house that tried to up its price for their furniture took itself off the market. Quite high for what you can get new.
qwerty said:
i really dont see how any REASONABLE argument can be made as to why/how Stonegate is better than pavillion park. they border each other. one is all SFRs with driveways the other has the ghetto life apartments and a bunch of homes on motorcourts. although im sure irvinecommuter will jump in and try to argue. the same way he said saratoga was better than lambert ranch

Pretty sure I never said Saratoga was better than Lambert Ranch.  I did say that I thought that Stonegate was better than Portolo Springs. 

I like Stonegate over PP due to location and parks.  PP has a better neighborhood feel when you get close to the houses due to the large lot size but it still feels like a desert.  Hard to compare until they both get built out and the plants grow out.

As for the apartments, I don't even notice they're there. 
qwerty said:
i really dont see how any REASONABLE argument can be made as to why/how Stonegate is better than pavillion park. they border each other. one is all SFRs with driveways the other has the ghetto life apartments and a bunch of homes on motorcourts. although im sure irvinecommuter will jump in and try to argue. the same way he said saratoga was better than lambert ranch

Disclaimer that I don't necessarily think Stonegate is better than Pavilion Park, but here are some arguments that could be influencing an individual buyer to buy in Stonegate:

- Houses are ready for move-in (no need to wait for construction, landscaping, etc.)
- Prices may be higher due to supply / demand (less supply in Stonegate and only one builder)
- Parts of Stonegate are already developed and there is no construction around you.
- Elementary school is already built and very popular
- Closer to stores: Woodbury Town Center is across Irvine Blvd and Orchard Hills center is closer
- The buyer may have friends / family that live in Stonegate
- Mello-roos are lower in Stonegate and not in perpetuity
- Stonegate already has a developed community park
- Stonegate has tennis courts (PP does not)
- A buyer may like the home looks / designs / floorplans in stonegate better
- Stonegate is further from toll roads / landfills / highways than some of the competing products (PS, PP, Stonegate East, Cypress Village)
PS sucks.. big time.  :)  does anyone live there?  Sorry to offend. 
jmoney74 said:
You don't notice the giant apartment buildings?

I do when I drive past it on Irvine Blvd but I generally avoid going that way anyways...usually Sand Canyon or Portola.

Even when I pass them, it's just another building.  I mean it's not like there is a massive view I am missing because of the apartments.
To each their own.  I would just like to pull into my neighborhood and for it to look nice. 
It's hard to really compare until PP has been mostly built out, but my main concern about PP by just looking at the layout (compared to other newer Irvine villages in general) is the lack of pocket parks.  I would hate to live in a community wherein all you see when driving or walking around are houses after houses after houses with no breaks.  At least in Stonategate or Woodbury or even Portola Spring, you can see pocket parks break after a few blocks and they have their community center (PS) or elementary schools (WB, SG) in the middle of the community that would provide the "breaks" from the rows and rows of houses ..  just a personal preference and observation ..